As a project coordinator, I am in an incredible number of video conferences and meetings, maintaining partnerships and collaborations, building new ones, and always keeping an eye on the big picture and on our small team. For example, we have modernized our workflow together as a team and work now with a Kanban board, weeklies, monthlies, strict timeboxing and sometimes more sometimes less fun check-ins and check-outs. Not only has the fun factor increased, since then we have been working in a much more structured, transparent and efficient way.
Furthermore, I am the person behind the Pollux Twitter channel, responsible for the Pollux newsletter, customer monitoring, but also for things like updating the website, print materials, and creating our videos.
In the field of Open Science, I initiated an Open Access workshop for political scientists in cooperation with Furthermore I created an information page for Open Access in political science. More is planned and waiting to be tackled.
After my studies in social anthropology in Göttingen and Berlin, I did my library traineeship at the ZLB-Berlin. After that, I worked for almost 10 years at the University Library of the Humboldt University Berlin, where I was a public relations officer and subject librarian for various subjects (including higher education, cultural studies and media studies).
Berlin with children somehow became too dirty, too loud, too stressful and too expensive (sorry Berlin) and I moved back to Bremen. Well, almost Bremen - very rural, green, quiet and relaxed. There I garden (incredibly meditative) and observe nature, enjoy the silence and the wide view.