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POLLUX Newsletter #1
June 24, 2020
Welcome to the first POLLUX newsletter. The news on our website are history, from now on we will use this newsletter 3-4 times a year to inform you about new content, services and developments, give tips & tricks for our services and give introduction of people involved in running POLLUX and where you can meet us in person (or rather virtually, regarding current pandemic).
We hope you like our newsletter. Feedback is welcome anytime at
Online Survey
Our online survey is available until the 28th of June. Its aim is to get more information on the needs of the political science community and the satisfaction with our services. Every feedback is welcomed!
The survey is available till 28.06.2020. No personal data will be collected. The POLLUX team appreciates your support.
You can find the survey here:
More Content #1: World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online is one of the largest social science literature databases in Europe with a focus on international relations and regional studies (global and regional, foreign and security policy, economic and social developments). The entire database consists of about 900,000 literature references, mostly journal articles and book chapters, grey literature and freely available electronic publications. The data for books and journal articles have been integrated in POLLUX, book chapters will follow.
World Affairs Online is a product of the German Information Network "International Relations and Area Studies" (FIV), an association of ten independent German research institutes.

More Content #2: Country Analytical Digests
Since June, the Country Analytical Digests of the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen has been included in POLLUX. The Country Analytical Digests offer assessments by international scholars and experts on current political, economic, social and cultural developments in East Central Europe and the post-Soviet region.
More information on the Country Analytical Digests can be found here: (German only).
Use Your Secondary Publication Rights – Publish Open Access (SSOAR)
Since January authors have a quick and easy possibility to make an article listed in POLLUX available as a secondary publication (Open Access). We collaborate with the Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR) - a full-text server maintained by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, which increases the long-term visibility of your publication on the web in the best possible way.
The advantages at glance:
- Automatic transfer of metadata for your publications from POLLUX to SSOAR.
- Improved visibility and long-term availability of your publications on the web.
- Support for open access to information in social sciences.
- Easy compliance with funding institutions' mandates for open access through the Green Road
More information at
Open Access
OA Transformation #1
The Open Library for Political Science from the publisher transcript has been realised also for the year 2020. This means that all new transcript political science publications for 2020 are Open Access. It's great that, in addition to POLLUX, so many libraries participate in the funding, which is an important contribution to the Open Access transformation.
You can find more information in the official press release: (German only)

OA Transformation #2
The journal "Totalitarianism and Democracy" (from Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung (HAIT)) is published Open Access with financial support from POLLUX by Vandenhoek and Ruprecht. To ensure a long term free access for all readers, it is important that existing subscriptions are continued ("subscribe to open" model).

OA Transformation #3
POLLUX supports the Open Access transformation of the Palgrave-Macmillan series "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" of CRC 1342.
Following three volumes will be published in 2020:
- Carina Schmitt (Ed.): From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South
- Lutz Leisering (Ed.): A Hundred Years of Social Security in Middle-Income Countries
- Kerstin Martens, Dennis Niemann & Alexandra Kaasch (Eds.): International Organizations in Global Social Policy
An anthology of around 40 articles is planned for 2021, which will tell a short story of socio-political turning points worldwide.
With the financial support of POLLUX, all volumes will be immediately available in Open Access when published.
Tips & Tricks
Alerts are individually configurable lists of new publications, which inform you automatically by email about new research literature and data in POLLUX. In the following, we would like to show you how it works:

If you don't want to wait until the next newsletter to get news from POLLUX, just follow us on Twitter: Here we inform you about the latest news and are happy to get in contact with you.

POLLUX, that's… us!
Who are the persons responsible for POLLUX?
We will use this section to introduce one person from the POLLUX team in each newsletter. We would like to use newsletter #1 to introduce the whole team:
POLLUX consists of the project management: Director of the State and University Library (SuUB) Bremen Maria Elisabeth Müller and Philipp Mayr from GESIS. Core project members are: Tim Schardelmann (project coordinator), Jens Pelzetter und Wolfgang Otto (software development), Ines Rettmer (office), Yvonne Mönkediek (metadata management), Regina Pfeifenberger (public relations, user evaluation and Open Access). In addition, POLLUX receives broad support from SuUB: Benjamin Ahlborn, Martin Blenkle, Claudia Bodem, Elmar Haake, Daniel Opitz.
Our scientific advisory board consists of: PD Dr Martin Beckstein, Prof. Dr Sebastian Botzem, Prof. Dr Paula Diehl, Prof. Dr Manuel Fröhlich, Prof. Dr Manuela Glaab, Prof. Dr Florian Grotz, PD Dr Steffen Kailitz, Dr Friederike Luise Kelle, Prof. Dr Wilhelm Knelangen, Prof. Dr Günther Maihold, Prof. Dr Karl-Heinz Naßmacher, Prof. Dr Markus Tepe, Natalie Tröller, Prof. Dr Christoph Weller, Dr Dieter Wolf.

The photo was taken during the last meeting with the scientific advisory board, not all of the persons mentioned above are shown.
As you can see: there is a lot of (wo)manpower behind POLLUX. We all contribute to the continuous development of POLLUX, closely following the needs of political scientists.
Contributions at conferences and events
7.2.2020: Meeting of the POLLUX Scientific Advisory Board
17./18.2.2020: Annual conference of the working group on university teaching at German Political Science Association (GPSA) in Berlin
2./3.3.2020: Conference for Social and Economic Data (KSWD), Berlin
3.3.2020: FID workshop on user evaluation and public relations, TIB Hannover
14.5.2020: POLLUX webinar
28.5.2020: Specialist session together with the FID Sociology (SocioHub) at #vBIB20 - the virtual conference on library topics
9.6.2020: POLLUX webinar