I have been working for Pollux since 2018 and although my tasks can vary greatly, I am mainly involved in research work. For example, I have worked intensively on the political science blogs so that Pollux could be expanded to include this content. I also keep extensive files up to date, which means I am now very familiar with Excel.
I also support user management by working with Franziska Koch to check whether new users are eligible to receive a Pollux PLUS account. I have also helped with the preparations for one or two conference appearances.
I am currently working on expanding the selection of journals in Pollux.
In my spare time I am learning Japanese, as I have been interested in Japanese culture for a long time and would like to specialize in East Asian politics after graduation. I also enjoy long forest walks with my Hovawart dog, even in winter temperatures.
What I like about my work is that I have become acquainted with an area that I would never have encountered during my studies, but which is nevertheless essential for academic work. I would be very pleased if you continue to use Pollux diligently.
Best regards, Tim-Niklas Wieden