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Open Access#462015

Open access - the rise and fall of a community-driven model of scientific communication


Open Access#472013

Ex Ante Capital Position, Changes in the Different Components of Regulatory Capital and Bank Risk


Open Access#482013

CEEC: au ralenti ; PECO : au ralenti


Open Access#492012

Urban renewal: beware of gender diversity? ; Rénovation urbaine: faire le deuil de la mixité?


Open Access#502008

The risk system in Saint-Martin (Petites Antilles français) ; Le système du risque à Saint-Martin (Petites Antilles françaises)


Open Access#512000

Building a sense of political significance: 'fascism' and anti-fascism in the speech of the Front Populaire ; La construction du sens en politique : "fascisme" et antifascisme dans le discours du Front populaire


Open Access#522021

Single mothers, the end of stigmatisation? ; Mères seules, la fin de la stigmatisation ?


Open Access#532020

Perceptions of climate change in a gender perspective in Jalisco, Mexico, ; Percepciones del cambio climático en perspectiva de género en Jalisco, México


Open Access#542020

Combating plastic pollution in the marine environment State, regulation, mapping and analysis of initiatives ; Lutte contre la pollution plastique en milieu marinEtat des lieux, réglementation, recensement et analyse des initiatives


Open Access#552016

Characterization of wildland-urban interfaces using LiDAR data to estimate the risk of wildfire damage ; Caracterización del interfaz forestal/urbano empleando LiDAR como herramienta para la estimación del riesgo de daños por incendios forestales


Open Access#562015

Risk Measure Inference


Open Access#572014

Which securities for workers in times of crisis ? Which securities for workers in times of crisis ?: Challenges and perspectives


Open Access#582014

Monitoring and Evaluating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Tanzania (Volume 11, Number 9)


Open Access#592012

Remembering Disasters: the Resilience Approach


Open Access#602008

Use of logistic regression techniques to obtain human forest fire risk models at regional level ; Empleo de técnicas de regresión logística para la obtención de modelos de riesgo humano de incendio forestal a escala regional