Open Access BASE2008

The risk system in Saint-Martin (Petites Antilles français) ; Le système du risque à Saint-Martin (Petites Antilles françaises)


The i'i de Saint-Martin is a special area in which the natural risk system and the conditions of territorial/disaster change are studied. The policies observed in the programme are reinforcing its vulnerability and the effectiveness of returning to a country is weakened by political and legal blockages. ; International audience The island of Saint-Martin is an interesting case study for a systemic approach applied to cyclone hazards and the co-evolution of territory and disaster management. The mecanisms which can be observed increase its vulnerability and the progress of hazard management policies is weakened by political and juridical bottlenecks. ; The i'i de Saint-Martin is a special area in which the natural risk system and the conditions of territorial/disaster change are studied. The policies observed in the programme are reinforcing its vulnerability and the effectiveness of returning to a country is weakened by political and legal blockages. ; L'île de Saint-Martin constitue un terrain particulièrement intéressant pour étudier le système du risque naturel et les conditions de la co-évolution territoire/catastrophes. Les mécanismes qui s'y observent renforcent sa vulnérabilité et l'efficacité du retour d'expérience est affaiblie par des blocages d'ordre politique et juridique.

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