
"Praxis an der Uni": Wie Forschendes Lernen in der Soziologie Berufsbezüge herstellt

In: die hochschullehre, Band 6, S. 314-324



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


An unclear occupational orientation is characteristic of sociological training. How research-based learning in sociology nevertheless creates occupational references is the leading question of this article. The authors bring together findings from the literature on research-based learning with studies on sociology as a profession and use findings from an empirical case study to answer the question. They show that three stages of the research process create occupational references: 1) Raising funds, 2) Identification of a research question with novelty value and 3) Communication of research results through scientific articles. The authors argue that these occupational references can only be realized if research-based learning is practiced holistically.

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