Perceived distributive justice and Leader-Member Exchange: an exploration among Dutch and Polish (agency) workers
In: Industrielle Beziehungen: Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 100-123
We compare the distributive justice perceptions of agency workers and permanent staff concerning different aspects of HRM. Moreover, we investigate if the supervisor-subordinate relationship quality (Leader-Member Exchange, LMX) influences the relationship between the contract status and distributive justice perceptions. We conducted semi-structured interviews in three Dutch logistics companies and distributed questionnaires among workers performing low-skilled jobs. Results show that a direct relationship between contract status and distributive justice perceptions remains when testing the mediator effect of LMX. Contract status seems partly to determine perceived LMX and, consequently, perceived distributive justice. However, the differences in perceived justice concerning voice, participation and pay between the worker groups change when individual workers perceive high-quality LMX. Thus, not only between group differences might be relevant, but also within group differences.
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