
Handbook of sustainable innovation

In: Edward Elgar E-Book Archive



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Contents: 1. An Introduction: Mapping the field(s) of sustainable innovation / Frank Boons and Andrew McMeekin -- Part I: Visions of sustainable innovation -- 2. How does innovation sustain 'sustainable innovation'? / Benoît Godin and Gérald Gaglio -- 3. Innovation in the circular and the performance economy / Walter R. Stahel -- Part II: Sustainable innovation at the firm level -- 4. Determinants of eco-innovation at the firm level / Jens Horbach -- 5. Taxonomy and dimensions of eco-innovation from a resource-based perspective / Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla, Christoph P. Kiefer and Pablo del Río -- 6. Strategies and drivers of sustainable business model innovation / Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Stefan Schaltegger and Krzysztof Dembek -- 7. Sustainable innovation in business models: Celebrated but not interrogated / Oksana Mont, Katherine Whalen and Julia Nussholz -- Part III: Governance and policy of sustainable innovation -- 8. Reviewing responsible research and innovation: Lessons for a sustainable innovation research agenda? / Eefje Cuppen, Elisabeth van de Grift and Udo Pesch -- 9. Policy mixes for sustainable innovation: Conceptual considerations and empirical insights / Karoline S. Rogge -- 10. Firms, institutions and politics: The role of corporate political activity in sustainable innovation / Jonatan Pinkse -- Part IV: Sustainable innovation as systems change -- 11. Technological innovation systems: A review of recent findings and suggestions for future research / Anna Bergek -- 12. An institutional perspective on sustainability transitions / Lea Fuenfschilling -- Part V: Users and practices of sustainable innovation -- 13. The role of users in sustainable innovation / Geert Verbong, Bram Verhees and Anna Wieczorek -- 14. Sustainable innovation, consumption and everyday life / Jo Mylan -- Part VI: Sites and domains of sustainable innovation -- 15. Sustainable innovation as a challenge for urban governance / Harald Rohracher and Michael Ornetzeder -- 16. Innovation and ecological impact: The case of automobility / Peter Wells -- Part VII: Research methods for sustainable innovation -- 17. Sustainable innovation research methods / Floortje Alkemade -- 18. Advances in modelling sustainable innovation: From technology bias to system theories and behavioural dynamics / Jonathan Köhler -- 19 the impact of circular economy / Dionne Ewen, Karen Maas and Helen Toxopeus -- 20. Conclusion / Frank Boons and Andrew McMeekin -- Index.

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