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Transgresywność systemów wartości pokoleń we współczesnym kapitalizmie
In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, Volume 5, Issue 344, p. 139-157
ISSN: 2353-7663
Artykuł stanowi próbę rewizji dotychczasowej percepcji kategorii pokolenia, sugerującej periodyzację i identyczność przedziałów czasowych przypisywanych kolejnym generacjom. Zawarta w nim analiza porównawcza została oparta na nowym ujęciu pokolenia, wyznaczanym przez procesy społeczne i psychologiczne determinowane wydarzeniami historycznymi i kontekstem ekonomicznym, stymulujące wspólną tożsamość i świadomość pokoleniową, nie zaś na podstawie zbliżonej daty urodzenia. Szczegółowym przedmiotem analizy są różnice, czy raczej transgresje, charakteryzujące najważniejsze wartości pokoleń rezydujących w obrębie tzw. późnego kapitalizmu, tj. jego obecnego ponowoczesnego etapu.
Язык как фактор этнической идентичности Казахов Монголии в условиях транслингвальности ; Language as a factor of etnic identity of the Kazakhs of Mongolia in translinguality conditions
This article analyzes the issues of the functioning of the language of the Kazakh diaspora of Mongolia in a foreign ethnic environment through the prism of the concepts of translinguality and transculturality. The article is based on the author's field materials collected in the summer of 2018 in Western Mongolia. The results of the study showed that the factors determining the communicative conditions of speech behavior of representatives of the Kazakh diaspora in Mongolia are legislation, the school education system, the language landscape and the psychological climate, which sometimes help, sometimes impede use and preservation of the native language. As a result of theoretical and empirical research, it was revealed that the role of the Kazakh language in the formation of the ethnic identity of the diaspora in the con-text of translinguality remains an important indicator of ethnic self-consciousness. In addition, the native language, fulfilling the communicative needs of the individual and the ethnic community, is the dominant way of the «appearance» and «manifestation» of ethnicity when the ethnic community interacts with representatives of both «alien» and «their» ethnic group. At the same time, the Kazakhs of Mongolia in practice are bilingual and the knowledge of the Mongolian language regularly serves as a means of communication for the Kazakh diaspora in various forms of existence and areas of application, without showing linguistic conflicts. ; W tym artykule podnosi się pytanie funkcjonowania kazachskiego języka wśród kazachskiej diaspory Mongolii. To funkcjonowanie języka w warunkach obcego środowiska po-woduje rozpatrywanie tego pytania przez pryzmat translingwalności i transkulturowości. Artykuł jest napisany na podstawie materiałów autora, zebranych w umowach latem 2018 roku w Zachodniej Mongolii. Wyniki badania pokazały, że czynnikami, które wyznaczają komunikatywne warunki zachowania przedstawicieli kazachskiej diaspory w Mongolii, są w ustawodawstwie, szkolnym systemie edukacji i psychologicznym podejściu, które czasami pomagają, cza-sami przeszkadzają w użyciu i zachowaniu języka ojczystego. Wskutek przeprowadzonych teoretycznych i empirycznych badań ujawniono, że rola kazachskiego języka w kształtowaniu etnicznej identyczności diaspory w warunkach translingwalności pozostaje wyznacznikiem świadomości etnicznej. Poza tym, język ojczysty, zaspakajając komunikatywne potrzeby indywiduum i etnicznej wspólnoty, jest dominującym sposobem ujawniania się tożsamości przy współdziałaniu etnicznej wspólnoty z przedstawicielami jak obcej, tak i własnej etnicznej grupy. W owym czasie, Kazachowie przybyli do Mongolii w praktyce są bilingwalni i wiedza języka mongolskiego sprawnie służy im jako środek komunikacji w różnych sytuacjach i zakresach stosowania, nie ujawniając konfliktów językowych
"Eschewing the tedious terrain of looking for European identity" without avoiding the political
Contribution to the Symposium "Everyday Europe: Social transnationalism in a unsettled continent'
Scotland, Catalonia, Europeanization and the 'Moreno question'
Peer reviewed ; This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Edinburgh University Press in Scottish Affairs. The Version of Record is available online at: In the subsequent sections, the notion of 'dual identity' is reviewed in relation to decentralization in Britain and Spain regarding the Scottish and Catalan cases. A brief account of the use of the so-called 'Moreno question' in Scotland twenty years ago serves the purpose of putting into perspective the merits and limitations of this methodological tool. A second part of this article deals with the process of Europeanization and how the 'Moreno question' may be relevant to improve our knowledge about multiple identities within the European Union. References to sub-sate cosmopolitan localism and the supra-state Europe's social model are aimed at discussing new lines of research. These would focus on identity formation and the conciliation of citizens' attachments to the various institutional layers of governance in Europe.
Greece — Greece: the powers of the toponymy ; Macédoine-Grèce : les pouvoirs de la toponymie
A reflection on the Macedonian-Greek controversy around the so-called 'name dispute'. This research, tracing the origins and delinaments of litigation, sheds light on how toponymy can be transformed into an identity emblem when it is mobilised by political actors for whom the affirmation of belonging requires symbolic marking of spaces. The reconstruction of the dispute also suggests the complexity of the creation of Macedonian identity, which, beyond relations with Greece, also questions the factory of Macedonian society and inter-community relations within it. ; Une réflexion sur la controverse macédono-grecque autour de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la 'querelle du nom'. Cette recherche, retraçant la genèse et les délinéaments du contentieux, éclaire la manière dont la toponymie peut se muer en emblème identitaire lorsqu'elle est mobilisée par des acteurs politiques pour qui l'affirmation de l'appartenance passe par un marquage symbolique des espaces. La reconstitution de la dispute suggère en outre la complexité d'une élaboration identitaire macédonienne qui, par-delà les relations avec la Grèce, interroge également la fabrique de la société macédonienne et les relations intercommunautaires en son sein.
The Problem of the Ancient Name Java and the Role of Satyavarman in Southeast Asian International Relations Around the Turn of the Ninth Century CE
International audience One of the most familiar narratives of ancient Southeast Asian history is the account of how Cambodian king Jayavarman II liberated his country from Javā, and consequently declared himself emperor in the year 802 CE. These events and this year are widely considered to represent thebeginning of the Angkorian " empire". Recent years have seen several new scholarly contributions questioning parts of this narrative. One issue is the very historicity of the narrative elements about Jayavarman II, another topic of debate is the identity of Javā in the narratives related toJayavarman II, and, more generally, in the history of Southeast Asia. After revealing the very weak foundations of certain recent attempts to argue that references to Javā in sources of the Southeast Asian mainland denoted a place on the continent or the Malay peninsula, this paper argues thatthe Khmer inscriptions refer to the island of Java when they use the term Javā. The paper shows, furthermore, that narratives involving Javā do not exclusively concern Jayavarman II, but that a certain Satyavarman is in some sources attributed a role very similar to that of the much more famous king Jayavarman II. It is proposed that this Satyavarman may well have been the king of that name who ruled in southern Campā around 800 CE, and hence that the epigraphical record of Satyavarman in Campā is likely to hold important clues not only for the history of Campā itself, but equally for international political relations between the Khmer, Cam and Javanese polities in the late 8th and early 9th century of our era. ; L'un des récits les plus connus de l'histoire ancienne de l'Asie du Sud-Est est celui racontant comment le roi Jayavarman II libére son pays de Javā et, par voie de conséquence, se proclame lui-même empereur en 802 EC. Ces événements et cette année sont généralement considérés comme représentant le début de «l'empire angkorien » . Des contributions savantes parues ces dernières années ont remis en cause des éléments de ce récit. ...
With regard to the unalterability and inalterability of the human genetic heritage as a good worthy of criminal protection ; A propósito de la inalterabilidad e intangibilidad del patrimonio genético humano como bien digno de protección penal
This study includes a reflection on the offence of genetic manipulation referred to in Article 159 of the Criminal Code, a provision the specific regulation of which raises numerous objections, particularly with regard to the legal interest of a collective nature which it protects, such as genetic identity, and questions whether such conduct in particular would be better suited to administrative legislation. This paper makes a reflection on the crime of genetic manipulation envisaged in Article 159 of the Criminal Code, a provision which is specific regulations relating to many objections, specifically in attendance to the collective legal right that protects, such as genetic identity, Questioning itself if this particular behavior would be find better accommodation in administrative legislation. ; En el presente estudio se efectúa una reflexión sobre el delito de manipulación genética contemplado en el artículo 159 del Código penal, precepto cuya concreta regulación despierta numerosas objeciones, especialmente en atención al bien jurídico de carácter colectivo que protege, como es la identidad genética, cuestionándose si esta conducta en particular encontraría mejor acomodo en la legislación administrativa. This paper makes a reflection on the crime of genetic manipulation contemplated in Article 159 of the Criminal Code, a provision whose specific regulation raises many objections, especially in attention to the collective legal right that protects, such as genetic identity, questioning itself if this particular behavior would find better accommodation in administrative legislation.
The headlines of the political discourse. A case study of aquatic snake headgear during the Tardío Clásico ; Los tocados mayas en el discurso político. Un estudio de caso de los tocados de serpiente acuática durante el Clásico Tardío
RESUMEN This work focuses on the study of large headgear during the Clásico Tardío period (650-900 d.C.) as objects of social identity. To this end, a case study was carried out on aquatic snake headgear, which were visual elements used by a network of allies led by Kanu'l dinasty during the 7th century. In this work, I believe that there are three types of aquatic snake headgear that were linked to the Kanu'l dinasty, as well as one that was linked to the dear of Dos Pilas. At the end of the Clásico Tardío, aquatic snake headgear became local adaptations to a number of highest-profile signs that sought to legitimise their position at the top of the Maya socio-political order. ; RESUMEN Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de los tocados mayas durante el periodo Clásico Tardío (650-900 d.C.) como objetos de identidad social. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio de caso de los tocados de serpiente acuática, los cuales fueron elementos visuales utilizados por una red de aliados encabezada por la dinastía Kanu'l durante el siglo VII. En este trabajo planteo que hay tres tipos de tocados de serpiente acuática que estuvieron relacionados con la dinastía Kanu'l, así como uno más que se vinculó con el señorío de Dos Pilas. A finales del Clásico Tardío los tocados de serpiente acuática se convirtieron en adaptaciones locales en diversos señoríos mayas que buscaban legitimar su posición en lo alto del orden sociopolítico maya.
Eine sozialpsychologische Analyse zur Reduzierung sozialer Diskriminierung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
Migration hat die deutsche Gesellschaft verändert. In jüngster Zeit wird dies auch auf politischer Ebene verstärkt diskutiert. Wenngleich die Integration von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund angestrebt wird, so sind sie dennoch häufig sozialer Diskriminierung ausgesetzt, die einer erfolgreichen Integration entgegensteht. Ausgehend vom sozial-kognitiven Ansatz und dem Ansatz der sozialen Identität gibt der vorliegende Beitrag einen Überblick zum Stand der Forschung bezüglich der Faktoren, die zu sozialer Diskriminierung beitragen bzw. ihr entgegenwirken. Dieser Überblick dient in Folge als Grundlage für die Ableitung von Empfehlungen bezüglich der Gestaltung politischer und gesellschaftlicher Prozesse mit dem Ziel, durch die Reduzierung sozialer Diskriminierung einen Beitrag zur erfolgreichen gesellschaftlichen Integration von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund zu leisten. Die resultierenden Empfehlungen werden abschließend integriert und diskutiert. Die Praxisrelevanz, aber auch die diesbezüglichen Grenzen sozialpsychologischer Forschung werden ebenfalls dargestellt.
Premodern English identity and Roman otreity in Cimbelino de Shakespeare: gender considerations ; Identidad inglesa premoderna y otredad romana en Cimbelino de Shakespeare: consideraciones desde el género
Summary The aim of this work is to characterise Shakespeare's Cimbelino drama based on certain aspects specific to the Roman Roman genus shakesperiano, through which tensions between the premodern English identity and the Roman ethos, taken as an imperialist model by England Kacobina and isabelina, manifest themselves. The analysis of the work is addressed, on the one hand, from a historical and revisionist perspective about pre-modern England and, on the other, from the idiosyncratic scaffolding of Shakespeare's Roman drama. It is concluded that Cimbelino deploys a dialectic ironic between the double levy on Roman, Romani and pietas ethos, placing it as contradictory and damaging to the health of the political and social body. The Shakespeare Rome in Cimbelino represents the opposite of the Roman model conceived by Islamic imperial propaganda in its process of building the national poiesis. ; Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar el drama Cimbelino de Shakespeare con base en ciertos aspectos propios del género histórico romano shakesperiano, a través de los cuales se manifiestan diversas tensiones entre la identidad inglesa premoderna y el ethos romano, tomado como modelo imperialista por la Inglaterra jacobina e isabelina. El análisis de la obra se aborda, por un lado, desde una perspectiva histórico-revisionista acerca de la Inglaterra premoderna, y por otro, desde el andamiaje idiosincrático del drama romano de Shakespeare. Se concluye que Cimbelino despliega una irónica dialéctica entre el doble canon del ethos romano, romanitas y pietas, posicionándolo como contradictorio y perjudicial para la salud del organismo político y social. La Roma de Shakespeare en Cimbelino representa todo lo contrario al modelo romano idealizado por la propaganda imperial isabelina en su proceso de construcción de la poiesis nacional.
Territorial Identity and Grassroots Economic Activism: The Politicization of Farmers' Mobilizations in the French Basque Country
International audience The French Basque Country (FBC) represents an emblematic case of the politicization of local development through grassroots economic activism. These mobilizations are particularly obvious in the agricultural sector. Based on a qualitative research on small farmers' organizations and short food circuits, this article shows that Basque farmers' mobilizations constitute a case of a dual politicization of small-scale farming and territorial identity. This process has gone through two phases: the first period (1970-2000) was characterized by the politicization of local productive systems. Throughout the decade 2000-2010, a new mode of grassroots economic activism emerged, signalled by new alliances between producers and consumers, and by an increasing ideological pluralism. Two case studies illustrate these developments. The first relates to a case of explicit politicization with the controversy around the foundation in 2005 of an alternative Basque Chamber of Agriculture. The second case study is devoted to the development of short food circuits in the FBC, considered here as a case of implicit politicization of the encounter between productive and consumption circuits. Both cases illustrate the politicization of new economic social movements, and the constant overlapping of sectoral and territorial claims in the Basque territory
The Horse-Riding and Target-Shooting Contest for Lay Officials (drung 'khor rtsal rgyugs): Reflections on the Military Identity of the Tibetan Aristocracy at the Beginning of the 20th Century
International audience Based on autobiographical written and oral accounts by Tibetan aristocrats, this article aims to discuss the Horse-Riding and Target-Shooting Contest for Lay Officials (drung 'khor rtsal rgyugs). Its origins, its evolutions during the first half of the 20th century, and its significance help to understand the link between the Tibetan aristocracy and the military domain. Though the Tibetan aristocracy was mainly an administrative elite and can therefore not be described as exercising a "defensive function" during this period, there are elements indicating a privileged relationship with the army. The permanence of this compulsory contest in the 20th century might be explained by its symbolic efficiency in linking the aristocracy to Tibet's military glorious past and to a past probably, more warlike identity. ; Cet article fondé sur des récits autobiographiques oraux et écrits de nobles tibétains étudie la Compétition de tir à cheval des fonctionnaires laïcs (drung 'khor rtsal rgyugs), ses origines, ses évolutions pendant la première moitié du XXe siècle, et son importance pour comprendre la relation entre la noblesse tibétaine et le domaine guerrier. Bien que la noblesse tibétaine fût principalement une élite administrative, ne pouvant donc être décrite comme exerçant une fonction défensive pendant la période étudiée, certains éléments indiquent une relation privilégiée avec l'armée. La permanence de cette compétition obligatoire au XXe siècle peut s'expliquer par son efficacité symbolique à lier la noblesse à un passé militaire glorieux du Tibet et à une identité probablement plus guerrière dans le passé.
Communicators of Europe: border actors facing professional and organisational hybridisity ; Les communicateurs de l'Europe : des acteurs frontières confrontés à l'hybridité professionnelle et organisationnelle
Europe's communicators, working within or around the European institutions, are borderline players at the crossroads of different professional and social worlds. The diversity, or even fragmentation, of their professional activities contributes to the hybridisity of the function, which thus seems to cover a wide range of tasks. Professional hybridisity is certainly an asset for communicators who can easily adapt to the organisational hybridity they face, but in doing so tends to complicate the way in which they are professionalised. This makes it difficult for communicators to get their role recognised. The use of socionumeric network devices is envisaged by some as a tool to legitimise, but this does not facilitate the manufacturing of a common professional ethos. The European ethos they share is, however, a constituent element of their professional identity, which can take precedence over the rest. ; Les communicateurs de l'Europe, qui travaillent au sein ou en périphérie des institutions européennes, sont des acteurs frontières, au croisement de différents univers professionnels et mondes sociaux. La diversité, voire la fragmentation, des activités professionnelles qui sont les leurs participe à l'hybridité de la fonction qui semble ainsi recouvrir des missions très variées. L'hybridité professionnelle constitue certainement un atout pour les communicateurs qui, caméléons, peuvent facilement s'adapter à l'hybridité organisationnelle à laquelle ils sont confrontés, mais, ce faisant, tend à complexifier les modalités de professionnalisation. Les communicateurs peinent ainsi à faire reconnaître leur fonction. L'usage des dispositifs de réseaux socionumériques est envisagé par certains comme outil de légitimation, sans que cela ne facilite pour autant la fabrique d'un éthos professionnel commun. L'éthos européen qu'ils partagent est cependant un élément constitutif de leur identité professionnelle, qui peut d'ailleurs prendre le pas sur le reste.
Be integrated and organic. Vulnerability and compensation of integrated organic poultry farmers ; Être intégré et bio. Vulnérabilité et compensation des éleveurs de volaille bio intégrés
The aim of this article is to question the mobility of bio-based poultry farmers, while organic farming is based on the model of autonomy. Why are organic farmers integrated and why do they accept their social disqualification? We argue that integration is primarily a way for them to cope with their economic and technical vulnerability. On the other hand, it makes it possible to pursue or initiate professional activities, which constitute compensatory identity resources for these farmers, a gift of integration and their social disqualification. We propose to analyse this situation on the basis of comprehensive interviews with integrated poultry breeders. The article first describes integration, allowing farmers to set up in organic form with limited financial resources. It then looks at how integration responds to their technical vulnerability, providing them with assistance and professional forums for debate. Finally, it shows that this way of working as a breeder raises singular identity issues. ; The aim of this paper is to examine motives, which lead organic breeders tojoin subcontracting, while organic farming is based on autonomy model? Why do organicbreeders join subcontracting and why do they accept the social disqualification? We supportthe hypothesis that for them subcontracting is on the one hand a way to face theireconomic and technical vulnerability. On the other hand, it allows to pursue or to introduceprofessional activities, which constitute for breeders compensatory identical resources, face tosubcontracting driving and social disqualification. We suggest analyzing this situation fromcomprehensive interviews with subcontracting poultry breeders. The article first describeshow subcontracting allows breeders to settle down in organic breeding with limited financialresources. It then examines how subcontracting solves their technical vulnerability, bysupplying them an assistance and frames of professional debates. Finally, it shows that thisway of working as breeder enlights singular identity ...