Engagement on the Scottish scene at the time of the referendum. From stage to canvas, from text to tweet. ; L'engagement sur la scène écossaise à l'heure du référendum. De la scène à la toile, du texte au tweet
at the time of the referendum of 18 September 2014, the projects taking shape on the Scottish theatre scene to think about the issue of independence testify to a form of political and artistic commitment. The theatre moves to virtual scenes where text is tweet and everyone is invited to make their voices heard. The Traverse, a New Writing Hall in Edinburgh and the National Theatre of Scotland, responded to the national debate with 'democratic' dramaturgies that openly raise the issue of civic engagement. This article proposes to reflect on the expression of commitment as embodied, on the eve of the referendum, in two projects: The Yes No Plays by David Greig and The Great Yes No Don't Know Five Minute Theatre Show produced by the National Theatre of Scotland. ; International audience ; at the time of the referendum of 18 September 2014, the projects taking shape on the Scottish theatre scene to think about the issue of independence testify to a form of political and artistic commitment. The theatre moves to virtual scenes where text is tweet and everyone is invited to make their voices heard. The Traverse, a New Writing Hall in Edinburgh and the National Theatre of Scotland, responded to the national debate with 'democratic' dramaturgies that openly raise the issue of civic engagement. This article proposes to reflect on the expression of commitment as embodied, on the eve of the referendum, in two projects: The Yes No Plays by David Greig and The Great Yes No Don't Know Five Minute Theatre Show produced by the National Theatre of Scotland. ; A l'heure du referendum du 18 septembre 2014, les projets qui prennent forme sur la scène théâtrale écossaise pour penser la question de l'indépendance témoignent d'une forme d'engagement-politique et artistique-singulier. Le théâtre se délocalise sur des scènes virtuelles où le texte se fait tweet et où chacun est invité à faire entendre sa voix. Le Traverse, foyer du New Writing à Edimbourg et le National Theatre of Scotland répondent au débat national par des ...