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Open Access#32021

'Nothing about us, without us' : voices of leaders of disabled people's organisation in management of disability fund

In: Social Sciences and Humanities Open--2590-2911-- Vol. 4 Issue. 1 No. 100160 pp: -


Article(electronic)#4February 25, 2018

Women in politics in Kenya: an analysis of participation and barriers

In: Géneros: Multidisciplinary journal of Gender Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1, p. 1506

ISSN: 2014-3613

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Open Access#52018

Women in politics in Kenya: an analysis of participation and barriers


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Article(electronic)#7February 19, 2016

Attitudes of health service providers: the perspective of Persons with Disabilities in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana

In: African Journal of Disability, Volume 5, Issue 1

ISSN: 2226-7220

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Article(electronic)#12March 23, 2021

Predictors of the Attitudes of Preservice Teachers Toward Teaching Students With Down Syndrome in Regular Schools in Ghana

In: Journal of policy and practice in intellectual disabilities: official journal of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Volume 18, Issue 3, p. 229-239

ISSN: 1741-1130

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