Sacrifice and the City : Administration and Religion in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age
In: Asdiwal: revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, Volume 8, Issue 1, p. 59-82
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In: Asdiwal: revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions, Volume 8, Issue 1, p. 59-82
In: EIST-D-24-00529
The term land has a very complex concept. It is this reason that some people called it as a double Dutch language. The demand for land stock derives first from the need for agricultural goods and housing, which is essentially a demand for land services. Many well known writers who were live at different times and place had described the importance of land very well. This is why, many countries and governments decide as the land to be as government property. It is this true that the government of Ethiopia publicized the urban land is the state property by declaring through the proclamation of 721/2011 Urban land policy. When we came to its implementation, however, may not as good as it was expected. Such as: setting price, affordability systems, monitoring and controlling mechanisms, etc. So, as a researcher, I want to deal with this situation by comparing the implementation practice and the policy sayings. This study had employed qualitative research design; internet based data collection mechanism; qualitative or word mouth method of analysis. I finally, by this study after all got results like: there are different experiences which are practiced by different countries; there are differences in designing, tenure admitting and holding system, price specification and land and property ,market system, as well as implementations of urban land lease policy among countries; though, there is no one consensus on the government or state ownership on urban land tenure type in the Ethiopian context, perhaps especially in the Addis Ababa Context; it is based on different and very crucial assumptions which have legal, social, and economic rationales in adopting the current Ethiopian Urban land lease policy; etc. standing from these findings, I recommends that: I can say or recommend that the urban land lease policy is the best and likely be pretty policy choices of cities like it what happen to the current situation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In addition to that, I would likely recommend as it is better or pretty good for governments or for countries themselves if and only if they can follow or adopted the land lease policy tenure system than other tenure types, perhaps especially from the private tenure land policy type.
In: New perspectives on Turkey: NPT, Volume 16, p. 23-40
ISSN: 1305-3299
As Islam becomes an increasingly salient element of political life in various countries around the world, there is a growing need to make sense of the new forms and meanings Islam assumes in its various manifestations. It is obvious by now that complex mechanisms surrounding the politics of Islam cannot be adequately understood by the employment of such broad and overgeneralizing categories as "reactionism", "fundamentalism" or "conservatism." Political Islam, far from being a unified social movement with a coherent political aim, is a fragmented, multi-faceted phenomenon which cannot, therefore, be adequately understood through singular categories.
The purpose of the study is to find out the possible impact of politicization on implementing public policies in Addis Abeba City Administration. Both primary and secondary data were used. Descriptive ways of analysis were applied. To measure the overall situation of the implementation process citizens and public service employee's view was included. The poor implementation of public policies costs the country a lot. The finding of the research shows that the public is dissatisfied by poor implementation of policies and awkward service delivery of the public servants. On the other hand the public servants are not happy for working there. The Ande le Amest groups in the city administration, contents of training and procedures followed for giving promotion and other benefit shows high politicization. The different legislation including the constitution of the Republic of Ethiopia doesn't specify where the demarcation line should be for political appointment and other. Eventually the research recommended the need for clear legislation for the demarcation of politics and public service, the importance of awareness the public about the public office, the ruling party separate its political apparatus from public office, the need to build a career civil servant, the importance of following the merit procedures in giving promotion and the importance of need based training for public servants.
Ethiopia is currently ranked 169 out of 177 countries on the 2007- 2008 Human Development Index and is chronically suffers from food insecurity. Food shortages in Ethiopia aggravate the already poor health of children and adults. Millions of households in rural areas of Ethiopia suffer from chronic food insecurity and receive food aid on an annual basis. Objective:-This study was conducted to determine prevalence of household food insecurity and its associated factors in rural communities of Gondar City Administration, North West Ethiopia. Methods:-Community based cross-sectional study design was employed. Data were collected through house to house interview using household food insecurity access scale (HFIAS) which is structured and universally applicable household food insecurity 9 item measurement tools. Descriptive statistics and logistic regressions were used to determine prevalence of household food insecurity and its associated factors. Result: - 60.8% of the rural households were found to be food insecure in the study area. Out of the total eleven variables included in the logistic regression analysis model only 6 variables namely; livestock ownership (AOR= 2.05, 95%CI = 1.039- 4.022), use of fertilizer (AOR = 4.23, 95% CI = 1.741-10.275), source of potable water (AOR = 4.00, 95% CI = 2.060-7.764), off-farm income (A0R = 2.90, 95% CI = 1.249-6.712), annual farm income (AOR = 3.98, 95% CI = 2.514-6.303) and total annual income (AOR = 3.93, 95% CI = 2.471-6.258) were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion and recommendation: - The majority (60.8%) of households in rural communities of Gondar City Administration is food insecure and factors like livestock ownership, use of fertilizers, source of potable water, off-farm income, farm income and total annual income are found to be significantly associated with household food insecurity in the study area. Thus, Government bodies, NGOs and the community at large should work cooperatively in areas that enable rural households to minimize the problem of food insecurity by overcoming factors associated with it.
This thesis investigates Civil Service Reform Programs (CSRPs) in the context of New Public Management (NPM) and examines how they are associated with accountability and ethics in Addis Ababa City Administration (AACA). In the early 1990s, Ethiopian government has introduced change in its public administration through CSRPs. Despite the efforts made, no comprehensive research has been conducted to examine the nature and characteristics of the reform programs in the context of NPM. Besides, Ethics and accountability were identified as important areas that require redress by the government. However, despite the reform efforts, thorough academic research was not done to understand ethics and accountability practices and challenges in AACA. Moreover, adequate empirical research has not been done on the relationship between ethics and accountability with NPM. Therefore, this study was aimed at analyzing the CSRPs in AACA in the context of NPM and examining empirically how accountability and ethics were associated with NPM. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, mixed research approach was employed. In identification and selection of subjects of the study, multi-stage proportionate sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources using questionnaire aided by semi-structured interview, and through observation and analysis of different kind of documents. The researcher utilized mainly statistical techniques such as Spearman Correlation Coefficient, Ordinal Regression for the quantitative data and Thematic and Content Analysis methods for the qualitative data respectively. The findings provided comprehensive assessment of the nature and characteristics of the reform programs in AACA within the framework of NPM. It showed that five elements of Hood's NPM model which include explicit standards and measures of performances, emphasis on output controls, competition, the private style of management, and discipline and parsimony in resource use are applied in AACA. The study revealed that accountability and ethics association with NPM was found to be positive. Besides, NPM impacts accountability and ethics in a positive way though it is insignificant. Nonetheless, the outcome of the study indeed proved lack of firm political commitment and support from the bureaucracy, inadequate material and financial resources, lack of qualified personnel, and absence of adequate monitoring and follow up from the reform leading institutions as important problems in the course of practicing NPM in AACA. Furthermore, accountability deficits and unethical practices such as violation of the rule of law, partiality, and corruption and theft were identified in the city administration. Lack of determination of leaders and employees to do away with unethical practices, poor implementation of ethical principles, and absence of enforceable ethical code of conduct are some of the major predicaments that are impeding the betterment of ethics in AACA. Also, low citizen participation, absence of appropriate rewards and sanctions, and undermining accountability institutions are the important challenges in fostering accountability in AACA.
A balanced city system, coordination, and cooperation between city units are necessary preconditions for effective governance, as well as for avoiding internal imbalances and underdevelopment. The first part the paper focuses on the legal position of inner city units in European cities (primarily those in Central Europe), with specific reference to the effectiveness of administration and democratic processes. The second part analyses city administration and competences of city units in Serbian cities, internally divided into city municipalities. Neither Serbian local government regulations nor legal theory have sufficiently defined the legal nature and position of city municipalities. The analysis focuses on the statutes regulating the internal organisation of six cities for the purpose of examining the administrative bodies and competences of city municipalities. These statutes do not regulate all the issues necessary for the successful operation of city municipalities; moreover, some municipalities exist only in statutes and not in reality. ; Uravnotežen gradski sustav, koordinacija i suradnja među unutarnjim (decentraliziranim, submunicipalnim) gradskim jedinicama nužni su preduvjeti kako bi se učinkovito upravljalo gradom, te izbjegla neravnoteža i nedovoljan razvoj pojedinih dijelova grada. Postavlja se stoga pitanje kako postići traženi uravnoteženi gradski sustav. Odgovor ne leži uvijek u povećanju autonomije unutarnjih gradskih jedinica, već je ponekad dovoljno osnažiti mehanizme suradnje, koordinacije i razmjene podataka kako bi se spriječilo urušavanje gradskih sustava. U prvome dijelu rada razmatra se zakonski položaj unutarnjih gradskih jedinica europskih gradova – prvenstveno onih u središnjoj Europi, te nešto manje onih koji čine dio gradskih konglomerata i metropolitanskih područja, s posebnim osvrtom na nadležnosti koje se odnose na učinkovito upravljanje i demokratske procese. U drugome dijelu rada detaljno se analizira upravljanje gradom te nadležnosti gradskih općina – unutarnjih jedinica u koje su podijeljeni gradovi u Republici Srbiji. Zaključak je da pravna priroda i položaj gradskih općina nisu dovoljno dobro definirani ni teoretski ni pravnom regulacijom. Lakše je definirati što gradske općine nisu nego što jesu. Gradske općine oformilo je šest od ukupno 24 grada, uključujući Beograd. Kako Zakon o lokalnoj samoupravi iz 2007. ne sadrži normativne odredbe, u radu se analiziraju gradski statuti koji uređuju unutarnju organizaciju šest spomenutih gradova s ciljem razmatranja upravnih tijela i nadležnosti gradskih općina u Srbiji. No statutima nisu uređeni svi aspekti potrebni kako bi gradske općine uspješno funkcionirale. Štoviše, pojedine gradske općine i postoje samo na papiru, a ne i u stvarnosti.
In: The Economy of Green Cities; Local Sustainability, p. 375-379
The objective of this study was to investigate the nexus between urban poverty and property crimes which were committed in Addis Ababa city. To calibrate the nexus between urban crime and poverty in the city of Addis Ababa, a descriptive cross sectional study was carried out in the 10 sub-cities of Addis Ababa. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative approach of data collection and analysis. Structured questionnaires and key informant interview guide were administered in data collection. 200(Two hundred) property crimes offenders were sampled using random sampling technique. Whereas, non- random technique were used for selecting 6 key interviewees. Secondary data from annual crime report, performance reports, police investigation files and different legislations were also used. Analysis was done using SPSS version 24.The findings characterizes the offender respondents as poor and commission of property crime was their coping strategy for survival. This was evident from findings of the study where the demographic characteristics of offenders characterized by the a household more than six mebers,48%, more number of dependent age, 51%,and a house hold which was dominated by the unemployed family members 62.5%.Economically the majority of the offenders were unemployed,77, with no profession,83%, and no employable skill. And also 23 % were below TPL and 49.5% were vulnerable to poverty. The majority of the offenders living and social characteristics was the a same as a typical poor. Benefiting the young, unemployed, unskilled and unofficial migrant residents of the city and who are at the risk of committing a crime by urban poverty alleviation programs is the recommendation of this study
The main aim of this research paper is to identify the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard in creating a strategy focused city Administration by taking the case of Bole Sub City Trade Office. And according to Kaplan and Norton companies that have adopted the Balanced Scorecard, among other things, have been able to create a strategy – focused organization by following five common principles, which they refer to as principles of a strategy – focused organization, these are: translating the strategy to operational terms, align the organization to strategy, making strategy everyone's every day job, making strategy a continues process, and mobilizing change through executive leadership. Therefore, to evaluate how far the Balanced Scorecard has enabled the office to create a strategy – focused organization, the researcher forwarded five main questions that will help answer whether or not the above stated principles (except principle two, which is applicable to conglomerate type of organization), are at work. And it was possible to conclude that, there are some indications of the Balanced Scorecard's effectiveness in making the Bole Sub City Trade Office a strategy – focused organization. However, a very significant proportion of the key indicators or principles of a strategy – focused organization are not at work in the office. Some of the major causes of the challenges the office faced in using the Balanced Scorecard to create a strategy – focused organization are: Lack of skilled man power, man power turnover, lack of resources, politicization of public administration, lack of top management commitment, and lack of adequate knowledge in the subject matter. In line with this, it was recommended that the Bole Sub City Trade Office should acknowledge the system had in design and implementation stage and take corrective measures.
Urban Land management in Ethiopia is in transition and faces many interrelated challenges simultaneously. Urbanization, globalization, sustainable development, technology, and micro economic reforms are the main drivers of change. The government of Ethiopia is attempting to replace the old system of urban land tenure (the "permit" system) by a more market‐oriented system of long‐term leases. As result, Addis Ababa City Administration decided to contract an international consultant (Hansa Luftbild) a German based geo‐information, and mapping company, to establish a modern property registration and land information system. Evaluation of the end- user's level of agreement on the land registration system in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and factors affecting the overall real property registration system success dimensions and associated system challenges are the focus of this study. Targeting land- related professionals as end-users of land services, a survey was conducted to extract data on their level of agreement on overall system success. The frequency distribution and the percentage of the answers to the questionnaire on success evaluation dimensions using the 5-point Likert scale shows 56 % of responses positively agree on the eight dimensions of system success. Even though, the majority of responses show somewhat positive agreement on the evaluation dimensions, the number 56% is very far from 100% and there is no full confidence to say that the system satisfies all users' needs. The positive responses however, is an indication that if Addis Ababa city administration works on the limiting factors the work of the city administration can be enhanced.
The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the situations of participation at grassroots level with the particular reference to Bishoftu City Administration. The problems associated with public participation are lack of genuine participation, elite domination of decision making, lack of commitment by the state to create a space for public participation, unfavorable hierarchical arrangement of administrative structure, and weak local government capacity and irresponsiveness. These factors remain empowerment an empty and unfulfilled promise and prohibit equitable access to benefits of participatory development. The aim of the dissertation is to examine contexts, nature and extent of participation; and empowerment through participation. Through addressing these issues the dissertation advances knowledge of participatory approach, institution, and empowerment; and orients policy makers and administrators the institutional gap in collective public action. Pragmatism research philosophy is adopted to guide the overall process of the research. Mixed methods research approach is applied to address research objectives. Concurrent/parallel triangulation mixed method design (QUAN + QUAL) with equal orientation for both quantitative and qualitative strands is followed. The findings of the study indicate that there are general legal provisions about the right of the public to participate in the development of their affairs. However, there is serious gap between legal provisions and their implementation on the ground. The capacity of City Government is inadequate to facilitate participation in development. Participation is undertaken through financial, material, labor, and professional services. Financial contribution is a prominent over other forms, since it is a precondition to acquire public services and cost-sharing policy of City Government. Participation in development is top-down approach in Bushoftu City Administration, which characterized by elites' domination of decisions making. Participation is influenced by employment in civil service and Non Governmental Organization, City Government capacity and responsiveness. The overall extent of public participation is low in Bushoftu City Administration. Participation in development results in a relatively better personal empowerment compared to social and political empowerment. It enhances economic empowerment through creating access to economic resources and opportunity structure that enhance economic empowerment. I conclude that if the public get favorable platform to participate in development activities and their concerns are given due consideration by the Government, it has the power to solve its problems by itself. However, public participation in development is not to the extent that brings transformation and does not bring people who are outside the decision making process in to it. The public is recognized as passive recipients of development benefits and clients rather than agent and participant in development efforts. The role of government has to be limited to facilitation rather than maker and provider of local development. The City Government needs intensive capacity building that creates responsive and effective public administration. The stipulation of explicit rules and regulations is required to guide participation and the sharing of benefits of participatory development. The proliferation of Community based organizations is necessary to facilitate public participation in local development.
In: Local Public Sector Reforms in Times of Crisis, p. 153-183