Liberalismo y posmodernidad
In: Estudios políticos: revista de ciencia política, Issue 13, p. 55-69
Critiques Francis Fukuyama's work in an examination of the process of change in contemporary political systems. It is argued that Fukuyama confuses the process of construction of liberal democratic political systems with liberal ideology. Further, he infuses the liberal doctrine with a universalism that belongs to liberal democratic institutions. It is posited that political systems are changing & diversifying because of globalization & decentralization, & liberal ideologies based on criteria of homogeneity are falling into disuse. It is concluded that the postmodern ideology, which is appropriate to the current global situation, needs to be further developed for use in constructing solutions for a multicultural world. Adapted from the source document.
Spanish; Castilian
ISSN: 0185-1616
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