Abstrak untuk mediskripsikan kegiatan pemberian dana pada Pilkades di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo dan memberikan penjelasan Resolusi untuk mengatasi fenomena maraknya politik uang pada Pilkades desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pemberian dana Pilkades di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo, dan serta untuk menemukan resolusi untuk mengatasi fenomena maraknya politik uang yang pada Pilkades di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo. Metode bersifat deskristif kualitatif, dalam hal ini informan penelitian adalah beberapa pemilih yang ada di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo dengan teknik pengumpulan data dipergunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumen Hasil penelitian dengan pendekatan yang didapat dalam menganalisis refitalisasi Pendidikan politik dalam Pilkades Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo Tahun 2020 di Desa Masangan Wetan, dengan gerakan dusun anti money politik terbukti masyarakat desa Masangan Wetan secara riil mampu menurunkan angka politik uang secara drastis pada Pemilihan Kepala Desa Simpulan dan implikasi penelitian ini adalah Pendidikan politik mampu meningkatkan kesadaran perilaku politik masyarakat melalui Kader-kadernya Pemerintah, Sekolah dan Partai Politik meskipun dengan sumber daya masyarakat (SDM) yang masih rendah
Abstrak untuk mediskripsikan kegiatan pemberian dana pada Pilkades di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo dan memberikan penjelasan Resolusi untuk mengatasi fenomena maraknya politik uang pada Pilkades desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan pemberian dana Pilkades di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo, dan serta untuk menemukan resolusi untuk mengatasi fenomena maraknya politik uang yang pada Pilkades di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo. Metode bersifat deskristif kualitatif, dalam hal ini informan penelitian adalah beberapa pemilih yang ada di Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo dengan teknik pengumpulan data dipergunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumen Hasil penelitian dengan pendekatan yang didapat dalam menganalisis refitalisasi Pendidikan politik dalam Pilkades Desa Masangan Wetan Sidoarjo Tahun 2020 di Desa Masangan Wetan, dengan gerakan dusun anti money politik terbukti masyarakat desa Masangan Wetan secara riil mampu menurunkan angka politik uang secara drastis pada Pemilihan Kepala Desa Simpulan dan implikasi penelitian ini adalah Pendidikan politik mampu meningkatkan kesadaran perilaku politik masyarakat melalui Kader-kadernya Pemerintah, Sekolah dan Partai Politik meskipun dengan sumber daya masyarakat (SDM) yang masih rendah
Setelah mengalami penundaan karena pandemi Covid-19, Pilkada serentak dilaksanakan Rabu, 9 Desember 2020 yang melibatkan 270 daerah di seluruh Indonesia. Di Jawa Timur sebanyak 19 kabupaten/kota yang melaksanakan Pilkada, termasuk Kabupaten Jember. Persoalannya, Pilkada kali ini berbeda dengan sebelumnya, terutama terkait dengan pengaturan masa kampanye. KPU dengan regulasi yang baru melarang kampanye dengan cara menciptakan kerumunan massa, seperti rapat umum dan konser musik. Para kandidat dan tim pendukungnya, memanfaatkan media, khususnya media online dan media sosial untuk bersosialisasi menjalankan kampanye. Di antara platform media sosial yang ada, Facebook yang paling banyak dipakai untuk berkampanye. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah metode kualitatif. Metode kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang orang atau perilaku yang dapat diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan banyak berita hoaks dan kampanye hitam yang disebarkan melalui Facebook. Kampanye hitam dengan mendeskreditkan pasangan calon, diarahkan untuk menjatuhkan lawan politiknya. Harapan dari penyebaran kampanye hitam ini, untuk memengaruhi sikap masyarakat untuk tidak memilih calon tertentu. Kata kunci: kampanye hitam, media sosial, Facebook, Pilkada Jember
Pemilih pemula merupakan anak remaja yang berusia 17 tahun sampai 21 tahun dan sudah terdaftar di KPU Sidoarjo atau para pemilih yang sudah berusia di atas 21 tahun selama pemilihan dia tidak memlilih. Banyak para pemilih pemula gantrung dengan gadget, kontak tidak hanya bergaul dengan satu rumah tetapi sudah menjalin silaturrahmi, waktunya para pemilh pemula banyak digunakan dalam hal hal yang kurang efien, banyak yang belum paham apa artin memilih dalam demokrasi pilkada. Para pemilih Pemula kepemilikan HP dan sepeda motor untuk jalan-jalan dan berkumpul dan bisa mengakses ke media sosial baik regional maupun internasional, maka banyak para pemilih pemula kurang memperhatikan arti pentingnya politik khususnya demokrasi pilkada sidoarjo 2015. Disinilah perlunya seorang aktor untuk mengadakan pendidikan demokrasi pilkada sidoarjo tahun 2015.Para pemilih pemula sangat penting untuk diperkenalkan Demokrasi melaui diskusi. Teknik strategi pendidikan demokrasi melalui pada para pemilih pemula melalui obrolan yang dikenalkan oleh peneliti. Cara seperti ini adalah cara yang paling efektif para pemilih pemula merasa dekat dengan aktor seperti dekat dengan orang tua. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskripsi kualitatif, Informan dalam penelitian ini Pemilih Pemula di Kecamatan Taman Hasil Penelitian dapat menganalisis Perilaku pemilih pemula dalam Pilkada Kabupaten Sidoarjo Tahun 2015 di Kecamatan Taman dan mendiskripsikan kendala-kendala pemilih Pemula dalam menentukan pilihannya pada Pemilhan Bupati Sidoarjo Tahun 2015 di Kecamatan Taman. Dengan pendekatan seperti ini para pemilih pemula tidak canggung, dan pemilih pemula termotivasi untuk memahami berbagai isu politik dan tidak canggung lagi dalam berpartisipasi dalam demokrasi pilkada 2015.
The development of communication technology today, allows online media to grow rapidly. Even the position of the Internet-based media, was able to replace the mass media (print and electronic) in carrying out the function of disseminating information in the community. This qualitative method of research, aims to determine the preaching of a number of online media that tends to "monitor" the performance of the Bupati Dr. Faida, MMR., and various development successes in Jember Regency. The face and layout of the media, as if changed function to become media relations and role as it replaces the function of public relations (PR) of the District government. Researchers found benang-merah, apparently the news model, as part of the Synergy and cooperation (MoU) that was established public relation of Jember regency with about 40-an online media – local and regional. As a result, various activities undertaken by the Jember Regency, especially the Bupati Dr. Faida, were uniformly recorded in almost all online media, with almost identical editors and images.Keywords: online media, media relations Jember Regent
The year 2013 is called a political year by many observers. It is because this year KPU announces the political parties which will join 2014 General Election. This period is also used by the leaders of political parties to consolidate their organizations, and determine the candidates of legislature members or even consider the figures for 2014 presidential candidates. It is natural that the figures of presidential candidates start to emerge in the society. It can be through socialization and introduction of the Presidential candidates, either in the form of posters, billboards, or advertisements in the media and other ways. The purpose is that the figures will be immediately recognized by the people who become constituents. This study examines the role of media in society. Each mass media certainly has its own view of the upcoming 2014 presidential candidates. Keywords: Image building, 2014 Presidential Candidates, The Role of Online Media, Van Dijk's Discourse Analysis
The purpose of this study was to clarify the possible correlation between the perception of public participation in the mangrove and abrasion damage in coastal areas Brebes and effective strategies to address them. Research carried out for four months, from June to September in 2012. The results showed that people in Brebes County coastal areas have a pretty good perception of the mangrove forests are mostly stated that mangrove forests have an important function as a breakwater to reduce abrasion, as well as shelter and feeding for children fish and animals Other small. Community participation in the conservation of mangrove forests belong to the category less this is shown from the results of the participating categories more unfavorable than participating either category. Level of community participation in the conservation of mangrove forests is influenced by age and level of public perceptions of the mangrove forest. In order to improve the condition of the existing mangrove forest, there should be socializing or reforestation activities of the local government in the management and utilization of sustainable mangrove forest ecosystem, while the implementation of rehabilitation activities should involve the community from the start until planning and evaluation activities as well as the cooperation between the government and the public. Keywords: perception, participation, mangrove.
This study aims to find strategies and methods of handling degradation of mangroves and coastal erosion in Brebes Regency. The research was conducted during the four months, June-September 2012. The results showed that community in particular mangrove Rhizophora sp and followed by Avicenia dominated mangrove ecosystem at some point on the coast along the Brebes Regency. Brebes coastal erosion occurs at different levels. Efforts to reduce coastal erosion has been done both by the public and relevant agencies through the planting of mangroves on the coast, embankment ponds, waterways and farms with breakwaters. Weighted level of public perception in the management of mangrove / coastal erosion in Brebes 92.53% (excellent), while 77.07% participation (good). Perception of the value of the correlation coefficient 0.0852 participation and closeness relation is very small, only 0.73% (do not affect each other). Ecological physical factors (X1) and socio-cultural factors (X2) jointly influence the occurrence of damage to mangroves and coastal erosion (Y), but tend to be more dominant ecological factors followed the pattern of Y = 5.042 + 0.446 X1 - 0.008 X2. SWOT analysis results show the value of total internal strategic factors 2.30 and 2.15 are in a position external segment 5 (mangrove area is relatively stable condition and possible can be developed). Analysis of the results hierarchy process (AHP) shows that the order of priority strategies / methods of managing mangrove / coastal erosion in Brebes Regency are: 1) improving protection mangrove / shore of sea waves / abrasion and develop through retention / breakwater is more effective, 2) increase empowering potential of mangrove areas through productive activities that increase the added value for improving the welfare of local communities while preserving the mangrove / coastal resources; 3) effective implementation of regulations and optimize the role of relevant institutions, civil society organizations, and the participation of local communities in conserving the mangrove areas and existing coastal resources and develop; 4) strengthen the institutional system, both government and public institutions in the management of mangrove areas for short, medium and long, and 5) increase outreach activities / community, including youth empowerment related to the importance of the existence of mangrove conservation coastal resources. Keywords: mangrove degradation; abrasion; methods and strategies
The spreading of spatial-ecological conflicts are becoming worse with the greater crisis of ecological values. Natural resource exploitation are becoming more massive by various groups in society. The subsistence ethics of peasants in conducting productive behavior in the countryside is very necessary to be considered in preparing a new formulation of development. This research uses a qualitative approach to find the new concept. This research is located in District Karangreja and District Bojongsari, Purbalingga Regency. Based on this research, it is revealed that (1) the ecological social condition behind the ecological crisis is that the peasants are aware that their land is vulnerable to erosion but the control measures are still minimal due to the demands of economic factors (achievement of production targets), (2) ecological degradation always coincident with the decline of subsistence ethics, (3) the embryo of the concept of subsistence ethics with ecological insight for the development of productive behavior derived from several ecological values and it still maintained by the peasants who have refrained from excessive use of ground water for interest of irrigation water. Based on this research, it is suggested that the government through the related apparatus should provide more assertive signs so that the fulfillment of production targets (economic orientation) does not ignore the ecological degradation that can cause the leveling off in the future. It is important to realize that the cause of ecological degradation is not a single impact that is going to happen. Therefore, the effort to control this should necessarily require cohesiveness and culture-based peasants.
Changes in water conditions greatly affect the presence and ability of aquatic biota to survive in their habitat. The presence of these biota are largely determined by the physical and chemical conditions of water, so that the community structure of aquatic biota will vary according to the conditions of physical and chemical parameters of water. It allows aquatic biota to serve as bioindicator of water quality changes. The study aims to determine the abundance and diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos in Ranu Pani and Ranu Regulo, to know the physical and chemical properties of water and to obtain bioindicator of the phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos in order to assess water quality in both Ranu. Research using quantitative descriptive method to describe about the diversity index and abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos related to water quality in Ranu Pani and Ranu Regulo. Samples were taken at 7:00 until 10:00 am on 5 station observations. Physical and chemical factors measured were temperature, pH, and brightness, DO, BOD, OD, TDS, TSS, Phosphate and Nitrate. The results showed that there are 17 phytoplanktons genera were found in Ranu Pani, while in Ranu Regulo there are 16 genera with the highest abundance of the genus Dictyosphaerium. There are 13 and 10 genera of Zooplankton found in Ranu Pani and Ranu Regulo row, with the highest abundance of genus Arcella. Benthos are found in Ranu Pani consisting of 7 families with the highest abundance of the family Bulimidae and there are 3 families in Ranu Regulo, with the highest abundance of family oenagrionidae. Diversity of phytoplankton and zooplankton in Ranu Pani is lower than Ranu Regulo, while benthos biodiversity in Ranu Pani is higher than Ranu Regulo. Water quality in Ranu Pani is lower than Ranu Regulo and based on Government Regulation No. 82/2001, generally water of Ranu Pani can be categorized as water quality class II and Ranu Regulo can be categorized as water quality class I. Genus Dictyosphaerium (phytoplankton), ...
This study aims to describe: (1) the social dimension contained in Andrea Hirata's father's novel, encompassing the author's social context, the reflected image of society, and the social function of literature; (2) the values ??of character education contained in Andrea Hirata's father's novel; and (3) the relevance of Dad's novel by Andrea Hirata in literary learning at High School (SMA).This research uses the theory of sociology of literature as a research approach. This study is in the form of descriptive qualitative, ie data collected in the form of written words or oral from people and behavior that can be observed by using approach of sociology of literature.The results obtained from the study indicate that: (1) the author's social context as reflected in Dad's novel covers the ideology and environmental background of the author; (2) the image of the society the author portrayed in Dad's novel, the habit of cheating among the learner, the life of society due to corruption, and the suppression of the weak by the stronger; (3) Andrea Hirata's father's novel has a literary social function that inspires and provides positive learning for the reader. In addition, Dad's novel also has a social function in terms of social criticism, especially criticism in the world of education, about cheating, critics in the world of government, about corruption, and criticism of humanity, of acts of oppression; (4) of the eighteen formulas of character education values ??from the Ministry of National Education, there are eight points of the most dominant character education values ??contained in Andrea Hirata's Father's novel, including honesty, tolerance, hard work, independent, communicative, peace-loving , social care, and responsibility; (5) Andrea Hirata's novel Ayel can also be relayed on literary learning at the senior high school level or equivalent. Both the 2013 curriculum and the KTSP curriculum. Keywords: Social dimension, character education values, relevance, novel
Issue on mangrove degradation and its impact viewed from ecological and anthropological aspects is constantly actual as it will reduce its vital function as a coastal protection from the danger of tsunami and abrasion, nutrient recycling, fisheries productivity biodiversity, dampening the rate of sea water intrusion and other coastal ecosystem crutches. This study aims to: determine the level of mangrove degradation; find out a model of mangrove area reduction dynamics due to the influence of ecological and anthropogenical factors including a model of perceptional correlation, to know community's perceptions and participation on mangrove degradation; then to further discover more effective strategies in dealing, with coastal mangrove degradation in Brebes Regency coastal areas. In the research areas, three species of mangrove vegetation were discovered in proper number; they were Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculeta and Avicennia marina. Overall, Rhizophora mucronate had the highest density of 35.731 ind./ha in Kaliwlingi Villlage, Sub District of Brebes. Mangrove areas in Brebes Regency generally decreased with the reduction rate of 68,46 ha./year. Ecological and anthropogenical factors had the cohesion of the dynamics of a vast reduction in mangrove Brebes coastal areas. The value of natura1 growth factor (99.,60%), reforestation (97,40%), death (99,60%), logging (99,60%), and abrasion (99,60%). Most of the indicators of independent factors, perception and public participation factors showed a significant effect (valid) against the dependent factor (mangrove degradation) at 95% and 90% level of convidence, but the influence of ecological factors were more dominant than anthropogenical factor. The level of public perception had no effect on the level of perticipation. The resullts showed that degradation of mangrove forests in Brebes Regency coastal areas were still allowed to be maintained and could be developed. The order of strategies to manage mangrove degradation in Brebes Regency coastal areas were: (1) Improving the protection of the mangrove areas from ocean waves/abrasion through anchoring/more effective breakwater; (2) Increasing ihe empowerment of potential mangrove areas through productive aclivities that increase the addled value for improving the welfare of local communities while preserving, the mangrove; (3) Making the implementation of regulations and optimizing, the role of relevant agencies, civil society organizations, and the participation of local communities in conserving mangrove areas and developinq it; (4) Strengthening the institutional system of government and public institutions in the management of mangrove areas for short, medium and long term; and (5) Improving outreach activities/community related to the importance of mangroves tor coastal resource conservation.