Various types of extensive livestock production are present worldwide, primarily in regions where natural resources such as pastures and meadows could be used. Extensive livestock production is common in the EU, as well. Therefore the goal of this research was to establish economic efficiency of extensive livestock production types and to compare their efficiency with some intensive livestock production types. In order to achieve that goal FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) methodology was used. Source of information was FADN database as well as appropriate sector analysis and publications of European commission. It has been determined that sheep and goat production is competitive with intensive production types (dairy and granivores – pigs and poultry). Cattle production (other than dairy production) proved to be economically inefficient due to low output level.
Various types of extensive livestock production are present worldwide, primarily in regions where natural resources such as pastures and meadows could be used. Extensive livestock production is common in the EU, as well. Therefore the goal of this research was to establish economic efficiency of extensive livestock production types and to compare their efficiency with some intensive livestock production types. In order to achieve that goal FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) methodology was used. Source of information was FADN database as well as appropriate sector analysis and publications of European commission. It has been determined that sheep and goat production is competitive with intensive production types (dairy and granivores - pigs and poultry). Cattle production (other than dairy production) proved to be economically inefficient due to low output level.
Various types of extensive livestock production are present worldwide, primarily in regions where natural resources such as pastures and meadows could be used. Extensive livestock production is common in the EU, as well. Therefore the goal of this research was to establish economic efficiency of extensive livestock production types and to compare their efficiency with some intensive livestock production types. In order to achieve that goal FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) methodology was used. Source of information was FADN database as well as appropriate sector analysis and publications of European commission. It has been determined that sheep and goat production is competitive with intensive production types (dairy and granivores - pigs and poultry). Cattle production (other than dairy production) proved to be economically inefficient due to low output level. ; Različiti tipovi ekstenzivne stočarske proizvodnje su prisutni svuda u svetu, prvenstveno u regionima gde se mogu koristiti prirodni resursi, kao što su pašnjaci i livade. Ekstenzivna stočarska proizvodnja je takođe široko rasprostranjena i u Evropskoj uniji. Zbog toga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se utvrdi ekonomska efektivnost različitih tipova ekstenzivne stočarske proizvodnje i da se uporedi sa efektivošću intenzivne stočarske proizvodnje. Da bi se taj cilj ostvario korišćena je FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) metodologija. Izvori podataka su bili FADN baza podataka Evroske unije, kao i odgovarajuće sektorske analize i publikacije Evropske komisije. Utvrđeno je da je ovčarska i kozarska proizvodnja konkurentna sa intenzivnim tipovima stočarske proizvodnje (proizvodnja mleka i nepreživari - svinje i živina). Utvrđeno je da govedarska proizvodnja (koja se ne odnosi na proizvodnju mleka) nije ekonomski efikasna usled niskog nivoa outputa koji ostvaruje.
Various types of extensive livestock production are present worldwide, primarily in regions where natural resources such as pastures and meadows could be used. Extensive livestock production is common in the EU, as well. Therefore the goal of this research was to establish economic efficiency of extensive livestock production types and to compare their efficiency with some intensive livestock production types. In order to achieve that goal FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) methodology was used. Source of information was FADN database as well as appropriate sector analysis and publications of European commission. It has been determined that sheep and goat production is competitive with intensive production types (dairy and granivores - pigs and poultry). Cattle production (other than dairy production) proved to be economically inefficient due to low output level. ; Različiti tipovi ekstenzivne stočarske proizvodnje su prisutni svuda u svetu, prvenstveno u regionima gde se mogu koristiti prirodni resursi, kao što su pašnjaci i livade. Ekstenzivna stočarska proizvodnja je takođe široko rasprostranjena i u Evropskoj uniji. Zbog toga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se utvrdi ekonomska efektivnost različitih tipova ekstenzivne stočarske proizvodnje i da se uporedi sa efektivošću intenzivne stočarske proizvodnje. Da bi se taj cilj ostvario korišćena je FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) metodologija. Izvori podataka su bili FADN baza podataka Evroske unije, kao i odgovarajuće sektorske analize i publikacije Evropske komisije. Utvrđeno je da je ovčarska i kozarska proizvodnja konkurentna sa intenzivnim tipovima stočarske proizvodnje (proizvodnja mleka i nepreživari - svinje i živina). Utvrđeno je da govedarska proizvodnja (koja se ne odnosi na proizvodnju mleka) nije ekonomski efikasna usled niskog nivoa outputa koji ostvaruje.
It is of high interest of a society to explore and support self-employment which is a prerequisite for development of entrepreneurship and, consequently, the growth of economy. Keeping in mind political and economic differences in Croatia, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia, the level of self-employment intentions was investigated among students at agricultural or life science universities in these countries. The self-employment intention level (SEINT) was measured on a scale of 1 to 5. The total sample of 1,156 respondents involved students from Nitra, Warsaw, Zagreb and Novi Sad. The average SEINT value was 2.97, with students located in Novi Sad expressing significantly higher scores than the other three universities. It was found that some of socio-demographic factors are significantly related to the SEINT. However, the main reasons for significant difference in SEINT for Novi Sad students are believed to be due to the differences in macroeconomic conditions in the country. ; U interesu je svakog društva razvijati samozapošljavanje među studentima, jer je za očekivati da će upravo oni biti lideri gospodarstva u bliskoj budućnosti. Uzimajući u obzir političke i gospodarske razlike između Hrvatske, Poljske, Slovačke i Srbije, ispitane su namjere samozapošljavanju među studentima područja poljoprivrede i životnih znanosti u navedenim zemljama. Razina namjere samozaposlenja (SEINT) je mjerena na skali od 1-5. Ukupno je ispitano 1.156 studenata sa sveučilišta u Nitri, Varšavi, Zagrebu i Novom Sadu. Prosječna vrijednost za SEINT iznosila je 2.97, pri čemu je prosjek studenata iz Novog Sada statistički značajno viši nego na ostala tri sveučilišta. Utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost nekih od socio-demografskih čimbenika s vrijednošću SEINT. Rezultati ukazuju na zaključak da glavni razlog za značajno različite vrijednosti kod studenata iz Novog sada dolazi od razlike u makroekonomskim uvjetima u pojedinoj zemlji.