Education in the UAE: current status and future developments
Introduction. Education in the UAE: current status and future developments -- Keynote address. Expected developments in the UAE economy over the next ten years -- Startegies and policies of education in the UAE. Comprehensive new school model education in the UAE -- Assesing educational policies in the UAE -- Schooling in the UAE. The role of curriculum in the creation of a knowledge-based economy in the UAE -- Addressing the early school leaving challenge -- Educational standards and reform in the UAE and Bahrain -- Higher education in the UAE. The UAE and higher education in the 21st century -- Preparing students for study in a non-native language -- The dilemma of foreign advisors in the UAE education sector -- Global trends and the impact on higher education in the UAE -- Avision for the future of UAE education. Transdisciplinarity or integralism in the sciences -- Education in the UAE: a vision for the future.