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Working paper
Professional Insertion of Teachers
The beginning and the first years of teaching can be viewed in various ways. For example, the image of a triangle with the person's teaching in one of its vertices. As a person, the novice teacher has a particular vision of his work and a sense of mission or task. The beginning teacher feels more capable in some areas than others and with a confidence variable with respect to its initial preparation (although this perception may change with the first experiments). From the other sides of the triangle together towards this new professional messages that come from the context of work and messages of social and political context relating to education, quality or otherwise of their initial preparation and what they should or should not make teachers. In their place of work, in concrete form, is facing demands or conflicts, receives support, and asks questions that do not always have the answer. The beginning teacher welcomes, rejected, interpreted and reinterpreted these experiences as a sort of re-shaping the professional identity that maybe he thought he had acquired in their initial training. In this, no different from other professionals faced with his first work experiences, but those living in more complex by the interweaving of relationships that will demand accountability with students, parents, peers, authorities and his own social environment of friends, and possible by the diversity of expectations regarding their work, both personal and from others.
Professional Development of Teachers
In: Educational Quest: an international journal of education and applied social sciences, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 11
ISSN: 2230-7311
Professional Values of Teachers in Training
In: Pedagogika: naučno spisanie = Pedagogy : Bulgarian journal of educational research and practice, Band 95, Heft 9, S. 1195-1208
ISSN: 1314-8540
The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted through a survey among 123 students studying to become teachers at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridskiˮ. The purpose of the study is to identify the professional values of this target group. The results testify to prevailing postmodern and constructivist professional values, but also fluctuations in the value orientation regarding the active role of the teacher and the student in the learning-teaching process. Responsibility, respect, empathy, professionalism, adaptability, motivation and patience were identified as general professional values.
How professional status influences Botswana teachers' self-perceived professional identity: A social symbolic interaction perspective
In: Social sciences & humanities open, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 100672
ISSN: 2590-2911
Activist Professionals: The Case of Teachers
In: Social science quarterly, Band 55, Heft 2, S. 372-379
ISSN: 0038-4941
An analysis is presented of determinants & consequences of teacher participation in professional associations (NEA & AFT); such participation is seen as a precursor to more militant forms of activism. The data are part of a study on the Teacher Corps completed in 1968-70 by R. G. Corwin. Multiple choice questionnaires were distributed to teachers & principals in 40 schools in 10 states (response rate=69%). Kendall's tau is used. The analysis is divided into 4 sections. Regarding antecedent personal variables, M's (particularly married M's) are more active; relative deprivation theory is applied. Through age 50, older, more experienced teachers are more active; such teachers have the requisite seniority & support necessary for activism. Teachers with advanced education & certification also are more active, again reflecting professional security. SES has no effect. Regarding contextual variables, grade level, proportion minority students, & students' academic quality are unrelated to activism. Regarding situational & organizational factors, teacher satisfaction with the school, student turnover rates, size, standardization, & centralization are unrelated to activism. Activism is more prevalent in schools with low levels of flexibility. Regarding outcomes, more active teachers report fewer & less effective contacts with students; when these contacts are seen as leading to constant arguments, increased activism results. Active teachers rate their communities' attitudes towards education more negatively than less active teachers; also active teachers' community contacts more often resulted in arguments. Amount of principal-teacher contact & effectiveness of teacher-teacher contact are inversely related with activism. Active teachers are also less client-oriented. There are minimal differences with regard to commitment to teach in culturally deprived schools, career orientation, dedication, professional orientation, & administrative emphasis on rules. Participation in teacher professional organizations appears to be unrelated to desirable educational outcomes. The autonomy generated by participation in teacher organizations allows teachers to neutralize & isolate students & parents on behalf of their own self-interests. Modified AA.
Concerning the Status of Teachers
In: Journalism quarterly, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 18-19
Evaluation competencies of professional and non-professional teachers in Nigeria
In: Studies in educational evaluation: SEE, Band 34, Heft 1
ISSN: 0191-491X
Professional Socialization of Teachers of Sociology
In: Teaching sociology: TS, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 229
ISSN: 1939-862X
In: Bulletin of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I Y Yakovlev, Heft 1(118), S. 086-093
Олимпиадное движение является системой интеллектуальных соревнований, признаваемых мировым сообществом. В современной России впервые за всю историю олимпиадного движения в конкурсной программе появились и гуманитарные предметы, среди которых английский язык в 1998 году. За годы эволюции испытаний по данному глобальному языку существенно изменилось содержание комплектов контрольно-измерительных материалов – появились творческие задачи, направленные на развитие креативности, критического мышления, логики. В рамках нашего исследования мы анализируем принципы успешной подготовки типичного олимпиадника, и цель отражается в определении профессиональных ролей педагогов, с которыми сталкиваются школьники в олимпиадном движении. Методологически исследование выстраивается на принципах системного, деятельностного, аксиологического и культурологического подходов. Нами используются следующие теоретические методы: изучение научной литературы по теме, обобщение, категоризация. Помимо этого, нами были применены эмпирические методы: изучение нормативных документов олимпиадного движения, беседа, опрос, анкетирование, ранжирование. Было проведено онлайн-анкетирование школьников, которые принимали участие в олимпиаде по английскому языку в 2022–2023 учебном году. В рамках исследования нами были выделены следующие профессиональные роли: школьный учитель, преподаватель языковых курсов, олимпиадный тренер, учитель – носитель языка, частный репетитор, студент-дипломант. Теоретическая значимость исследования преломляется в обосновании профессиональных ролей педагогов, которые причастны к олимпиадному движению. Нами выделяется роль олимпиадного тренера, описывается ее функционал, объясняются предпосылки ее важности для завоевания дипломов воспитанниками образовательного учреждения. Результаты исследования могут использоваться общеобразовательными учреждениями для реформирования организации олимпиадного движения в школе. На более глобальном уровне полученные нами данные могут привести к созданию программ повышения квалификации в педагогических вузах, а также к рассмотрению функционала тренеров в рамках получения высшего педагогического образования.
The Olympiad movement is a system of intellectual competitions recognized by the world community. In modern Russia, for the first time in the history of the Olympiad movement, humanitarian subjects appeared in the competition program, including English in 1998. Over the years of the evolution of tests on this global language, the content of sets of control and measuring materials has significantly changed, among which creative tasks have appeared aimed at developing creativity, critical thinking, logic. As part of our research, we analyze the principles of successful training of a typical Olympiad, and the goal is reflected in the definition of the professional roles of teachers that schoolchildren face in the Olympiad movement. Methodologically, the study is built on the principles of systemic, activity, axiological and cultural approaches. We use the following theoretical methods: the study of scientific literature on the topic, generalization, categorization. In addition, we applied empirical methods: studying the regulatory documents of the Olympiad movement, conversation, polling, questioning, ranking. An online questionnaire was conducted for schoolchildren who took part in the Olympiad in the 2022-2023 academic year. As part of the study, we identified the following professional roles: a school teacher, a teacher of language courses, an Olympiad tutor, a native teacher, a private tutor, and a diploma student. Theoretical significance is refracted in justifying the professional roles of teachers who are involved in the Olympiad movement. We distinguish the role of an Olympiad tutor, describe its functionality, explain the prerequisites for its importance for winning diplomas by pupils of an educational institution. The results of the study can be used by educational institutions to reform the organization of the Olympiad movement at school. At a more global level, the data obtained by us can lead to the creation of advanced training programs in pedagogical universities, as well as the consideration of the functionality of coaches in the framework of obtaining higher education for pedagogical professions.
Competence of Teachers as Professional Educators
In: International journal of multicultural and multireligious understanding: IJMMU, Band 7, Heft 8, S. 508
ISSN: 2364-5369
Teacher is a respectable and noble profession since the independence era of the Republic of Indonesia, which is sometimes still underestimated by some people in a number of countries in the world, Asia, and even Indonesia, as well as what happened in some areas including Lombok-West Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia. When viewed regarding the influence of teachers as educators on their students, it is very large, therefore, if the curriculum, methods and learning media do not support activities teacher-driven teaching and learning, at every level and education level, it is most likely that students the bine note is the next generation of the struggle of the parents in the family, which in parallel is the human resource on which the struggle of a nation is based and will be neglected by others personally, and from other nations in the world, as an institution. With the progress of the times and all media-based learning tools and current technology, it is hoped that the competence of teaching staff can quickly adjust to the demands and progress existing in all fields related to their task in learning. This article generally provides an overview of the importance of teaching staff in carrying out their duties professionally, supported by pro-education policy tools, and everything related to it. from policy-makers, and a set of learning media that support the progress and smoothness of the teaching and learning process for teachers and students wherever they are, because the if teachers and students do not immediately innovate in learning, it will automatically fall behind in all fields, in learning and in life.
Sociocultural Component of Teachers' Professional Competence
In: Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: JPNU, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 110-116
ISSN: 2413-2349
This article considers the theoretical and practical issues of sociocultural competence of Ukrainian students of higher educational institutions; the priorities of the sociocultural education paradigm were analyzed; in this context, the issue of training future teachers to work in terms of a personality oriented teaching approach was presented.
On the basis of the analysis conducted on psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature that covers the raised problems, a number of methodological and pedagogical ideas which provide for the formation of social and cultural mobility of future teachers were determined in order to ensure pupils' sociocultural development
Professional development of teachers ; Öğretmenlerin profesyonel gelişimi
Nowadays more and more important become professional development of teachers. But in general it is important always. Today I want to speak about teachers. lt is a great business to be a teacher but unfortunately there aren't so a lot of students who want to be a teacher. Our famous poet Ahmet Baitursynov said: " Soul of the school-is a teacher. lf a teacher clever and intellectual, actualIy children will get a lot of knowledge" Our government speaks a lot about our education, |eachers. schools. ; Bugünlerde öğretmenlerin profesyonel gelişimi git gide önem kazanmaktadır. Ama geneler olarak her zaman önemlidir. Bugün öğretmenler hakkında konuşmak istiyorum. Öğretmenlik harika bir meslek ama öğretmen olmak isteyen bir öğrenci bulmak oldukça zor. Meşhur şairimiz Ahmet Baitusynov demiş ki; "Bir okulun ruhu öğretmendir. Eğer öğretmen zeki ve entelektüel ise öğrenci birçok bilgiyi edinecektir." Devletimiz eğitim sistemimiz, öğretmenler ve okullar hakkında çok şey söylüyor.
Professional teachers, successful reforms
In: International Summit on the Teaching Profession; Teaching Excellence through Professional Learning and Policy Reform, S. 89-94