In: International refereed journal of family, child and education: Uluslararası Hakemli Aile Çocuk ve Eğitim Dergisi, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 1-1
ISSN: 2148-3973
1147 Ergebnisse
In: International refereed journal of family, child and education: Uluslararası Hakemli Aile Çocuk ve Eğitim Dergisi, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 1-1
ISSN: 2148-3973
In: Pedagogika: naučno spisanie = Pedagogy : Bulgarian journal of educational research and practice, Band 95, Heft 4s, S. 40-48
ISSN: 1314-8540
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the social and communicative competences in children in preschool age. The aim of the research is to determine the features of the social and communicative competences during preschool age. A theoretical analysis of various scientific views on the subject has been made. Communicative competences are examined through M. Lisina's concept in communication with adults and peers. As a result of the study, the following three main groups of social-communicative competences of children in preschool age, have been identified: 1) skills related to the social development of the child's personality; 2) skills related to the communication with adults on a situationalinterpersonal, situational-practical, extrasituational-cognitive and extrasituationalinterpersonal level and communication with peers on an emotional-practical and praktikal level; 3) skills related to general knowledge and ethics. In practice, these features can be rendered into account in the organisation of the educational work in kindergarten for the development of the children's social and communicative competences. These can also be useful for parents in raising and educating children.
In: Pedagogika: naučno spisanie = Pedagogy : Bulgarian journal of educational research and practice, Band 96, Heft 3, S. 408-416
ISSN: 1314-8540
Articulation disorders have been a most common disorder in recent years. They are the reason for the delayed mental, communicative, and emotional-behavioural development of preschool-age children. Of particular importance for the personal development of children are early diagnosis and treatment of articulation disorders. The purpose of this article is to present and analyse practices for the prevention, diagnosis, and elimination of speech disorders from an early age.
In: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 62-64
ISSN: 1559-1476
In: European psychologist, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 27-42
ISSN: 1878-531X
Abstract: The construct of play lacks a universal and consensual definition, due to its inherent complexity. It is during childhood play is fundamental to the development of cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and language skills. Therefore, it is pertinent to conduct research on play in preschool age, seeking to identify predictors of development and methods to assess the specific components that make up the different dimensions of play. The evaluation of preschool play, using valid and reliable instruments, supports the construction of intervention programs that enhance the child's full development. This systematic review aimed to investigate national and international instruments and tasks that assess play. The results indicate the existence of several instruments and tasks at pre-school age. However, the complexity of the construct still hinders the clear definition of the specific components to be assessed. There was a prevalence of the assessment of the social and cognitive dimensions over the assessment of the affective dimension, which is in line with the perceived frequency of the use of instruments that assess social interaction during play. So, this systematic review was a valuable contribution to the development and support of future research on tools for play assessment, specifically in preschool age.
In: Sage open, Band 13, Heft 2
ISSN: 2158-2440
Prematurity is a particular challenge for parents that severely affects the interaction and relationship dynamics between children and their caregivers. Previous studies mostly focused on the infancy of preterms but did not examine the development process. This study highlights whether preterm children and their main caregivers still differ in their emotional availability (EA) at preschool age. Caregiver-child interactions during the transition period of school entry were measured with the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS). N = 25 preterm (25–33 weeks of gestation) and n = 23 term children at an age of 5 years and their main caregivers were observed while playing a construction game that was eliciting either a low or moderate stress level. Caregivers of preterm children showed higher intrusiveness scores compared to caregivers of term dyads. Thus, it seems that parents of preterm children behave intrusively independently of their children's cognitive performance.
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 1, Heft 3, S. 367-378
ISSN: 1940-1183
The article analyzes various attitudes to military toys, both positive and negative, existing in Russia and abroad. Toy weapons are viewed as a separate type of military toy. The study looks at the impact of military toys on children's emotions and personality. The study looks at how children play games on their own and the way they organize them. We have conducted an experiment where three types of toys were used military toys, soft toys and objects that act as toy substitutes. The study of games and the roles children took showed their poor playing skills. The research has detected existing connection between imagination and thinking ability and the children's play activity. None of the children took the role of 'the defender of the weak' or 'Patria's defender', which contradicts the results of an opinion survey of children's parents who think that military toys help to develop 'patriotism', 'courage', and 'teach to protect the weak'. Repeated observation of the way the same children play with military toys has shown that they take the role of defenders of the motherland or the weak only after watching TV-programmes or fiction films which show male characters defending their motherland or the weak using weapons, which shows that children's games have social character. The experiment's results detected what activity adults, who are concerned with the young generation's attitude to weapons and violence, should perform. It is vital to strengthen children's moral, ethical and cognitive spheres first, and only in second place fight against sales of military toys both in Russia and abroad. ; В статье анализируется различное позитивное и негативное отношение к военной игрушке, имеющее место в нашей стране и за рубежом. Как на особый вид военной игрушки выделяется игрушечное оружие. Акцентируется внимание на том, что влияние игрушки на эмоционально-личностную сферу ребенка необходимо рассматривать через изучение игровой деятельности с данной игрушкой. Основным методом исследования выбрано изучение уровня способности к индивидуальному построению игровой деятельности. Для проведения эксперимента использовались три различных набора игрушек военная игрушка, мягкая игрушка и предметы-заместители реальных игрушек. Анализ игровых действий и ролей, которые брали на себя дети, показал низкий уровень развития игровой деятельности. Установлена взаимосвязь уровня игровой деятельности с низким уровнем развития воображения и мышления. Никто из детей не взял на себя роль «защитника слабых» или «защитника Родины», что не совпадает с результатами опроса родителей этих детей, которые считают, что военная игрушка помогает воспитывать «патриотизм», «мужество», «помогают защищать слабого». Повторные наблюдения за игровой деятельностью этих же детей с военной игрушкой показало, что они берут роли защитников Родины после просмотра по ТВ передач, художественных фильмов, где мужчина с оружием в руках является защитником Родины или защитником слабых, что доказывает социальную природу детской игры. Результаты эксперимента позволили определить направления деятельности взрослых, кому небезразлично отношение подрастающего поколения к оружию и насилию: она должна быть связана, в первую очередь, с формированием нравственных качеств ребенка и развитием познавательной сферы и только во вторую очередь с борьбой с игрушечным оружием, которая проводится как у нас в стране, так и за рубежом.
New government regulations effective with 01.09.2011 require that preschool teachers produce written reports to children's parents or guardians assessing their children upon graduation. So far preschool teachers had had little experience with similar written forms of assessment, and this creates questions regarding the assessment design and implementation. This work's aim was to theoretically evaluate the problems of preschool children's achievement assessment and analyze results of pedagogues' inquiry on potential ways of solving them. This article explores some of the more pressing questions, as well as the consequences of poor assessment design such as conflict with parents, mislabeling of children, affecting children's motivations, effect on teacher's and institution's reputation, additional workload, and resource consumption. Authors look at experience accumulated in other countries while tackling these issues and suggest using a dual evaluation model.
In: Die Natur der Gesellschaft: Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel 2006. Teilbd. 1 u. 2, S. 5479-5488
"Der Beitrag zeigt, dass ethnische Bildungsungleichheit bereits zu Beginn der Schulzeit existiert und Migrantenkinder damit ihre Bildungslaufbahn bereits mit einem Startnachteil beginnen. Es wird angenommen, dass der Start der Schulkarriere durch die in der Vorschulzeit erworbenen Kompetenzen der Kinder geprägt wird und dass der Kindergartenbesuch hierbei eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Mit den Daten der Osnabrücker Schuleingangsuntersuchung der Jahrgänge 2000 bis 2005 lassen sich ethnische Unterschiede bei der Schulfähigkeit und bei bildungsrelevanten Kompetenzen nachweisen, die auch bei Kontrolle des Familienhintergrunds bestehen bleiben. Unter Berücksichtigung der Kindergartenbesuchsdauer wird der Effekt der ethnischen Herkunft auf die Schulfähigkeit reduziert und verschwindet vollständig bei zusätzlicher Kontrolle der kognitiven und sprachlichen Kompetenzen. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass der Kindergarten im Vorschulbereich einen wichtigen Kontext zum Erwerb bildungsrelevanter Kompetenzen darstellt und auch einen zusätzlichen direkten Effekt auf die Schulfähigkeit der Kinder hat. Abschließend werden offene Fragen und weitere Forschungsschritte aus dem aktuellen Projekt 'Erwerb von sprachlichen und kulturellen Kompetenzen von Migrantenkinder in der Vorschulzeit' dargestellt." (Autorenreferat)
In: Social development, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 427-443
ISSN: 1467-9507
AbstractThe goals of this article were to examine (1) the relative and absolute stability of maternal autonomy support between infancy and preschool age, and (2) the moderating role of child gender, maternal attachment state of mind, and stressful life events. Sixty‐nine mother–child dyads participated in five visits when the child was 8, 15, and 18 months, as well as 2 and 3 years. The results suggested that maternal autonomy support is stable in relative terms, but that its mean level decreases over time. Moreover, there was significant relative stability only for mothers of girls, mothers who showed greater coherence of mind with respect to attachment, and mothers who experienced fewer stressful life events. These results speak to the relevance of investigating parent, child, and contextual factors when examining the conditions that promote or hinder stability in parenting behaviors.
In: Social development, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 380-398
ISSN: 1467-9507
AbstractThis study evaluated the utility of the social competence scale (SCS)‐parent version, a measure of social competence developed for children of elementary school age, for use with preschool‐age children. Data were derived from two samples of preschoolers: a community sample assessed at enrollment to pre‐kindergarten programs and a high‐risk sample of children at familial risk for conduct problems participating in a preventive intervention trial. Using data from both samples, we assessed the factor structure, internal consistency, and stability of the SCS, and whether the SCS discriminated the high‐risk sample from the community sample. Results support the utility and construct validity of the SCS for use in preschoolers. The total SCS scale was relatively stable over 24 months during the preschool period and was correlated with other measures of social competence, parent ratings of emotion regulation, lability and behavior problems, and tests of child cognitive ability.
In: Pedagogika: naučno spisanie = Pedagogy : Bulgarian journal of educational research and practice
ISSN: 1314-8540
Physical education influences the development of moral, volitional, and personal qualities in individuals. The formation of behavioural culture is an essential component of the personal characteristics of preschool children. It is the result of the impact of educational and social relations and the activities related to them. Emphasis is placed on movement games as a factor in overcoming aggressive behaviour in childhood.
In: Economic Development and Cultural Change, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 707-720
ISSN: 1539-2988
In: Pedagogika: naučno spisanie = Pedagogy : Bulgarian journal of educational research and practice, Band 95, Heft 4s, S. 134-144
ISSN: 1314-8540
A supportive, motivating and purposefully organized educational environment can become a powerful factor for laying the foundations for the development of important qualities, skills and competences in children of preschool age. The article aims to: reveal the possibilities of the educational environment and promote the development of key competences for lifelong learning in preschool children. Tasks: 1. To study and analyze literary sources and normative documents related to the application of the competence approach in preschool education; 2. To indicate the main principles underlying the creation of an educational environment promoting the development of key competencies in kindergarten; 3. To highlight the possibilities for modeling an educational environment to promote the development of key competences in preschool age