The development, implementation and maintenance of HACCP systems
In: [BTSF training booklet 2]
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In: [BTSF training booklet 2]
In: Public administration and public policy 151
Expectations for performance management continue to grow in the public sector, but there remains little understanding on how to effectively implement and sustain these systems. This book discusses the practical challenges involved in performance measurement efforts and provides context-sensitive guidelines to overcome these obstacles
In: Public administration and public policy, 151
In: Management and labour studies: a quarterly journal of responsible management, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 522-540
ISSN: 2321-0710
This article looks at the issues and concerns faced by nine Indian organisations in implementing and managing Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS). The organisations are diverse in terms of size and sector that they belong. The critical success factors and weaknesses in various stages of implementing an HRIS are explored in this paper. The problems are rooted in mainly two factors. One is the fact that the HR department lacks knowledge about HRIS and hence is not able to clearly elucidate the requirements of the system. Poor need assessment is a continuation of this problem. Second is the lack of importance given to the HR department in the organisations. The spectrum of cases covered shows the clear variation in terms of the success of implementation. In poorly managed implementations, the potential of HRIS has been under-utilised. Only a few modules have been implemented and at best HRIS's role is that of a centralised database. Very high dependence is placed on the vendors without having a clear idea about how to select vendors or a proper process or contract to ensure vendors' accountability. Another area of concern is that level of cooperation needed across various functions and divisions of the organisation for proper implementation of HRIS is also lacking. User satisfaction is low because there is minimal user involvement in the implementation project and the implemented package is not user-friendly.
The Circular Economy (CE) is a priority topic for various stakeholders such as politicians, scientists, and industry. However, despite the significant interest in CE, there is still a lack of a framework explaining how manufacturing companies willing to become circular adapt their existing business model. The concept of this work is based on the use of Information Technologies such as the well-known and long-proven Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions in the implementation and maintenance of the CE concept to reduce the consumption of primary raw materials, increase employment rates, and reduce environmental damage. This paper aims to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of using the PLM approach to implement the CE concept. The authors selected the most common and effective PLM functionalities and then assessed them to support selected components of the CE concept using qualitative and quantitative methods. The performed assessment and the inter-relation matrix of benefits developed on its basis allowed for pointing out the feature combinations that would bring the best outcome. The conducted study proved that the implemented and properly working PLM solution could simultaneously support CE concepts. PLM functionalities such as (1) product development, (2) transparency, and (3) value-maximizing with the combination of CE functional areas of (1) personalization, (2) made to order, and support turned out to be particularly effective. This study contributes to ensuring an effective and quick process of implementing CE concept in manufacturing companies and moreover opens further research ideas in bringing the Circular Economy to life.
In: Psychological services
ISSN: 1939-148X
Maintenance data collection is an integral part of flightline aircraft maintenance. Historically, this data was input via traditional keyboard data entry methods at a computer terminal. These terminals are typically located in the aircraft maintenance unit (AMU) facility, away from where the actual maintenance is being performed. In contrast to the traditional approach, the Point-of-Maintenance system (POMX) seeks to reduce the data entry burden while increasing data accuracy through the use of E-Tools such as ruggedized laptop computers and handheld portable maintenance aids (PMAs). POMX enables data entry at the aircraft or other maintenance location via wireless local area network or batch storage, and seeks to capture data as the maintenance is performed. This research analyzes the impact of a POMX system on maintenance data error rates. This research takes a careful look at the implementation of POMX at Randolph AFB to enable current designers and system engineers to gain insight into what to expect as the next generation of POMX comes on-line. Initial results indicate no significant improvement in data quality and no reduction in the number of data errors recorded with POMX systems. Follow-up interviews with POMX users and experts revealed that the Air Force still has a number of managerial, technical and organizational constraints which must be overcome before a POMX system can add to the effectiveness of Air Force maintenance operations.
In: American journal of health promotion, Band 30, Heft 7, S. 511-520
ISSN: 2168-6602
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an ongoing statewide weekend backpack program through the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework. Design. Mixed-methods inquiry was used to explore the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance of backpack programs within Montana. Setting. Study participants completed audio-recorded one-on-one phone interviews. Participants. Key informants (e.g., managers at food banks, staff at participating schools, policy makers) were purposively sampled (N = 20). Method. Semistructured interviews were conducted to gather data to describe each RE-AIM dimension. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and deductively (i.e., using RE-AIM as themes) coded for meaning units, placed into higher-order categories, and summarized in narrative. Supporting quantitative data (e.g., the proportion of eligible students that joined the program, rate of school-level adoption) were calculated using descriptive statistics. Results. Backpack programs with a broad reach and evidenced effect may be appealing to adopt. Weekend food bags cost an average $3.87 (SD ± .94) and there were some positive (i.e., ease, protecting participants' privacy) and very few negative (logistical) components of implementation. Collaborators and community partners are necessary for long-term sustainability. Conclusion. Backpack programs are widespread and have potential to relieve weekend hunger; however, more efforts need to be made to end childhood hunger.
In: HACCP, S. 251-300
In: Water and environment journal, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 422-428
ISSN: 1747-6593
AbstractScientific studies (1990–2000) on the impacts of channel maintenance on the river corridor biota and habitat of Irish arterially drained channels identified strategies that would reduce adverse impact or provide benefit. A 10‐point training programme was developed from these strategies and was rolled out to all Office of Public Work (OPW) field staff, engaged in channel maintenance, during 2003. Follow‐up site visits indicated a strong degree of implementation in respect of particular actions. It was also apparent that there was a low level of uptake of value‐added options, particularly those where strong liaison with fisheries was feasible. It was evident that some of the 'enhanced maintenance' diggings in the cross‐section would enhance hydromorphology elements in the channel, consistent with Water Framework Directive requirements. All 10 elements are now being pursued in a new 5‐year programme (2008–2012).
Efficiency in Power generation in the third world countries which Nigeria is among can never be waived aside by any responsible government. Local productions are expected to be stepped up in order to boost national economy and also put recession at bay. This cannot be optimally achieved without adequate attention to enough power which itself is obtainable through concerted effort of all players. 5S forms the basic foundation for Total Productive Maintenance and hence lean manufacturing; they are methodologies made possible by teams and industrial stakeholders. The paper illuminates various ways 5S methodology can be incorporated into the industry in order to reduce losses that tend to affect efficiency. It systematically discusses 5S pillars, seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke, viz- a-viz power generation infrastructures. It suggests various maintenance activities that can optimise maintenance cost and gender efficiency thus dovetailing into high productivity and profits.
This work arises from the increasing need of systems to manage risks associated with aircraft operations in order to improve the culture of Safety by the Aircraft Operators, particularly in the case of the Department of Engineering and Maintenance of these operators. The motivation for this study began with the partnership with a company dedicated to operate heavy aircraft worldwide. It was studied the case of risk management associated with the Department of Maintenance and Engineering airworthiness and created a program (or more specifically a set of procedures, connected by a database) to assist the members of this department controlling situations that threaten the safety, airworthiness and profitability of their fleet. The analysis of applicable legislation in the case of Maintenance and Engineering Department was made, as well as studied programs for risk management in different contexts. After that, we have outlined the general procedure as well as the various components that complete the analysis and mitigation of adverse events associated with the activities of this department. The implementation of this program was followed for one year in this study being presented here the results obtained from the analysis of the collected information. This work increased the safety culture of this department, as well as assisted in the implementation of mandatory legislation, introduced by the various authorities that regulate the operation of this operator. ; Este trabalho surge aquando da necessidade crescente de criar sistemas de gestão de risco em operações com aeronaves, de forma a melhorar a cultura de segurança por parte dos Operadores Aéreos. A motivação surgiu da parceria com uma empresa dedicada a operar aeronaves pesadas por todo o mundo. Foi estudado o caso particular da gestão de riscos associados ao Departamento de Manutenção e Engenharia e criado um programa (ou mais concretamente um conjunto de procedimentos, unidos por uma base de dados) para auxiliar os membros deste departmento a controlar situações que ameacem a segurança, aeronavegabilidade e rentabilidade da sua frota. Foi feita a análise da legislação aplicável ao caso concreto da Manutenção e Engenharia, assim como estudados programas aplicados em diversas áreas para gestão de riscos. Posto isto, foi delineado o procedimento geral assim como os diversos componentes que completam a análise e mitigação de eventos negativos associados com as actividades deste departamento. A implementação deste programa foi acompanhada durante um ano no âmbito deste estudo, sendo aqui apresentados os resultados obtidos da análise da informação recolhida. Este trabalho veio assim aumentar a cultura de segurança deste departamento, assim como ajudar na implementação da legislação mandatória, introduzida pelas diversas autoridades que regulam o sector no âmbito da operação deste operador.
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 23-33
In: HELIYON-D-23-47116