Aufsatz(elektronisch)17. August 2011

Development and implementation of environmental protocols in river maintenance in Ireland

In: Water and environment journal, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 422-428

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractScientific studies (1990–2000) on the impacts of channel maintenance on the river corridor biota and habitat of Irish arterially drained channels identified strategies that would reduce adverse impact or provide benefit. A 10‐point training programme was developed from these strategies and was rolled out to all Office of Public Work (OPW) field staff, engaged in channel maintenance, during 2003. Follow‐up site visits indicated a strong degree of implementation in respect of particular actions. It was also apparent that there was a low level of uptake of value‐added options, particularly those where strong liaison with fisheries was feasible. It was evident that some of the 'enhanced maintenance' diggings in the cross‐section would enhance hydromorphology elements in the channel, consistent with Water Framework Directive requirements. All 10 elements are now being pursued in a new 5‐year programme (2008–2012).





ISSN: 1747-6593



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