Este artigo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática de trabalhos que analisaram o efeito da adição de fibra alimentar sobre as características físico-químicas, nutricionais e sensoriais de produtos cárneos. Para isso, foi conduzido um levantamento de estudos nas bases Science Direct, PubMed e Lilacs, publicados entre os anos de 2011 e 2021, capturando-se 7 artigos que preencheram a todos os critérios de inclusão. Nos artigos analisados foi observado que após a adição de fibra alimentar apresentou maiores conteúdos cinzas, proteínas e compostos fenólicos e redução na quantidade de gordura dos produtos. Apesar dos benefícios nutricionais, observa-se que a adição de níveis elevados de fibra alimentar reduziu a aceitabilidade sensorial. Conclui-se que a utilização de fibra alimentar em produtos cárneos é uma alternativa viável, colaborando para a oferta de alimentos saudáveis e para a redução do descarte de lixo orgânico no meio ambiente.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the internal quality and lipid oxidation of eggs coated with a carnauba wax-based product at different concentrations and stored for up to 28 days under two temperatures. For analysis of internal quality, the eggs were assigned to a completely randomized 3 x 4 factorial design (uncoated eggs (control); eggs coated with carnauba wax at 12% concentration (Aruá®); eggs coated with carnauba wax at 15% concentration (Aruá®); four storage periods - 7, 14, 21, and 28 days). Fifteen eggs from each treatment were evaluated in each storage period, with each egg representing one replicate, i.e., 300 eggs per storage temperature (10 and 25°C). Egg weight loss, yolk percent (%), albumen percent (%), Haugh unit, yolk index, and specific gravity were calculated. Lipid oxidation of the egg yolk was measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), using 10 eggs at time 0 (fresh) and 30 eggs in each storage period (7, 14, 21, and 28 days), in triplicate, under only one storage temperature (25°C). A total of five pools, consisting of two eggs each, were used for each treatment. Each pool was considered a replicate, and each treatment consisted of five replicates. The weight loss of the eggs stored at 10°C and 25°C during the storage period was, on average, 46.1% and 37.3% lower for the eggs coated with carnauba wax than in uncoated eggs, respectively. Overall, coated eggs, regardless the concentration of the wax (12 or 15%) had higher Haugh units, specific gravity, and yolk index than uncoated eggs, in both temperatures (10 and 25°C). Uncoated and coated eggs showed similar lipid oxidation values regardless of the storage period. On the other hand, eggs coated with solutions containing 15% wax showed less oxidation than eggs coated with 12% wax. The coating of commercial eggs with carnauba wax, both at concentrations of 12 and 15%, was effective in maintaining their internal quality during storage at both storage temperatures (10 and 25°C). Eggs stored at 25°C had lower quality traits during storage compared with eggs kept under refrigeration. Coating eggs with wax did not minimize the oxidative processes in the egg yolk.