Globalizace v sociálních souvislostech současnosti: diagnóza a analýza
In: Filosofie a sociální vědy 35
10 Ergebnisse
In: Filosofie a sociální vědy 35
In: Perspectives on global development and technology: pgdt, Band 20, Heft 1-2, S. 125-134
ISSN: 1569-1497
The article analyzes the historical Silk Road in its long-term development. It entails reflections on the knowledge of Eastern global interactions providing a long-term contextual framework for Eurasia as a single continent. Eurasian globalization influenced the interactions of regions from China and India, through Western Asia, the Middle East, Eastern and Northern Africa and the Mediterranean, and the south of Europe. An important role was played by the Silk Road, as the main historical long-term network of global interactions and communication, which is now being echoed in the new current global initiatives, particularly the Belt and Road Initiative, which updates the historical Silk Road.
In: Civitas: revista de ciências sociais, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 315
ISSN: 1984-7289
Today we are living in the midst of an advancing socio-environmental crisis on a planetary scale. Barriers to a sustainable future – as a positive solution to that crisis – have accumulated. Globalization and capitalist transnational power have worsened social and environmental problems, including global climate change, with serious ecological and socio-economic implications, migration and poverty, social inequalities, unemployment, labour exploitation and degradation, accumulation by dispossession, rent and resource extraction. The global danger to peace is multiplied by current militarization, the proliferation of warfare, and the legitimization of wars and military interventions.***Dinâmica global da crise socioambiental: perigos no caminho para um futuro sustentável***Hoje estamos vivendo em meio a uma crise socioambiental em escalaplanetária. Acumulam-se barreiras para um futuro sustentável – que seria uma solução positiva para essa crise. A globalização e o poder capitalista transnacional agravaram os problemas sociais e ambientais, incluindo as mudanças climáticas globais, com graves implicações ecológicas e socioeconômicas, migração e pobreza, desigualdades sociais,desemprego, exploração e degradação do trabalho, acumulação por desapropriação, rentismo e extração de recursos. O perigo global para a paz é multiplicado pela atual militarização, pela proliferação da guerra e pela legitimação de guerras e intervenções militares.Palavras-chave: Crise socioambiental. Futuro sustentável. Globalização. Poder capitalista transnacional.
In: Teorie vědy: TV = Theory of science, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 113-123
ISSN: 1804-6347
Today we are living in the midst of an advancing socio-environmental crisis on a planetary scale. Barriers to a sustainable future – as a positive solution to that crisis – have accumulated. Globalization and capitalist transnational power have worsened social and environmental problems, including global climate change, with serious ecological and socio-economic implications, migration and poverty, social inequalities, unemployment, labour exploitation and degradation, accumulation by dispossession, rent and resource extraction. The global danger to peace is multiplied by current militarization, the proliferation of warfare, and the legitimization of wars and military interventions. ; Hoy vivimos en medio de una crisis socioambiental que avanza a escala planetaria. Las barreras para un futuro sostenible, como solución positiva a esa crisis, se han acumulado. La globalización y el poder transnacional capitalista han empeorado los problemas sociales y ambientales, incluido el cambio climático global, con graves implicaciones ecológicas y socioeconómicas, la migración y la pobreza, las desigualdades sociales, el desempleo, la explotación y la degradación de la condición laboral, la acumulación por despojo, la renta y la extracción de recursos. El peligro global para la paz se multiplica por la militarización actual, la proliferación de la guerra y la legitimación de guerras e intervenciones militares. ; Today we are living in the midst of an advancing socio-environmental crisis on a planetary scale. Barriers to a sustainable future – as a positive solution to that crisis – have accumulated. Globalization and capitalist transnational power have worsened social and environmental problems, including global climate change, with serious ecological and socio-economic implications, migration and poverty, social inequalities, unemployment, labour exploitation and degradation, accumulation by dispossession, rent and resource extraction. The global danger to peace is multiplied by current militarization, the proliferation of ...
In: Critical sociology, Band 45, Heft 6, S. 829-843
ISSN: 1569-1632
Socio-political conflicts relating to survival on this planet have become pressing over the last few decades. Global risks and conflicts are developing within the context of global capitalism with an evident conjunction of environmentally and socially destructive changes. The aim for a critical theory of globalization is to develop further analysis of this conjunction by studying social and ecological crises. Today we see a conflict between environmental justice and risk distribution related to the problems of growing social inequality and poverty. Global capitalism is characterized by an evident conjunction between destructive environmental changes, and social, economic and political (governance) crises. The complex of global transformations brings ever greater interdependence between economic, political, technological, social and environmental processes. Many negative consequences become increasingly unsustainable and less manageable.
In: Sociologický časopis: Czech sociological review, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 157-168
ISSN: 2336-128X
In: Annual of European and Global Studies
Frontmatter -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 2 A Trialogue on Revolution and Transformation -- 3 Revolutions, Transformations, Civilisations: Prolegomena to a Paradigm Reorientation -- 4 The Transformation of Capitalism and the Limits of Democracy -- 5 From Civilisational Crisis to Revolutionary Transformation? -- 6 Environmental Crisis and Political Revolutions -- 7 Communists and Social Democrats in the Hungarian Soviet Republic -- 8 Can Political Participation Become Dangerous for Democracy? Participatory Experiences in Brazil and the Reactions Against Them -- 9 Hidden Revolutionary Processes in 1990s India? -- 10 Matching Reforms of Political and Economic Systems of China -- Notes on the Contributors -- Index
In: Ediční řada Post 15. svazek