Social transformations and revolutions: reflections and analyses
In: Annual of European and global studies
In: Annual of European and Global Studies
Frontmatter -- Contents -- 1 Introduction -- 2 A Trialogue on Revolution and Transformation -- 3 Revolutions, Transformations, Civilisations: Prolegomena to a Paradigm Reorientation -- 4 The Transformation of Capitalism and the Limits of Democracy -- 5 From Civilisational Crisis to Revolutionary Transformation? -- 6 Environmental Crisis and Political Revolutions -- 7 Communists and Social Democrats in the Hungarian Soviet Republic -- 8 Can Political Participation Become Dangerous for Democracy? Participatory Experiences in Brazil and the Reactions Against Them -- 9 Hidden Revolutionary Processes in 1990s India? -- 10 Matching Reforms of Political and Economic Systems of China -- Notes on the Contributors -- Index
In: Annual of European and global studies
In: Annual of European and global studies
Prompted by the 25th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this volume reflects on revolutions and transformations around the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, the political transformations after 9/11, the important changes following the global economic crisis, and the revolutionary transformations of India and China
In: Annual of European and Global Studies
Prompted by the 25th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this volume reflects on revolutions and transformations around the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, the political transformations after 9/11, the important changes following the global economic crisis, and the revolutionary transformations of India and China.
In: Annual of European and global studies
Explores social revolutions and transformations from the viewpoints of philosophy, sociology, history and political science. Prompted by the 25th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this volume reflects on revolutions and transformations around the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, the political transformations after 9/11, the important changes following the global economic crisis, and the revolutionary transformations of India and China. The authors stress that the United States' military actions after the 9/11 terrorist attacks have had a major transformative impact on the global arena. More recently, the economic crisis that began in 2007/8 caused a series of breakdowns and provoked demands for social and political transformation, so far unfulfilled. The repercussions of the Arab Spring and transformations linked to the rise of BRICS are altering the patterns of international and global relations. All these processes have unfolded within the framework of global capitalism, whose reproduction on an expanding scale involved multiple economic, political ecological and civilizational transformations
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