Sustainable development: the role of the universities
In: Research on cases and theories 7
10 Ergebnisse
In: Research on cases and theories 7
In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft
In: Sonderhefte N.F., 189
In: Research on cases and theories 2
In: Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen für Unterricht und Studium: sowi, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 129-132
ISSN: 0340-2304
Hauptzweck des Vertrages zur Gründung der EG 1957 war die Schaffung eines gemeinamen Agrarmarktes. Konzentrierte sich die gemeinsame Agrarpolitik zunächst ganz auf den Markt - Preise, Finanzierung, Stabilisierung, Außenschutz etc. - wandte die EG sich ab 1968 mit dem Mansholtplan zur Reform der Landwirtschaft einer gemeinsamen Strukturpolitik zu, in deren Mittelpunkt Produktionseinheiten standen, die sich zu modernen landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen zusammenschließen sollten. Klassisches Ziel der Agrarstrukturpolitik war, durch Produktivitätssteigerung zur Einkommensverbesserung der Landwirte beizutragen. Hauptproblem der Agrarstrukturverbesserung ist die Schaffung genügend großer und wirtschaftlich erzeugender Produktionseinheiten und qualitativhochwertiger und großer Angebotsposten. Dies erhofft man durch kooperative Unternehmensformen, die den unterschiedlichen regionalen Verhältnissen angepaßt sind. Festzustellen war jedoch, daß mit Kooperationen nicht nur ökonomische und rechtliche Probleme sondern auch psycho-soziale Hemmnisse verbunden sind. So ist es zum einen wichtig, zunächst die psychischen und sozialen Voraussetzungen für eine Kooperative zu schaffen, und zum anderen den Kooperativen eine Rechts- bzw. Gesellschaftsform zu ermöglichen, die gegenüber der einzelbetrieblichen Wirtschftsweise keine Benachteiligung beinhaltet. Der Verf. untersucht im besonderen die mit den einzelnen Gesellschaftsformen - OHG, KG, stille Gesellschaft - verbundenen steuerlichen Probleme. (JM)
In: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Band 88, Heft 5, S. 525-540
ISSN: 2568-762X
In: Research on cases and theories, Band 12
Contents: Introduction: Inga Krättli: Long-term Responsibility for a Sustainable Life: Introductory Panel Session and Roundtable Discussion (15-22); Part 1: On Organisations and Philosophies of Development: Isolde M. Schönstein: Die Verantwortung der Kirchen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (25-33); Emil Brix: Zivilgesellschaft als Chance für die Demokratie (35-42); Michal Sicinski: Ecology and Sustainable Development within a General Social Theory: Old and New Approaches (43-52); Part 2: On Higher Education and Cases of Institution Building: Norbert Derner: Mutual Relationships of Personal Interests and the Evolution of Complex Social Systems (55-59); R. Garleja, I. Kerpe: Innovative Changes in the Social Demand for Lifelong Education (61-66); Richard J. Bartak: Bioakademie - Bildungsprojekt zum ökologischen Landbau in der Tschechischen Republik (67-74); Vijaya Sherry Chand, Elmar A. Stuhler and Sasi Misra: The Fachhochschule System of Higher Education: University of Applied Sciences, Landshut and University of Applied Sciences, Freising-Weihenstephan (75-86); Part 3: Interdisciplinary Studies on National Parks, Ecotourism and Investment: Jan W. Dobrowolski: An Interdisciplinary Study of, and Education for, the Sustainable Development of National Park Regions in Poland and a New Concept of Sound Tourism Management applied to the Cinque Terre National Park in Italy (89-100); Aleksandra Wagner, Jan W. Dobrowolski, Maria Zielinska: Ecotourism as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Specially Protected Regions (101-108); Philippos Nicolopoulos: The Large Scale Investments in Alternative Tourism and Sustainable Development: The Case of Crete and Arcadia (109-121); Part 4: Living Space Resources, Evaluation of Raw Materials, Agricultural and Food Policy: Drago Muvrin: Sustainable Development through Research and Learning. Sustainable Development and Habitation. An Approach to the Use of Living Space Resources (125-136); Ingeborg Bauer: Basic Principles of the Bavarian Agricultural Policy and its Contribution to Sustainable Development (137-142); Aija Melngaile: Global Aspects of Food Chain Development (143-149); Richard J. Bartak: Evaluating the Use of Raw Materials for Food Production from Economic, Ecological, Ethical and Social Points of View (151-162); Part 5: International Agricultural Research for Development: Sabine Homann, Andre van Rooyen, Thinah Moyo and Zivayi Nengomasha: Strengthening Livestock Market Flows and Feeding Practices for Improved Livelihoods in Southern Zimbabwe (165-173); Sabine Homann, Barbara Rischkowsky, Jörg Steinbach, Michael Kirk: Towards Endogenous Development: Borana Pastoralists' Response to Environmental and Institutional Changes (175-182); Sabine Homann, Barbara Rischkowsky, Jörg Steinbach: Herd Mobility Leads the Way for Sustainable Pastoral Development: The Case of Borana Rangelands, Southern Ethiopia (183-194); Part 6: Aspects of Eco-Design and Development, Innovation as well as Renewable Energy Sources: Marion Hersh: Ecodesign for All: Principles and Practice (197-216); Jozica Knez-Riedl: Developing a Sustainable/Holistic Firm (217-225); Majda Bastic: Analysis of Slovenian New Products from Environmental Viewpoint (227-234); Jan Fiedler: The Economics of Renewable Energy Sources in the Czech Republic (235-240); Part 7: Technological Issues and Opportunities: Zinaida Klestova, Alexander Makarenko, Eugene Samorodov: Geoinformational Systems in society Transformation. System Analysis and Transregional Infrastructure (243-250); T. Abadjieva: Effect of Solar Radiation on Materials and Design of Buildings in Botswana (251-258); Vera Vokolkova: Road Transport and its Contribution to Global Warming with Special Regards to Developing Countries (259-269); Dana Wenscheova: Transportation and Environment in the City of Brno (271-275); Antonin Kremr: The Modrice Project - Reconstruction and Intensification of the City Waste Water Treatment Plant in Brno (277-280); Part 8: Latvian Processes and Methodologies: I. Skards, J. Raipulis, I. Karlsone, V. Strazdina: Why Have Suicide Rates in Baltic States Increased after Restoration of Independence after 1990 (283-296); Ilmars Skards, Jekabs Raipulis, Ilga Karlsone: Demographic Situation in Latvia and the Conditions which Limit it (297-310); A. Goldsteins: State Forest Certification Activities in Latvia (311-315); Part 9: Our New Enemy: Timi Ecimovic: The Climate Change System (319-334); Melanie Thun: "Shishmaref Must Yield" (335-336); Werner Zeppenfeld: Tuvalu: An Island Nation Cables SOS (337); Part 10: Possible Follow up Studies: Rainer Fuchs, Shalini Misra: Need and Possibility for Analysing Human Motivation Potential - Related to Sustainability (341-363); Rainer Fuchs: Goal-oriented Action: The Interaction of Process Components in Terms of Cybernetic Theory (365-380); Elmar A. Stuhler: The Usefulness of Action Psychology for Multipurpose Agribusiness (381-393); Elmar A. Stuhler: Retrospect and Prospect (395-400).
World Affairs Online
In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Band 38, Heft 6, S. 501-518
ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X
This paper extends the motivational formulation and measurement of job and work involvement constructs (Kanungo, 1982b) and tests its cross-cultural implications by reporting on two studies conducted in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and India. Results pertaining to the empirical properties (reliability and validity) of the new job and work involvement measures obtained in the FRG and Indian contexts generally support results reported by Kanungo in the Canadian context. The cross-national generalizability of predictions derived from the motivational formulation is supported. Usefulness of the motivational framework for future research on involvement in relation to certain desired outcomes is indicated.
In: Research on cases and theories Vol. 5