Der andere Weg: José Antonio und die Falange - den Kapitalismus überwinden
In: Fakten 10a, Sondernr.
25 Ergebnisse
In: Fakten 10a, Sondernr.
The use of artificial lipid membranes, structured as giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), provides the opportunity to investigate membrane-associated biological processes under defined experimental conditions. Due to their large size, they are uniquely adapted to investigate the properties and organization (in time and space) of macromolecular complexes incorporated in the vesicle interior by imaging and micro-spectroscopic techniques. Experimental methods to produce giant vesicles and to encapsulate proteins inside them are here reviewed. Previous experimental work to reconstitute elements of the bacterial division machinery in these membrane-like systems is summarized. Future challenges towards reconstructing minimal divisome assemblies in giant vesicles as cytomimetic containers are discussed. © 2013 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ; This work was supported by the Spanish government through grants BIO2011-28941-C03-03, by the European Commission through contract HEALTH-F3-2009-223432, and by Human Frontiers Science Program through grant RGP0050/2010-C102, all of them to GR. ; Peer Reviewed
14 p.-4 fig.-2 tab. ; We have studied the influence of protein crowders, either combined or individually, on the GTP-induced FtsZ cooperative assembly, crucial for the formation of the dynamic septal ring and, hence, for bacterial division. It was earlier demonstrated that high concentrations of inert polymers like Ficoll 70, used to mimic the crowded cellular interior, favor the assembly of FtsZ into bundles with slow depolymerization. We have found, by fluorescence anisotropy together with light scattering measurements, that the presence of protein crowders increases the tendency of FtsZ to polymerize at micromolar magnesium concentration, being the effect larger with ovomucoid, a negatively charged protein. Neutral polymers and a positively charged protein also diminished the critical concentration of assembly, the extent of the effect being compatible with that expected according to pure volume exclusion models. FtsZ polymerization was also observed to be strongly promoted by a negatively charged polymer, DNA, and by some unrelated polymers like PEGs at concentrations below the crowding regime. The influence of mixed crowders mimicking the heterogeneity of the intracellular environment on the tendency of FtsZ to assemble was also studied and nonadditive effects were found to prevail. Far from exactly reproducing the bacterial cytoplasm environment, this approach serves as a simplified model illustrating how its intrinsically crowded and heterogeneous nature may modulate FtsZ assembly into a functional Z-ring. ; This work was supported by Spanish government BIO2011-28941-C03 (GR and SZ) and BFU 2014-52070-C2-2-P (GR) (, European Commission HEALTH-F3-2009-223432 (GR) (, and Human Frontiers Science Program RGP0050/2010-C102 (GR) ( ; Peer reviewed
15 p.-6 fig.-1 tab. ; ZipA is an essential cell division protein in Escherichia coli. Together with FtsA, ZipA tethers dynamic polymers of FtsZ to the cytoplasmic membrane, and these polymers are required to guide synthesis of the cell division septum. This dynamic behavior of FtsZ has been reconstituted on planar lipid surfaces in vitro, visible as GTP-dependent chiral vortices several hundred nanometers in diameter, when anchored by FtsA or when fused to an artificial membrane binding domain. However, these dynamics largely vanish when ZipA is used to tether FtsZ polymers to lipids at high surface densities. This, along with some in vitro studies in solution, has led to the prevailing notion that ZipA reduces FtsZ dynamics by enhancing bundling of FtsZ filaments. Here, we show that this is not the case. When lower, more physiological levels of the soluble, cytoplasmic domain of ZipA (sZipA) were attached to lipids, FtsZ assembled into highly dynamic vortices similar to those assembled with FtsA or other membrane anchors. Notably, at either high or low surface densities, ZipA did not stimulate lateral interactions between FtsZ protofilaments. We also used E. coli mutants that are either deficient or proficient in FtsZ bundling to provide evidence that ZipA does not directly promote bundling of FtsZ filaments in vivo. Together, our results suggest that ZipA does not dampen FtsZ dynamics as previously thought, and instead may act as a passive membrane attachment for FtsZ filaments as they treadmill. ; IMPORTANCE: Bacterial cells use a membrane-attached ring of proteins to mark and guide formation of a division septum at midcell that forms a wall separating the two daughter cells and allows cells to divide. The key protein in this ring is FtsZ, a homolog of tubulin that forms dynamic polymers. Here, we use electron microscopy and confocal fluorescence imaging to show that one of the proteins required to attach FtsZ polymers to the membrane during E. coli cell division, ZipA, can promote dynamic swirls of FtsZ on a lipid surface in vitro. Importantly, these swirls are observed only when ZipA is present at low, physiologically relevant surface densities. Although ZipA has been thought to enhance bundling of FtsZ polymers, we find little evidence for bundling in vitro. In addition, we present several lines of in vivo evidence indicating that ZipA does not act to directly bundle FtsZ polymers. ; This work was supported by grant GM61074 from the National Institutes of Health to W.M. and by grant BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P from the Spanish Government to G.R. ; Peer reviewed
9 p.-6 fig. ; ZipA protein from Escherichia coli is one of the essential components of the division proto-ring that provides membrane tethering to the septation FtsZ protein. A sedimentation assay was used to measure the equilibrium binding of FtsZ-GDP and FtsZ-GTP to ZipA immobilized at controlled densities on the surface of microbeads coated with a phospholipid mixture resembling the composition of E. coli membrane. We found that for both nucleotide-bound species, the amount of bound FtsZ exceeds the monolayer capacity of the ZipA immobilized beads at high concentrations of free FtsZ. In the case of FtsZ-GDP, equilibrium binding does not appear to be saturable, whereas in the case of FtsZ-GTP equilibrium binding appears to be saturable. The difference between the two modes of binding is attributed to the difference between the composition of oligomers of free FtsZ-GDP and free FtsZ-GTP formed in solution. ; This work was supported by the Spanish government through grants BFU2014-52070-C2-2-P and BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P (to G.R.). G.R. is member of the CIB Intramural Program 'Macromolecular Machines for Better Life' (MACBET). Research of A.P.M. is supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH. ; Peer reviewed
4 p.-2 fig. ; There is growing interest in analyzing the effect of microenvironments, which may be mimicked through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), on the reactivity of biological macromolecules. We report the encapsulation by microfluidics of the division protein FtsZ and a LLPS system inside microdroplets and their conversion into permeable vesicles (allowing ligand uptake), with higher yield, homogeneity and biomolecular compatibility than those previously described. ; This work was supported by the Spanish government (BFU2014-52070-C2-2-P and BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P, G. R.) and by the National Science Foundation (MCB-1244180, C. D. K.). ; Peer reviewed
13 p.-8 fig. ; The influence of membrane-free microcompartments resulting from crowding-induced liquid/liquid phase separation (LLPS) on the dynamic spatial organization of FtsZ, the main component of the bacterial division machinery, has been studied using several LLPS systems. The GTP-dependent assembly cycle of FtsZ is thought to be crucial for the formation of the septal ring, which is highly regulated in time and space. We found that FtsZ accumulates in one of the phases and/or at the interface, depending on the system composition and on the oligomerization state of the protein. These results were observed both in bulk LLPS and in lipid-stabilized, phase-separated aqueous microdroplets. The visualization of the droplets revealed that both the location and structural arrangement of FtsZ filaments is determined by the nature of the LLPS. Relocation upon depolymerization of the dynamic filaments suggests the protein may shift among microenvironments in response to changes in its association state. The existence of these dynamic compartments driven by phase transitions can alter the local composition and reactivity of FtsZ during its life cycle acting as a nonspecific modulating factor of cell function. ; This work was supported by the Spanish government through grants BIO2011-28941-C03 (G.R. and S.Z.) and BFU 2014-52070-C2-2-P (G.R.); by the European Commission through contract HEALTH-F3-2009-223432(G.R.); by Human Frontiers Science Program through grant RGP0050/2010-C102 (G.R.); and by the National Science Foundation through grant MCB-1244180 (C.D.K.). ; Peer reviewed
11 p.-7 fig. ; The effects of Kil peptide from bacteriophage λ on the assembly of Escherichia coli FtsZ into one subunit thick protofilaments were studied using combined biophysical and biochemical methods. Kil peptide has recently been identified as the factor from bacteriophage λ responsible for the inhibition of bacterial cell division during lytic cycle, targeting FtsZ polymerization. Here, we show that this antagonist blocks FtsZ assembly into GTP-dependent protofilaments, producing a wide distribution of smaller oligomers compared with the average size of the intact protofilaments. The shortening of FtsZ protofilaments by Kil is detectable at concentrations of the peptide in the low micromolar range, the mid-point of the inhibition being close to its apparent affinity for GDP-bound FtsZ. This antagonist not only interferes with FtsZ assembly but also reverses the polymerization reaction. The negative regulation by Kil significantly reduces the GTPase activity of FtsZ protofilaments, and FtsZ polymers assembled in guanosine-5'-[(α,β)-methyleno]triphosphate are considerably less sensitive to Kil. Our results suggest that, at high concentrations, Kil may use an inhibition mechanism involving the sequestration of FtsZ subunits, similar to that described for other inhibitors like the SOS response protein SulA or the moonlighting enzyme OpgH. This mechanism is different from those employed by the division site selection antagonists MinC and SlmA. This work provides new insight into the inhibition of FtsZ assembly by phages, considered potential tools against bacterial infection. ; This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of Health Grant GM61074 (to W. M.). This work was also supported by Human Frontier Science Program Grant RGP0050/2010 (to G. R. and W. M.) and Spanish Government Grant BIO2011-28941-C03 (to G. R. and S. Z.). ; Peer reviewed
15 p.-5 fig.-3 tab. ; Protein modification by lipid derived reactive species or lipoxidation is increased during oxidative stress, a common feature observed in many pathological conditions. Biochemical and functional consequences of lipoxidation include changes in the conformation and assembly of the target proteins, altered recognition of ligands and/or cofactors, changes in the interactions with DNA or protein-protein interactions, modifications in membrane partitioning and binding and/or subcellular localization. These changes may impact, directly or indirectly, signaling pathways involved in the activation of cell defense mechanisms, but when these are overwhelmed they may lead to pathological outcomes. Mass spectrometry provides state of the art approaches for the identification and characterization of lipoxidized proteins/residues and the modifying species. Nevertheless, understanding the complexity of the functional effects of protein lipoxidation requires the use of additional methodologies. Herein, biochemical and biophysical methods used to detect and measure functional effects of protein lipoxidation at different levels of complexity, from in vitro and reconstituted cell-like systems to cells, are reviewed, focusing especially on macromolecular interactions. Knowledge generated through innovative and complementary technologies will contribute to comprehend the role of lipoxidation in pathophysiology and, ultimately, its potential as target for therapeutic intervention. ; This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 675132 (, and by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO/FEDER, SAF2015-68590-R to DPS and BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P to GR, and RETIC Aradyal from ISCIII/FEDER (RD16/0006/0021) to DPS. ; Peer reviewed
13 p.-7 fig. ; Bacterial cell division is driven by an FtsZ ring in which the FtsZ protein localizes at mid-cell and recruits other proteins, forming a divisome. In Escherichia coli, the first molecular assembly of the divisome, the proto-ring, is formed by the association of FtsZ polymers to the cytoplasmic membrane through the membrane-tethering FtsA and ZipA proteins. The MinCDE system plays a major role in the site selection of the division ring because these proteins oscillate from pole to pole in such a way that the concentration of the FtsZ-ring inhibitor, MinC, is minimal at the cell center, thus favoring FtsZ assembly in this region. We show that MinCDE drives the formation of waves of FtsZ polymers associated to bilayers by ZipA, which propagate as antiphase patterns with respect to those of Min as revealed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The emergence of these FtsZ waves results from the displacement of FtsZ polymers from the vicinity of the membrane by MinCD, which efficiently competes with ZipA for the C-terminal region of FtsZ, a central hub for multiple interactions that are essential for division. The coupling between FtsZ polymers and Min is enhanced at higher surface densities of ZipA or in the presence of crowding agents that favor the accumulation of FtsZ polymers near the membrane. The association of FtsZ polymers to the membrane modifies the response of FtsZ to Min, and comigrating Min-FtsZ waves are observed when FtsZ is free in solution and not attached to the membrane by ZipA. Taken together, our findings show that the dynamic Min patterns modulate the spatial distribution of FtsZ polymers in controlled minimal membranes. We propose that ZipA plays an important role in mid-cell recruitment of FtsZ orchestrated by MinCDE. ; This work was supported in part by the Human Frontiers Science Program through grant RGP0050/2010-C102 (to P.S. and G.R.), the DFG Leibniz Prize (to P.S.), the European Commission through contract HEALTH-F3-2009-223431 (to G.R.), and the Spanish Government through grant BIO2011-28941-C03-03 (to G.R.). ; Peer reviewed
Phasins are intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoat4e (PHA)-associated proteins involved in the stabilization of these bacterial carbon storage granules. Despite its importance in PHA metabolism and regulation, only few reports have focused so far on the structure of these proteins. In this work we have investigated the structure and stability of the PhaF phasin from Pseudomonas putida KT2440, a protein that is involved in PHA granule stabilization and distribution to daughter cells upon cell division. A structural, three-dimensional model of the protein was built from homology modeling procedures and consensus secondary structure predictions. The model predicts that PhaF is an elongated protein, with a long, amphipathic N-terminal helix with PHA binding capacity, followed by a short leucine zipper involved in protein oligomerization and a superhelical C-terminal domain wrapped around the chromosomal DNA. Hydrodynamic, spectroscopical and thermodynamic experiments validated the model and confirmed both that free PhaF is a tetramer in solution and that most part of the protein is intrinsically disordered in the absence of its ligands. The results lay a molecular basis for the explanation of the biological role of PhaF and, along with an exhaustive analysis of phasin sequence databases, suggest that intrinsic disorder and oligomerization through coiled-coils may be a widespread mechanism among these proteins. © 2013 Maestro et al. ; Spanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessBFU2010-17824, BIO2010-21049, BIO2007-67304-C02 (, http:// = en) Valencian Government, Spain, FPA/2010/055 ; Peer Reviewed
11 p.-4 fig. ; A major challenge towards the realization of an autonomous synthetic cell resides in the encoding of a division machinery in a genetic programme. In the bacterial cell cycle, the assembly of cytoskeletal proteins into a ring defines the division site. At the onset of the formation of the Escherichia coli divisome, a proto-ring consisting of FtsZ and its membrane-recruiting proteins takes place. Here, we show that FtsA-FtsZ ring-like structures driven by cell-free gene expression can be reconstituted on planar membranes and inside liposome compartments. Such cytoskeletal structures are found to constrict the liposome, generating elongated membrane necks and budding vesicles. Additional expression of the FtsZ cross-linker protein ZapA yields more rigid FtsZ bundles that attach to the membrane but fail to produce budding spots or necks in liposomes. These results demonstrate that gene-directed protein synthesis and assembly of membrane-constricting FtsZ-rings can be combined in a liposome-based artificial cell. ; This work was financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO/OCW) through the 'BaSyC—Building a Synthetic Cell' Gravitation grant (024.003.019) and the FOM program no. 151, and by the Spanish government grant BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P. ; Peer reviewed
20 p.-6 fig. ; FtsZ, the primary protein of the bacterial Z ring guiding cell division, has been recently shown to engage in intriguing treadmilling dynamics along the circumference of the division plane. When coreconstituted in vitro with FtsA, one of its natural membrane anchors, on flat supported membranes, these proteins assemble into dynamic chiral vortices compatible with treadmilling of curved polar filaments. Replacing FtsA by a membrane-targeting sequence (mts) to FtsZ, we have discovered conditions for the formation of dynamic rings, showing that the phenomenon is intrinsic to FtsZ. Ring formation is only observed for a narrow range of protein concentrations at the bilayer, which is highly modulated by free Mg2+ and depends upon guanosine triphosphate (GTP) hydrolysis. Interestingly, the direction of rotation can be reversed by switching the mts from the C-terminus to the N-terminus of the protein, implying that the filament attachment must have a perpendicular component to both curvature and polarity. Remarkably, this chirality switch concurs with previously shown inward or outward membrane deformations by the respective FtsZ mutants. Our results lead us to suggest an intrinsic helicity of FtsZ filaments with more than one direction of curvature, supporting earlier hypotheses and experimental evidence. ; BMBF/MPG (grant number 031A359A MaxSynBio). The MaxSynBio consortium is jointly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany and the Max Planck Society. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. German-Israeli Foundation (GIF) (grant number 1160-137.14/2011). to MF and PS. AR is funded through the GIF for Scientific Research and Development. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences of the Ludwig Maximilians University. DR-D and DG-S are supported by a DFG fellowship through QBM. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. JM is supported by the Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM) excellence cluster and the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Life Sciences (IMPRS). The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Human Frontiers Science Program (grant number RGP0050/2010). to GR and PS. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Spanish Government (grant number BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P). to GR. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Israel Academy of Science and Humanities (grant number 1701/13). to MF. ; Peer reviewed
11 p.-6 fig. ; FtsZ is a key component in bacterial cell division, being the primary protein of the presumably contractile Z ring. In vivo and in vitro, it shows two distinctive features that could so far, however, not be mechanistically linked: self-organization into directionally treadmilling vortices on solid supported membranes, and shape deformation of flexible liposomes. In cells, circumferential treadmilling of FtsZ was shown to recruit septum-building enzymes, but an active force production remains elusive. To gain mechanistic understanding of FtsZ dependent membrane deformations and constriction, we design an in vitro assay based on soft lipid tubes pulled from FtsZ decorated giant lipid vesicles (GUVs) by optical tweezers. FtsZ filaments actively transform these tubes into spring-like structures, where GTPase activity promotes spring compression. Operating the optical tweezers in lateral vibration mode and assigning spring constants to FtsZ coated tubes, the directional forces that FtsZ-YFP-mts rings exert upon GTP hydrolysis can be estimated to be in the pN range. They are sufficient to induce membrane budding with constricting necks on both, giant vesicles and E.coli cells devoid of their cell walls. We hypothesize that these forces result from torsional stress in a GTPase activity dependent manner. ; This work was funded through MaxSynBio (MPG together with Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany) Grant Number 031A359A to P.S., and the Transregio CRC 174 by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) to P.S. and M.B. Work at GR Lab was supported by Spanish Government Grants BFU2016-75471-C2-1-P and 2019AEP088. ; Peer reviewed
© 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. The cell division protein FtsZ assembles in vitro by a mechanism of cooperative association dependent on GTP, monovalent cations, and Mg2+. We have analyzed the GTPase activity and assembly dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae FtsZ (Spn-FtsZ). SpnFtsZ assembled in an apparently cooperative process, with a higher critical concentration than values reported for other FtsZ proteins. It sedimented in the presence of GTP as a high molecular mass polymer with a well defined size and tended to form double-stranded filaments in electron microscope preparations. GTPase activity depended on K+ and Mg2+ and was inhibited by Na+. GTP hydrolysis exhibited a delay that included a lag phase followed by a GTP hydrolysis activation step, until reaction reached the GTPase rate. The lag phase was not found in polymer assembly, suggesting a transition from an initial non-GTP-hydrolyzing polymer that switches to a GTP-hydrolyzing polymer, supporting models that explain FtsZ polymer cooperativity. ; Spanish Government GrantsBIO2011-28941-C03 (to G. R. and C. A.) and BIO2011-28941-C01; Torres Quevedo Program Grant PTQ-11-05049 to Biomol Informatics S.L. ; Peer Reviewed