Puisant à des sources très diverses, cet ouvrage s'intéresse à la fois à la réception des idées philosophiques, à la pratique de l'amitié et à sa représentation au cours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles en France. Sans ignorer l'histoire de Montaigne et La Boétie mais loin de s'y limiter, il s'attache à découvrir, notamment grâce aux écrits du for privé, aux testaments, mais aussi aux dictionnaires, aux proverbes, aux emblèmes, etc., comment les hommes ont tissé des liens amicaux et les ont décrits. À cette époque, l'amitié ne relève pas encore exclusivement de la sphère de l'intime. Elle est au coeur de la réflexion politique. Les tensions de la société de l'époque moderne transparaissent à travers ces multiples histoires masculines
Urban planning includes the institutional means used to control urban development. Over theyears, the French urban plans saw their goals modified towards a more controlled urbanspace management (SRU and Grenelle laws).Besides, environmental and spatial protection issues were reinforced by European legislation,which made the environmental assessment compulsory for some plans (in 2001 for Europe,applied in France in 2005).This PhD research aims to propose a complementary assessment approach to the currentindicators contained in the local plan's assessments, and, more broadly, to question theimpacts of the local plans on urban areas. In fact, the local plan indicators seem to be moreadapted for a city sustainability performance analysis than for an analysis of the quality ofthe regulations contained in the plans.This approach starts with the creation of a set of indicators, which are expected to show theeffects of the local plan, focusing on "regulatory planning criteria" (zoning, constraints for abuilding shape and parcel layout, public facilities and amenities) and "sustainable planning"(based on the SRU and Grenelle laws definitions). Finally, the aggregation of the indicators,by the use of multicriteria and statistical analysis, will supply regulatory planners not onlywith a tool for better understanding of the complex regulations but also a decision aidingtool, whose purpose is to facilitate the choices planners have to make for the evolution ofthe zoning and the regulation. The local plan of the city of Toulouse will be used as a casestudy to show the application of the approach. ; La planification urbaine regroupe les moyens institutionnels mis en oeuvre pour gérer lesévolutions urbaines. Au cours du temps, les documents de planification urbaine français ontvu leurs objectifs évoluer en vue d'une gestion plus maîtrisée des espaces urbanisés (loisSRU et Grenelle). Aussi, la question de la protection de l'environnement et des espaces a étérenforcée par la législation européenne qui a obligé certains documents ...
Urban planning includes the institutional means used to control urban development. Over theyears, the French urban plans saw their goals modified towards a more controlled urbanspace management (SRU and Grenelle laws).Besides, environmental and spatial protection issues were reinforced by European legislation,which made the environmental assessment compulsory for some plans (in 2001 for Europe,applied in France in 2005).This PhD research aims to propose a complementary assessment approach to the currentindicators contained in the local plan's assessments, and, more broadly, to question theimpacts of the local plans on urban areas. In fact, the local plan indicators seem to be moreadapted for a city sustainability performance analysis than for an analysis of the quality ofthe regulations contained in the plans.This approach starts with the creation of a set of indicators, which are expected to show theeffects of the local plan, focusing on "regulatory planning criteria" (zoning, constraints for abuilding shape and parcel layout, public facilities and amenities) and "sustainable planning"(based on the SRU and Grenelle laws definitions). Finally, the aggregation of the indicators,by the use of multicriteria and statistical analysis, will supply regulatory planners not onlywith a tool for better understanding of the complex regulations but also a decision aidingtool, whose purpose is to facilitate the choices planners have to make for the evolution ofthe zoning and the regulation. The local plan of the city of Toulouse will be used as a casestudy to show the application of the approach. ; La planification urbaine regroupe les moyens institutionnels mis en oeuvre pour gérer lesévolutions urbaines. Au cours du temps, les documents de planification urbaine français ontvu leurs objectifs évoluer en vue d'une gestion plus maîtrisée des espaces urbanisés (loisSRU et Grenelle). Aussi, la question de la protection de l'environnement et des espaces a étérenforcée par la législation européenne qui a obligé certains documents d'urbanisme àintégrer une évaluation environnementale (en 2001 pour l'Europe, applicable en France en2005).Cette thèse propose une démarche d'évaluation complémentaire aux systèmes d'indicateursdes évaluations des Plans Locaux d'Urbanisme et plus largement de questionner l'impact desPLU sur le territoire urbanisé. En effet, les indicateurs des évaluations des PLU semblentrenseigner plus sur les performances durables des villes que sur la qualité du dispositifd'urbanisme règlementaire.La démarche proposée se base sur la création d'un corpus d'indicateurs devant montrer leseffets du PLU par rapport à des « critères » qui sont du ressort de l'urbanisme règlementaire(zonage, contraintes formelles du bâti et d'aménagement de la parcelle, équipements publicset aménités urbaines) et de « l'urbanisme durable » (au sens des lois SRU et Grenelle).Enfin, l'agrégation des indicateurs par analyses multicritères et statistiques permettront auxrédacteurs des PLU de disposer d'un outil de compréhension des règles complexes ainsi qued'un outil d'aide à la décision, en vue de faciliter les choix d'évolution du zonage et desrèglements. La démarche est appliquée au PLU de Toulouse.
International audience ; Limiting land consumption is an undisputed priority today. In France, numerous laws, regulations and space protection measures (under the town planning and environment codes) govern territorial development to protect land resources and the environment. Yet urbanization at the expense of natural and agricultural areas remains critical, particularly in coastal areas. This article proposes an analysis of spatial planning practices at local level in the French Mediterranean, considering the implementation of spatial planning over time as a marker of the will to manage urban development. After examining features specific to coastal planning legislation and regulations in France, it identifies past and present trajectories of urban planning practices and the development of environmental protection. Four French Mediterranean areas are assessed: the Marseille coast, the Gulf of Aigues-Mortes and the Corsican sites of Balagne and Biguglia.
International audience ; Limiting land consumption is an undisputed priority today. In France, numerous laws, regulations and space protection measures (under the town planning and environment codes) govern territorial development to protect land resources and the environment. Yet urbanization at the expense of natural and agricultural areas remains critical, particularly in coastal areas. This article proposes an analysis of spatial planning practices at local level in the French Mediterranean, considering the implementation of spatial planning over time as a marker of the will to manage urban development. After examining features specific to coastal planning legislation and regulations in France, it identifies past and present trajectories of urban planning practices and the development of environmental protection. Four French Mediterranean areas are assessed: the Marseille coast, the Gulf of Aigues-Mortes and the Corsican sites of Balagne and Biguglia.
International audience ; Limiting land consumption is an undisputed priority today. In France, numerous laws, regulations and space protection measures (under the town planning and environment codes) govern territorial development to protect land resources and the environment. Yet urbanization at the expense of natural and agricultural areas remains critical, particularly in coastal areas. This article proposes an analysis of spatial planning practices at local level in the French Mediterranean, considering the implementation of spatial planning over time as a marker of the will to manage urban development. After examining features specific to coastal planning legislation and regulations in France, it identifies past and present trajectories of urban planning practices and the development of environmental protection. Four French Mediterranean areas are assessed: the Marseille coast, the Gulf of Aigues-Mortes and the Corsican sites of Balagne and Biguglia.
International audience ; Limiting land consumption is an undisputed priority today. In France, numerous laws, regulations and space protection measures (under the town planning and environment codes) govern territorial development to protect land resources and the environment. Yet urbanization at the expense of natural and agricultural areas remains critical, particularly in coastal areas. This article proposes an analysis of spatial planning practices at local level in the French Mediterranean, considering the implementation of spatial planning over time as a marker of the will to manage urban development. After examining features specific to coastal planning legislation and regulations in France, it identifies past and present trajectories of urban planning practices and the development of environmental protection. Four French Mediterranean areas are assessed: the Marseille coast, the Gulf of Aigues-Mortes and the Corsican sites of Balagne and Biguglia.
International audience ; In the prospect of a sustainable town planning, the study the impact of the statutory plans which manage the urban dynamics is a major problem of town planning in France. The legislation foresaw a forward evaluation of the environmental impacts of some PLU and the cities of which PLU is already ancient, now start to be interested in this question, while noting that there are no methodologies or tools validated to estimate this impact. Methodological searches concerning the evaluation of the effects of the urban planning and the regulation of PLU were engaged with the urban community of Toulouse, within the framework of a thesis CIFRE implying the University of Technology of Compiègne. The objective is to appreciate the impacts by the modeling and the simulation of the phenomena, by means of spatialised indicators. Our poster will present the context of study and the first obtained results ; Dans la perspective d'un urbanisme durable, l'étude de l'impact des plans réglementaires qui gèrent les dynamiques urbaines est une problématique majeure posée par l'urbanisme en France. La législation a prévu une évaluation à terme de l'impact de certains Plans Locaux d'Urbanisme (PLU) sur l'environnement et les villes commencent à s'intéresser à cette question, tout en notant qu'il n'existe ni méthodologie ni outils validés pour évaluer cet impact. Un travail de recherche méthodologique portant sur l'évaluation des effets de la planification urbaine et du règlement de son PLU a été engagé avec la Communauté Urbaine du Grand Toulouse dans le cadre d'une thèse CIFRE impliquant l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne. L'objectif est d'appréhender les impacts par la modélisation et la simulation des phénomènes, par le biais d'indicateurs spatialisés. Notre poster présentera le contexte d'étude et les premiers résultats obtenus.
International audience ; In the prospect of a sustainable town planning, the study the impact of the statutory plans which manage the urban dynamics is a major problem of town planning in France. The legislation foresaw a forward evaluation of the environmental impacts of some PLU and the cities of which PLU is already ancient, now start to be interested in this question, while noting that there are no methodologies or tools validated to estimate this impact. Methodological searches concerning the evaluation of the effects of the urban planning and the regulation of PLU were engaged with the urban community of Toulouse, within the framework of a thesis CIFRE implying the University of Technology of Compiègne. The objective is to appreciate the impacts by the modeling and the simulation of the phenomena, by means of spatialised indicators. Our poster will present the context of study and the first obtained results ; Dans la perspective d'un urbanisme durable, l'étude de l'impact des plans réglementaires qui gèrent les dynamiques urbaines est une problématique majeure posée par l'urbanisme en France. La législation a prévu une évaluation à terme de l'impact de certains Plans Locaux d'Urbanisme (PLU) sur l'environnement et les villes commencent à s'intéresser à cette question, tout en notant qu'il n'existe ni méthodologie ni outils validés pour évaluer cet impact. Un travail de recherche méthodologique portant sur l'évaluation des effets de la planification urbaine et du règlement de son PLU a été engagé avec la Communauté Urbaine du Grand Toulouse dans le cadre d'une thèse CIFRE impliquant l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne. L'objectif est d'appréhender les impacts par la modélisation et la simulation des phénomènes, par le biais d'indicateurs spatialisés. Notre poster présentera le contexte d'étude et les premiers résultats obtenus.
International audience ; This article challenges the efficiency of the French urban planning system in front of national and European legislative objectives regarding sustainable urban development. It is based on a historical analysis of the effectiveness of urban management tools. Thus, in a first part, one will show that the major problems of cities such as they exist today, namely urban sprawl and zoning by unique urban function (Williams et al., 2000; Mangin, 2004) and the creation of districts in the 60 's fostering social problems today, appeared in spite of the development of the urban planning system at the same time. The awareness of these problems and the rise of the notion of sustainable development have made the practices in town planning evolve (Raffaud, 2003). "By making " the legislation " green", they have also strongly developed the rules which change the contents and forms of urban planning (Mathieu et al., 2005). Then, one needs to ask the question of the current efficiency of the documents dealing with the planning of French cities confronted to the challenges of sustainable development. After a quick presentation of the French planning system and the local plan, which is its tool at the scale of the city, the article will present, in the second part, the advantages and the difficulties encountered. It will hence to light the difficulties we have to translate in a statutory way the planning orientations. One will also highlight other problems, such as the necessity to make the local planning orientation consistent with other public policies of planning and the variety of temporalities, and the limitation of the effects of local plans … (Blanc et al., 2008). This article will also attempt to demonstrate that town planning documents, if accurately written, can be invaluable tools to improve the quality of town planning and that the limitation of its "impacts", made compulsory by the European legislation in 2001, seems to be an extra security for the quality of the cities (Lerond et al., 2003; ...
International audience ; This article challenges the efficiency of the French urban planning system in front of national and European legislative objectives regarding sustainable urban development. It is based on a historical analysis of the effectiveness of urban management tools. Thus, in a first part, one will show that the major problems of cities such as they exist today, namely urban sprawl and zoning by unique urban function (Williams et al., 2000; Mangin, 2004) and the creation of districts in the 60 's fostering social problems today, appeared in spite of the development of the urban planning system at the same time. The awareness of these problems and the rise of the notion of sustainable development have made the practices in town planning evolve (Raffaud, 2003). "By making " the legislation " green", they have also strongly developed the rules which change the contents and forms of urban planning (Mathieu et al., 2005). Then, one needs to ask the question of the current efficiency of the documents dealing with the planning of French cities confronted to the challenges of sustainable development. After a quick presentation of the French planning system and the local plan, which is its tool at the scale of the city, the article will present, in the second part, the advantages and the difficulties encountered. It will hence to light the difficulties we have to translate in a statutory way the planning orientations. One will also highlight other problems, such as the necessity to make the local planning orientation consistent with other public policies of planning and the variety of temporalities, and the limitation of the effects of local plans … (Blanc et al., 2008). This article will also attempt to demonstrate that town planning documents, if accurately written, can be invaluable tools to improve the quality of town planning and that the limitation of its "impacts", made compulsory by the European legislation in 2001, seems to be an extra security for the quality of the cities (Lerond et al., 2003; ...
International audience ; Urban sprawl is one of the main pressures affecting coastal areas in the Mediterranean. To assist spatial planning and coastal management policies, the study of urbanization and the characterization of the evolution of built-up areas along the coast are essential prerequisites. In this perspective, the production of land use data sets at a large-scale is necessary. They allow spatio-temporal analysis and, simultaneously, may be used to assess the efficiency of city planning and land planning documents. In France, where the political concern for the protection of the coasts and the limitation of urbanized areas started in the seventies, many tools and planning documents exist and can be put into force at several levels of territorial administration. However, urban sprawl is still a critical issue. It is therefore necessary to analyze how far national policies as well as local spatial planning practices are adapted. Taking as case studies two Mediterranean coastal zones of France (the Côte bleue, close to Marseilles, and the area of the Biguglia Lagoon, next to Bastia in Corsica), this article aims at analyzing jointly the evolution of urban areas along with the process of land planning.
International audience ; Urban sprawl is one of the main pressures affecting coastal areas in the Mediterranean. To assist spatial planning and coastal management policies, the study of urbanization and the characterization of the evolution of built-up areas along the coast are essential prerequisites. In this perspective, the production of land use data sets at a large-scale is necessary. They allow spatio-temporal analysis and, simultaneously, may be used to assess the efficiency of city planning and land planning documents. In France, where the political concern for the protection of the coasts and the limitation of urbanized areas started in the seventies, many tools and planning documents exist and can be put into force at several levels of territorial administration. However, urban sprawl is still a critical issue. It is therefore necessary to analyze how far national policies as well as local spatial planning practices are adapted. Taking as case studies two Mediterranean coastal zones of France (the Côte bleue, close to Marseilles, and the area of the Biguglia Lagoon, next to Bastia in Corsica), this article aims at analyzing jointly the evolution of urban areas along with the process of land planning.
International audience ; Urban sprawl is one of the main pressures affecting coastal areas in the Mediterranean. To assist spatial planning and coastal management policies, the study of urbanization and the characterization of the evolution of built-up areas along the coast are essential prerequisites. In this perspective, the production of land use data sets at a large-scale is necessary. They allow spatio-temporal analysis and, simultaneously, may be used to assess the efficiency of city planning and land planning documents. In France, where the political concern for the protection of the coasts and the limitation of urbanized areas started in the seventies, many tools and planning documents exist and can be put into force at several levels of territorial administration. However, urban sprawl is still a critical issue. It is therefore necessary to analyze how far national policies as well as local spatial planning practices are adapted. Taking as case studies two Mediterranean coastal zones of France (the Côte bleue, close to Marseilles, and the area of the Biguglia Lagoon, next to Bastia in Corsica), this article aims at analyzing jointly the evolution of urban areas along with the process of land planning.