The impact(s) of local plans on cities: multi-criteria modeling and sustainable assessment. Application on the case of the city of Toulouse (France). ; Inférence(s) des documents d'urbanisme sur le territoire : Modélisation multicritère et évaluation durable. Application à la ville de Toulouse
Urban planning includes the institutional means used to control urban development. Over theyears, the French urban plans saw their goals modified towards a more controlled urbanspace management (SRU and Grenelle laws).Besides, environmental and spatial protection issues were reinforced by European legislation,which made the environmental assessment compulsory for some plans (in 2001 for Europe,applied in France in 2005).This PhD research aims to propose a complementary assessment approach to the currentindicators contained in the local plan's assessments, and, more broadly, to question theimpacts of the local plans on urban areas. In fact, the local plan indicators seem to be moreadapted for a city sustainability performance analysis than for an analysis of the quality ofthe regulations contained in the plans.This approach starts with the creation of a set of indicators, which are expected to show theeffects of the local plan, focusing on "regulatory planning criteria" (zoning, constraints for abuilding shape and parcel layout, public facilities and amenities) and "sustainable planning"(based on the SRU and Grenelle laws definitions). Finally, the aggregation of the indicators,by the use of multicriteria and statistical analysis, will supply regulatory planners not onlywith a tool for better understanding of the complex regulations but also a decision aidingtool, whose purpose is to facilitate the choices planners have to make for the evolution ofthe zoning and the regulation. The local plan of the city of Toulouse will be used as a casestudy to show the application of the approach. ; La planification urbaine regroupe les moyens institutionnels mis en oeuvre pour gérer lesévolutions urbaines. Au cours du temps, les documents de planification urbaine français ontvu leurs objectifs évoluer en vue d'une gestion plus maîtrisée des espaces urbanisés (loisSRU et Grenelle). Aussi, la question de la protection de l'environnement et des espaces a étérenforcée par la législation européenne qui a obligé certains documents ...
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