Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writings (P.S.) is a project that aims to collect and publish Portuguese and Spanish private letters written along the Modern Ages. These documents are unpublished epistolary writings, written by authors from different social backgrounds. They could be either masters or servants, adults or children, men or women, thieves, soldiers, artisans, priests, political activists, among other kinds of social agents. Their epistolarity survived by chance, when their paths met the persecution means used by the Inquisition and the civil courts, two institutions that used private correspondence as criminal evidence. These textual resources often present an (almost) oral rhetoric, treating everyday issues of past centuries in a register that hasn't been easy to study, apart from brief examples. In the proposed paper, discussion over the methodological options that lead to the digital edition available online will be raised. Further, the modernization of texts the POS and syntactic annotation will be explained. The aim is to develop a diachronic and annotated corpus that could be used as an electronical resource for linguistic and historical research of Spanish and Portuguese. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
El proyecto de investigación Post Scriptum: Archivo Digital de Escritura Cotidiana (P.S.) tiene por objeto la recuperación y publicación de cartas privadas escritas en España y Portugal durante la Época Moderna. Estas epístolas, en su mayoría inéditas, fueron producidas por autores muy diversos y de diferente condición social. Así, podemos encontrar hombres o mujeres, adultos o niños, amos o criados, ladrones, soldados, artesanos, curas, políticos, y otro tipo de categorías sociales. Sus misivas sobrevivieron excepcionalmente, al cruzarse sus vidas con los medios de persecución tanto de la Inquisición como de distintos tribunales civiles y eclesiásticos, instituciones que solían hacer uso de la correspondencia privada como prueba de los delitos que estaban siendo juzgados. Estas fuentes escritas suelen presentar una retórica (casi) oral, tematizando asuntos cotidianos que hasta ahora no se habían estudiado más que a partir de casos aislados. En este trabajo, se explicará la metodología utilizada en la edición digital de los documentos para su disponibilidad en línea; además, se dará a conocer el proceso de modernización de los textos y su posterior etiquetación morfológica y sintáctica. El objetivo final es elaborar un corpus diacrónico anotado que sirva como recurso electrónico para el estudio lingüístico e histórico del español y el portugués. ; Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writings (P.S.) is a project that aims to collect and publish Portuguese and Spanish private letters written along the Modern Ages. These documents are unpublished epistolary writings, written by authors from different social backgrounds. They could be either masters or servants, adults or children, men or women, thieves, soldiers, artisans, priests, political activists, among other kinds of social agents. Their epistolarity survived by chance, when their paths met the persecution means used by the Inquisition and the civil courts, two institutions that used private correspondence as criminal evidence. These textual resources often present an (almost) oral rhetoric, treating everyday issues of past centuries in a register that hasn't been easy to study, apart from brief examples. In the proposed paper, discussion over the methodological options that lead to the digital edition available online will be raised. Further, the modernization of texts the POS and syntactic annotation will be explained. The aim is to develop a diachronic and annotated corpus that could be used as an electronical resource for linguistic and historical research of Spanish and Portuguese. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
El proyecto de investigación Post Scriptum: Archivo Digital de Escritura Cotidiana (P.S.) tiene por objeto la recuperación y publicación de cartas privadas escritas en España y Portugal durante la Época Moderna. Estas epístolas, en su mayoría inéditas, fueron producidas por autores muy diversos y de diferente condición social. Así, podemos encontrar hombres o mujeres, adultos o niños, amos o criados, ladrones, soldados, artesanos, curas, políticos, y otro tipo de categorías sociales. Sus misivas sobrevivieron excepcionalmente, al cruzarse sus vidas con los medios de persecución tanto de la Inquisición como de distintos tribunales civiles y eclesiásticos, instituciones que solían hacer uso de la corres- pondencia privada como prueba de los delitos que estaban siendo juzgados. Estas fuentes escritas suelen presentar una retórica (casi) oral, tematizando asuntos cotidianos que hasta ahora no se habían estudiado más que a partir de casos aislados. En este trabajo, se explicará la metodología utilizada en la edición digital de los documentos para su disponibilidad en línea; además, se dará a conocer el proceso de modernización de los textos y su posterior etiquetación morfológica y sintáctica. El objetivo final es elaborar un corpus diacrónico anotado que sirva como recurso electrónico para el estudio lingüístico e histórico del español y el portugués. ; Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writings (P.S.) is a project that aims to collect and publish Portuguese and Spanish private letters written along the Modern Ages. These documents are unpublished epistolary writings, written by authors from different social backgrounds. They could be either masters or servants, adults or children, men or women, thieves, soldiers, artisans, priests, political activists, among other kinds of social agents. Their epistolarity survived by chance, when their paths met the persecution means used by the Inquisition and the civil courts, two institutions that used private cor- respondence as criminal evidence. These textual resources often present an (almost) oral rhetoric, treating everyday issues of past centuries in a register that hasn't been easy to study, apart from brief examples. In the proposed paper, discussion over the methodological options that lead to the digital edition available online will be raised. Further, the modernization of texts the POS and syntactic annotation will be explained. The aim is to develop a diachronic and annotated corpus that could be used as an electronical resource for linguistic and historical research of Spanish and Portuguese.
This article proposes the utilization of the concepts of destroyed exergy and exergy efficiency for equipment and process performance indicators that are related to the current energy planning scenario in Brazil, more specifically with energy-efficiency labelling. Several indicators associated with these concepts are discussed, including one national program that is based on labeling the energy efficiency of several residential, commercial and industrial appliances. The grades are indicated in the equipment using values from A to G. This labeling system is useful for discriminating similar technologies used for the same function; nevertheless produced by different enterprises. For this complementary analysis, two types of refrigeration methods were compared, absorption and vapor compression; however, these energy indexes alone are not sufficient parameters to select among these two technologies, because their performance indexes definition are different. To address this, our research considers the second law of thermodynamics through exergy analysis as a proper sub-index to obtain a systematic comparison between these various indicators. It is significant to highlight that seldom research studies addressed to this problem so explicitly, in an actual governmental working solution, aiming at discussing to the society the advantage of the usage of the "quality of the energy" as a complementary index to governmental and personal choices. Results indicate that it is possible to use the destroyed exergy and exergy efficiency to help select the technology that better utilizes natural resources, considering the energy matrix of the country. Appliances for water heating and air conditioning were compared from energy and exergy viewpoint, where the last gave additional information about the quality of energy conversion process, giving a completely different trend from the energy analysis alone, without the necessity to think about the energy matrix. Later this issue is addressed from both points of view. Future studies ...
No período de 10 a 12 de julho de 2022, em Paris, França, foi realizada a Conferência Internacional "Feminismo, Direito e Cidadania" (Congrès International Féminisme, Droit et Citoyenneté / International Congresso on Feminism, Law and Citizenship), pela Universidade Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne e Universidade de Reading, juntamente com o Gender, Law and Society e Society Working Group of the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law (RCSL). A conferência explorou questões contemporâneas no campo do feminismo, direito e cidadania, abarcando trabalhos relacionados às seguintes perspectivas: democracia e ascensão do populismo; ativismo feminista; gênero e sexualidade; igualdade de gênero; interseccionalidade; direitos reprodutivos e justiça reprodutiva; direito das mulheres, dentre outras. As organizadoras do evento foram a Professora Rosemary Auchmuth e a Professora Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec. Rosemary Auchmuty é Professora Emérita de Direito na Universidade de Reading (Reino Unido). Pioneira dos estudos das mulheres e dos estudos jurídicos feministas no ensino superior na Grã-Bretanha, Rosemary ensina direito imobiliário e escreve sobre sexualidade, casamento/sociedade civil, história jurídica feminista e abordagens feministas do direito em geral. Ela cofundou o Grupo de História Lésbica, em 1984, e escreveu dois livros sobre histórias escolares de meninas. Recentemente, ela editou Great Debates in Gender and Law (Palgrave, 2018) e coeditou Women's Legal Landmarks (Hart, 2018), ambos sem tradução para o português. As áreas de pesquisa de Rosemary Auchmuty são Sociologia do Direito, educação jurídica, profissões jurídicas, feminismo, direito imobiliário, casamento, história e biografia jurídica. Alexandrine Guyard-Nedelec é Professora Emérita de estudos da área britânica na Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Ela é especialista em discriminação de gênero e questões de interseccionalidade. Ela também se interessa por questões de tradução. Trabalha numa perspectiva interdisciplinar e pretende questionar a esfera jurídica britânica através do prisma do gênero. Coeditou os livros "My Body, My Rights!" Abortion under threat? (Paris, Mare et Martin, 2018) e 21st Century Feminisms: A Third Wave? (Rennes, PUR, 2017), ainda sem tradução para o português. Seus temas de pesquisa são gênero, identidade, discriminação, interseccionalidade, profissões jurídicas e Sociologia do Direito. Uma das entrevistadoras, Carolina Pereira Lins Mesquita, professora da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e editora chefe da Revista Confluências, teve oportunidade de estar presente no evento e apresentar o trabalho "Me Too and the decisions: diary and analysis of the sexual crimes of the spiritual surgeon 'John of God". Foi a partir daí que surgiu a ideia de construir uma entrevista com as duas professoras, expoentes internacionais dos estudos sobre o feminismo, em conjunto com Thaís Henriques Dias, doutoranda em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais pelo Programa de PósGraduação em Sociologia e Direito da Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGSD/UFF), e de Clara Possebom Pinto, graduanda em Ciências Sociais na Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), esta última na tradução das entrevistas para o Português.