Post Scriptum: Archivo Digital de Escritura Cotidiana
Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writings (P.S.) is a project that aims to collect and publish Portuguese and Spanish private letters written along the Modern Ages. These documents are unpublished epistolary writings, written by authors from different social backgrounds. They could be either masters or servants, adults or children, men or women, thieves, soldiers, artisans, priests, political activists, among other kinds of social agents. Their epistolarity survived by chance, when their paths met the persecution means used by the Inquisition and the civil courts, two institutions that used private correspondence as criminal evidence. These textual resources often present an (almost) oral rhetoric, treating everyday issues of past centuries in a register that hasn't been easy to study, apart from brief examples. In the proposed paper, discussion over the methodological options that lead to the digital edition available online will be raised. Further, the modernization of texts the POS and syntactic annotation will be explained. The aim is to develop a diachronic and annotated corpus that could be used as an electronical resource for linguistic and historical research of Spanish and Portuguese. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Spanisch, Kastilisch
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