Activation in practice: constraints and possibilities for (professional) action on the frontline of public employment services
In: Brixen studies in social policy and social science 6
16 Ergebnisse
In: Brixen studies in social policy and social science 6
In: Beratung und Vermittlung im Wohlfahrtsstaat, S. 237-260
In: Rivista trimestrale di scienza dell'amministrazione: analisi delle istituzioni e delle politiche pubbliche, Heft 4, S. 31-47
ISSN: 1972-4942
L'articolo sottolinea la necessitŕ che il servizio sociale in Italia si occupi in modo piů sistematico e piů deciso dei temi attuali di politica sociale. La comprensione dei profondi cambiamenti in atto diventa una dimensione conoscitiva centrale per lo sviluppo di una professionalitŕ che sia consapevole della sua responsabilitŕ politica e che possa dare un suo contributo specifico informando lo sviluppo delle politiche dal basso. Viene messo a fuoco in modo critico il rapporto tra politiche e pratiche professionali, individuando proprio in questa dimensione la specificitŕ del servizio sociale come professione del welfare.
In: International social work, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 447-449
ISSN: 1461-7234
In: Social Work & Society, Band 8, Heft 1
In: The British journal of social work, Band 51, Heft 2, S. 636-654
ISSN: 1468-263X
The rise of right-wing populism and its impact on inclusive welfare and fundamental principles of social work have been discussed mainly as an external challenge to the profession, assuming, implicitly, that social workers are immune to right-wing populist positions because of their professional values and identity. This article questions this assumption, presenting the findings of a qualitative study carried out in the Italian context. The interview study involved a sample of twenty-one social workers recruited to participate via Facebook, where they had published posts and comments supporting right-wing populist parties and positions. The findings indicate different attitudes, experiences and trajectories which are summarised in an interpretative model, reconstructing four ideal-typical profiles of social workers supporting right-wing populist positions. The article suggests abandoning the hypothesis of social workers being immune to populist influences and instead takes seriously the experiences and frustrations that make them turn towards the siren calls of right-wing populism. The article also makes a plea for qualitative in-depth analyses of processes of micro-mobilisation leading to right-wing populist support.
In: International journal of social welfare, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 294-304
ISSN: 1468-2397
This literature review analyses the adoption and development of a street‐level perspective in public management, social policy and social work. The last years have seen a prominent revival of a perspective based on Michael Lipsky's street‐level bureaucracy approach in the debates conducted within all three disciplinary fields. Based on 71 key publications in public management, social policy and social work, the review analyses the adoption of the street‐level bureaucracy approach during the period 2005–2015, pointing out the main themes of the debate within, as well as overlaps and differences between, the three disciplines. The findings show the potential of better integrating the different perspectives and taking stock of the articulated debate. Lastly, the review discerns a common viewpoint for further street‐level research, emphasising its importance for the critical analysis and understanding of street‐level work as a vital dimension of responsive and accountable institutions and as a decisive moment to shape positive policy outcomes on the ground.Key Practitioner Message: • The use of discretion by frontline practitioners and their role as policy actors on the ground has become an important focus of research; • This literature review shows that the debate has gone far beyond discussing discretion as an all‐or‐nothing issue, pointing out both positive and negative aspects of discretion and developing comprehensive frameworks to explain the use of discretion at the street‐level; • However, street‐level research has traditionally rather neglected the notion of professionalism. The social work literature brings in the perspective of professionalism; more research efforts are needed to better explore and explain how professionalism matters in relation to challenges and dilemmas of different policy and practice fields.
In: The British journal of social work, Band 46, Heft 8, S. 2227-2244
ISSN: 1468-263X
In: Social work & society: SW&S, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 46-59
ISSN: 1613-8953
Die Verfasser analysieren die gegenwärtige Diskussion bezüglich der Vorstellung von 'Guter Praxis' in der Sozialarbeit. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht die Bewertung der Evidenz hinsichtlich der Festlegung von Zielvorstellungen einer Professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit. Es wird gezeigt, dass diverse Ergebnisse der Evaluation bzw. Konzepte von 'Guter Praxis' ethische, machtpolitische und kulturelle Annahmen implizieren, die in der Regel nicht zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Daraus resultieren jeweils spezifische Vorstellungen bezüglich der Zielvorstellungen der Professionalisierung. Es wird hervorgehoben, dass sowohl die Befürworter als auch die Kritiker von auf Evidenz basierten Praktiken meistens die Perspektive der Betroffenen ignorieren. Es wird die These vertreten, dass lediglich die Demokratisierung der Sozialarbeit, nämlich die Einbeziehung der Rezipienten ihrer Leistungen, eine realistische Definition der Professionalisierungsziele gewährleisten kann. (ICB)
In: Journal of social work: JSW, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 255-274
ISSN: 1741-296X
Summary Client violence in social services is perceived as constantly increasing in Italy, raising deep concern. This article presents the results of the first online survey on the phenomenon. Involving 20,112 social workers, the aim was to determine the prevalence and forms of client violence towards social workers and to identify key factors associated with such events. Findings The results suggest that the vast majority of Italian social workers experience client violence during their careers. Verbal aggression and threats were most common forms of violence, followed by physical attacks and property damage. Young and less experienced social workers appeared more likely to be victims of violence, as well as those who more frequently work in isolation or without their colleagues' support. Social workers in child protection services, services for adults and municipality services accessible to the entire population were found to be at higher risk of client violence. The social workers considered the quality of the client/professional relationship and communication skills to be critical in preventing and dealing with aggression by users. Unfulfilled clients' expectation was considered to be one of the main factors contributing to frustration and the consequent hostile behaviour. Applications Violence against social workers is a 'wake-up call' that makes the weakening of welfare services, and therefore of professional social work, more visible. The first nationwide study on service user violence reported by this paper may significantly contribute to raising awareness about the phenomenon in Italy and to the devising of effective prevention programmes.
In: Brixener Studien zu Sozialpolitik und Sozialwissenschaft 8
In: Research on social work practice, Band 30, Heft 5, S. 505-514
ISSN: 1552-7581
Purpose: The measurement of quality in social work practice has become an area of growing interest and relevance in the social services field. Our starting point is that quality in interventions with human beings has to be defined in ways that incorporate the multiple perspectives of all the subjects involved. Methods: The study, adopting qualitative and quantitative methods, explored issues of quality in social services provision in South Tyrol in Italy from the point of view of the main stakeholders. Results: It was possible to identify four dimensions of quality that stakeholders considered important: the political role of practitioners, the ability to take an active role in the organization, the capacity to connect with other professionals, and the quality of direct relationships with users. Conclusions: Results provide an understanding of the common and differing expectations evident in stakeholders' perspectives and ideas for better quality systems
In: Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit Band 22
Für Sozialarbeitende ist die Beförderung des sozialen Wandels zentral für das Selbstverständnis ihrer Arbeit. In diesem Band werden theoretische und konzeptionelle Analysen zur Bedeutung politischer Praxis in der Sozialen Arbeit dargestellt. Dazu werden ausgehend von einer Studierendenbefragung die Ergebnisse quantitativer und qualitativer Erhebungen zur politischen Praxis in der Sozialen Arbeit mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Studierende diskutiert. For social workers, the promotion of social change is central to the self-image of their work. This volume presents theoretical and conceptual analyses of the significance of political practice in social work. Based on a student survey, the results of quantitative and qualitative surveys of political practice in social work are discussed.
This volume presents the current scientific debate, innovative projects and approaches of Social Agriculture in Italy and in the German-speaking area. The work is aimed at professionals from social services, health and education, students of social sciences and agricultural economics, and those responsible for social policies, regional development, organic farming and eco-social transformation.; Diese Publikation stellt aktuelle wissenschaftliche Diskurse, innovative Projekte und Konzepte der Sozialen Landwirtschaft in Italien und im deutschsprachigen Raum vor. Sie richtet sich an Fachkräfte des Sozial,- Gesundheits- und Bildungswesens, Studierende des Sozialwesens und der Agrarwirtschaft, Verantwortliche der Sozialpolitik und Regionalentwicklung, der biologischen Landwirtschaft und der öko-sozialen Transformation. ; Questo volume presenta l'attuale dibattito scientifico, progetti innovativi e approcci dell'Agricoltura Sociale in Italia e nell'area germanofona. Il lavoro si rivolge a professionisti dei servizi sociali, della sanità e dell'istruzione, a studenti delle scienze sociali e di economia agraria e ai responsabili delle politiche sociali, dello sviluppo regionale, dell'agricoltura biologica e della trasformazione eco-sociale.
Against the background of current crises and fundamental social questions, this edited volume collects contributions that touch upon aspects of social innovation and eco-social transformation in the fields of social work, education, community development and social and solidarity economy. Their common thread and the volume's overall focus is on transformative and transdisciplinary approaches to research and practice – ways Susanne Elsen has encouraged throughout her career – pointing out her forward-looking contribution not only to social work but far beyond. The volume addresses scholars, students, policy makers, and a broader readership interested in tackling current sustainability challenges by innovating solidarity systems and fostering bottom-up processes of eco-social transformation.