Effect of Crystal Symmetry on the Spin States of Fe3+ and Vibration Modes in Lead-free Double-Perovskite Cs2AgBi(Fe)Br-6
We show by electron spin resonance (ESR) and Raman spectroscopies that the crystal phase transition of the lead-free double-perovskite Cs2AgBiBr6 has a profound symmetry-breaking effect on the high spin states of, for example, a transition-metal ion Fe3+ and the vibrational modes. It lifts their degeneracy when the crystal undergoes the cubic-tetragonal phase transition, splitting the six-fold degenerate S = 5/2 state of Fe3+ to three Kramer doublets and the enharmonic breathing mode T-g of the MBr6 octahedra (M = Ag, Bi, Fe) into E-g + A(g). The magnitudes of both spin and Raman line splitting are shown to directly correlate with the strength of the tetragonal strain field. This work, in turn, demonstrates the power of the ESR and Raman spectroscopies in probing structural phase transitions and in providing in-depth information on the interplay between the structural, spin, and vibrational properties of lead-free double perovskites, a newly emerging and promising class of materials for low-cost and high-efficiency photovoltaics and optoelectronics. ; Funding Agencies|Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research Council [VR-2017-05285]; Linkoping University; Swedish Government Strategic Research Area in Materials Science on Functional Materials at Linkoping University [2009 00971]; Knut and Alice Wallenberg FoundationKnut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation [KAW 2019.0082]