; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895322
In this work, the electrical performance and reliability of as-synthesized CVD-grown MoS2 transistors directly grown on SiO2/Si substrate without any transfer process have been evaluated. Transfer and output characteristics, current hysteresis, capacitancevoltage and low-frequency noise signatures have been characterized revealing the huge influence of surface and oxide defects and the disturbance due to the fluctuations of the carrier number on the back-gated transistor response. ; European Union'sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under theMarie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895322 ; Spanish Government under Juan de la Cierva Formacion grantnumber FJC2018-038264-I ; The Spanish Program (TEC2017-89800-R) ; ASCENT (EU Horizon 2020 GRANT 654384) ; Science Foundation Ireland: INVEST (SFI-15/IA/3131) ; Science Foundation Ireland: AMBER (12/RC/2278-P2)
The authors would like to thank the financial support of projects H2020-MSCA-IF-2019 Ref. 895322 (EU Horizon 2020 programme), TEC2017-89800-R (Spanish State Research Agency, AEI), P18-RT-4826 (Regional Government of Andalusia) and B-TIC-515-UGR18 (University of Granada). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/ CBUA. ; We employ atomistic calculations to study charge distribution in few-layer MoS2 structures with an applied perpendicular electric field. The results suggest a simple continuum model consisting of alternating regions which represent the semiconductor layers and the Van der Waals gaps between them. Such model is a first step towards an accurate simulation of MoS2 in TCAD tools. ; H2020-MSCA-IF-2019 Ref. 895322 (EU Horizon 2020 programme) ; TEC2017-89800-R (Spanish State Research Agency, AEI) ; P18-RT-4826 (Regional Government of Andalusia) ; B-TIC-515-UGR18 (University of Granada) ; Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/ CBUA
Two-dimensional materials, including molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), present promising sensing and detecting capabilities thanks to their extreme sensitivity to changes in the environment. Their reduced thickness also facilitates the electrostatic control of the channel and opens the door to flexible electronic applications. However, these materials still exhibit integration difficulties with complementary-MOS standardized processes and methods. The device reliability is compromised by gate insulator selection and the quality of the metal/semiconductor and semiconductor/insulator interfaces. Despite some improvements regarding mobility, hysteresis and Schottky barriers having been reported thanks to metal engineering, vertically stacked heterostructures with compatible thin-layers (such as hexagonal boron nitride or device encapsulation) variability is still an important constraint to sensor performance. In this work, we fabricated and extensively characterized the reliability of as-synthesized back-gated MoS2 transistors. Under atmospheric and room-temperature conditions, these devices present a wide electrical hysteresis (up to 5 volts) in their transfer characteristics. However, their performance is highly influenced by the temperature, light and pressure conditions. The singular signature in the time response of the devices points to adsorbates and contaminants inducing mobile charges and trapping/detrapping carrier phenomena as the mechanisms responsible for time-dependent current degradation. Far from being only a reliability issue, we demonstrated a method to exploit this device response to perform light, temperature and/or pressure sensors in as-synthesized devices. Two orders of magnitude drain current level differences were demonstrated by comparing device operation under light and dark conditions while a factor up to 105 is observed at vacuum versus atmospheric pressure environments. ; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895322 ; Spanish Government under Juan de la Cierva Formacion grant number FJC2018-038264-I ; Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity under grant TEC2017-89800-R ; ASCENT (EU Horizon 2020 GRANT 654384) ; Science Foundation Ireland through the AMBER 2 project (12/RC/2278-P2) ; UGR-MADOC CEMIX 2D-EDEX
This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895322, from the Spanish Program (TEC2017-89800-R). SUPERA COVID-19 Fund and CRUE-Santander, Regional Program FEDER UGRVID (CV20-36685), P18-RT-4826 project and UGRMADOC CEMIX 2D-EDEX are also thanked for financial support ; Grupo de Nanoelectronica, TIC216
We investigate the influence of a visible laser treatment on the electrical performance of CVD-grown graphene-based liquid gate sensors. This method allows to treat locally the graphene sheet, improving the electrical characteristic for biochemical sensing applications. Optimizing the laser exposure, the Dirac point (minimum conductivity voltage) was shifted around 300 mV to lower voltages, together with a decrease of the inter-device electrical variability. These results open the door to use the laser treatment to increase the sensibility and reproducibility of liquid gate graphene-based devices as sensors or biosensors. ; Grupo de Nanoelectrónica, TIC216, Departamento de Electronica y Tecnología de los Computadores ; European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895322 ; Spanish Program (TEC2017-89800-R) ; SUPERA COVID19 Fund and CRUE-Santander ; Regional Program FEDER UGRVID (CV20-36685), P18-RT-4826 project ; UGRMADOC CEMIX 2D-EDEX