Open Access BASE2021

Performance and reliability in back-gated CVD-grown MoS2 devices


In this work, the electrical performance and reliability of as-synthesized CVD-grown MoS2 transistors directly grown on SiO2/Si substrate without any transfer process have been evaluated. Transfer and output characteristics, current hysteresis, capacitancevoltage and low-frequency noise signatures have been characterized revealing the huge influence of surface and oxide defects and the disturbance due to the fluctuations of the carrier number on the back-gated transistor response. ; European Union'sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under theMarie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895322 ; Spanish Government under Juan de la Cierva Formacion grantnumber FJC2018-038264-I ; The Spanish Program (TEC2017-89800-R) ; ASCENT (EU Horizon 2020 GRANT 654384) ; Science Foundation Ireland: INVEST (SFI-15/IA/3131) ; Science Foundation Ireland: AMBER (12/RC/2278-P2)

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