Social networks and travel behaviour
In: Transport and society
1. Activity spaces, biographies, social networks and their welfare gains and externalities : some hypotheses and empirical results / Kay W. Axhausen -- 2. Qualitative interviews on the formation and maintenance of social networks as foundation for quantitative survey instruments / Timo Ohnmacht -- 3. Egocentric networks in Zurich : quantitative survey development, data collection and analysis / Andreas Frei and Timo Ohnmacht -- 4. Personal networks in a population-wide network structure / Matthias Kowald -- 5. Country specific characteristics matter / Andreas Frei. [et al.] -- 6. Personal characteristics, social contacts and transport systems / Juan A. Carrasco -- 7. Dynamic social networks and travel / Fariya Sharmeen, Theo Arentze and Harry J.P. Timmermans.