Long-term monitoring abundance of the steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) in the Chelyabinsk region are considered. The analysis of the abundance dynamics of Mustelidae was carried out on the basis of monitoring data using the method of winter accounting (WA) conducted annually. Over the past few years, the steppe polecat has not been registered during accounting work in the mountain taiga, i. e. its number is either extremely low, or it has completely disappeared. In forest-steppe territories for 12 years, from 2008 to 2020, the abundance of polecats decreased almost 90 times, from 3058. to 34 ind. The data on the number of the main prey species of the steppe polecat – ground squirrel (Spermophilus major) and gray ground squirrel (Spermophilus pygmaeus) and the groundhog (Marmota bobak) are presented. The hypothesis of the influence of the American mink on the number of the steppe polecat is considered.
The article examines the category of "informal employment" as one of the key problems of the modern labor market in Russia. Attention is focused on new types of employment, which are not always subject to legal regulation. The reasons for the increase in informal employment, which leads to negative economic consequences, the legal insecurity of citizens, are substantiated. The existing legal liability does not fully solve these problems. Other approaches are proposed to reduce informal employment in Russia.
Introduction. This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of anthropomorphic metaphors in modern digital vocabulary using the example of the word «selfie». The relevance of the work is due to the growing interest of the scientific community in the evolution of digital vocabulary, which includes a variety of lexical units and expressions that reflect modern realities and sociocultural changes.Methodology and sources. The methodological study is based on the productivity of anthropometric cognitive tools in the formation of figurative expressions in English, with theinclusion of the word «selfie». This study is related to the conceptual theory of metaphors developed by famous linguists G. Lakoff and M. Johnson.Results and discussion. In the course of this study, attention is drawn to some expressive phrases associated with the concept of «selfie». Adjectives with negative and positive connotations were selected, then, based on the analysis of empirical material, structures were identified that architecturally represent the «adjective + selfie» model. On this basis, in the context of selfie, negative and positive metaphorical images were identified, which were analyzed in examples.Conclusion. Consideration of the semantics of the expressions under study allows us to better understand how digital vocabulary shows sociocultural trends and changes in society, provides a look at the evolution of language in the era of digitalization and emphasizes the role of digital vocabulary in the formation of new linguistic patterns that reflect the dynamics of sociocultural changes, emphasizing the role of digital vocabulary in the modern world.
В статье автор анализирует понятие «толерантность». На основе теоретического анализа представлены педагогические условия и принципы духовно-нравственного воспитания толерантности у человека, поскольку толерантность является демократической ценностью современного общества и важной составляющей личности человека, т.к. качество любого социума напрямую зависит от умения людей взаимодействовать друг с другом, от того, воспринимают ли они друг друга, уважают и поддерживают или учатся друг у друга, как объединяют свои усилия во имя общего блага, для постоянного улучшения своей материальной и духовной жизни. ; In the article the author analyzes the concept of "tolerance". On the basis of theoretical analysis, the pedagogical conditions and principles of spiritual and moral education of tolerance in a person are presented, since tolerance is a democratic value of modern society and an important component of a person's personality, since tolerance is the quality of any society directly depends on the ability of people to interact with each other, on whether they perceive each other, respect and support or learn from each other, how they combine their efforts in the name of the common good, for the constant improvement of their material and spiritual life.
Introduction. The authors of the article consider one of the interesting technologies in the digitalization segment – a chatbot – from a linguistic point of view. The topic is of particular interest to linguists, since the active development of the digital environment leads to the emergence of new means and forms of speech production and speech perception, with their own distinctive features, patterns and rules of construction. Speech acts in the Internet discourse system within the framework of this work are of key importance: the object of study is located at the intersection of several disciplines (IT, Advertising and PR), but from a linguistic point of view it is practically not considered.Methodology and sources. To clarify some theoretical inaccuracies in the scientific work, corpus analysis of the texts of English-language and Russian-language web corpus is used. English-language web corpus: "NOW corpus" (News on the Web), "iWeb corpus", "GloWbE corpus" (Global Web-based English). Russian-language web corpora: "ruTenTen2011" and GIKRYA. The analysis of the features of the construction of speech acts in chatbot communication is carried out on the basis of the language material of English and Russian chatbots in various social networks and instant messengers.Results and discussion. Corpus text analysis helps to consider the object of study from a linguistic point of view and supplement existing knowledge with linguistic data. The analysis of empirical material based on two languages allows us to compare, identify the characteristics of chatbot communication texts, trace similarities and differences in the cognitive perception of speech, and also find errors in the construction of speech acts.Conclusion. Systematization of data and a more detailed analysis of such a concept as "chatbot communication" will help in the future to create universal linguistic-cognitive models for bots with a final scenario, which will help to avoid mistakes and make the communication act as successful as possible. Chatbots, from the point of view of the communicative function, when organizing speech acts, must use special rules and linguistic models in order to bring the speech act to success. Just as self-learning bots in the category of artificial intelligence are created with the active participation of linguists, so chatbots in social networks and instant messengers must be subject to uniform linguistic laws.
Russia has only recently faced the problem of wearing hijabs in educational organizations within the last three years, while in Western Europe the debate on this issue has not subsided for several decades. Due to the fact that the common position has not been worked out, it seems important to examine the compliance of the ban on wearing Islamic headscarves in educational institutions with international instruments enshrining the right to education and freedom of conscience and religion, to analyze the position of the Russian Federation through the example of specific legal measures undertaken to solve the situation within the Stavropol region and the latest document published by the Interreligious Council of Russia (issued on March 26, 2015), as well as to analyze the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights stated in the case "Leyla Sahin against Turkey" (2005). A separate issue on the topic concerns the proportionality of the rules on hijabs in their application to and their effect on local and migrant populations of certain states. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s1p509
Introduction. The paper focuses on the linguistic concepts of terminology and a term system, provides the views of linguists on the definition and differentiation of these terms, explains the semantics of the word and the term, as well as the role of the cognitive approach in modern terminology. The scientific work defines a concept and a category, and describes the role of the processes of conceptualization and categorization in English terminology. As more than 90 % of new words appearing in modern languages is vocabulary for special purposes, it is increasingly important to study the ways of their formation. The research is relevant since it provides a deeper understanding of the structure and content of concepts that underlie the formation of language categories, the mechanisms of interaction between cognitive and language structures in the process of forming the terminological meaning.Methodology and sources. In light of the cognitive approach to understanding the semantics of a word the authors emphasize anthropocentrist thinking, language picture of the world and lexical-semantic variants of the word. The cognitive approach allows us to reveal the causes and mechanisms of dynamic processes in the field of professional nomination, taking into account the changing cognitive and communication needs of people. The research is made using corpora data.Results and discussion. It has been found out, that cognitive categories are linked to conceptually defined prototypes that are crucial for the formation of categories. The necessary to define the central elements of prototypical categories has been proved, as they make the category logical, understandable and convenient, since all members of the category meet a given list of characteristics. As a result of the research it has been proved that in an investment terminological system a prototype turns out to be the best representative of a category.Conclusion. It has been concluded that the study of conceptualization and categorization processes is extremely important when analyzing terminological systems in general, and investment terminological system of English, in particular, because it allows to identify the basic concepts underlying the formation of terminological systems. The study of the principles and mechanisms of categorization of language units makes it possible to identify and analyze their prototypical semantics in terms of their common properties with the prototype of the category. This possibility is of paramount importance for research in the field of cognitive linguistics, since it is the prototypical semantics of language units that largely determines their use in a sentence to convey a particular meaning.
Individual resoluteness during the resumption of feeding of nestlings was examined in tests involving the presentation of an unfamiliar object near the nests of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a natural environment. Over the course of five breeding seasons, 229 individuals were tested, 41 of which were tested 2 to 4 times. Repeat testing of the same birds was conducted at different nests with intervals ranging from 3 to 1103 days (Med=367). We took into account the number and age of nestlings, nesting periods, the sex and age of the individual and its partner, the presence of molting, the intensity of nestling feeding, the behavior of the partner, as well as the presence of simultaneous bigamy in the male. We revealed a significant repeatability of test results over substantial time intervals (R=0.21), indicating the individual's stability over time in response (boldness) to changing conditions in the natural environment.
Introduction. In the spring of 2020, the pandemic of coronavirus was announced in the world – the disease caused by the new type of coronavirus SARS-COV-2. In connection with the progressive psychoemotional stress in society in the literature and the media, attempts are made in a simple and affordable form to explain the causes of this disease and prevention methods. Despite the fact that the children's contingent was the least susceptible to the disease, this topic was widely covered in children's books, posters and brochures. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to analyze and study various methods of verbalizing the renewal of knowledge about coronavirus infection through lexical units. The article describes the results of the analysis of the concept of "coronavirus", reflecting the "childish" vision of the disease.Methodology and sources. To create an idea of the concept of "Coronavirus", it is required to conduct a framework analysis and build concepts of concepts that dominate generally in the discourse. For this, it is necessary to conduct a case analysis of children's texts, conceptual analysis and method of modeling using the theory of cognitive metaphor. Also, the compilation of frames will need to conduct definition, etymological, component and contextual analyzes.Results and discussion. Within the framework of this article, the role of metaphor as the main mechanism for representing information about the disease and its prevention is presented. As a result of the study, strategies for the verbalization of knowledge about coronavirus infection were revealed, contributing to training and socializationConclusion. The significance of the presented work is determined by the possibility of using the results of the study in theoretical and practical courses in cognitive linguistics, discourse theory, text linguistics and metaphorology. In addition, the results of the study can be used in theoretical and practical medical activity to optimize the connection in the field of pediatrics.
The paper presents various approaches to defining the essence of a sign in cognitive science and philosophy of language. It offers presentations of critical review of research publications on sign processes. Based on extensive theoretical work in a cognitive approach to communication process, the hypothesis that each speaker of a language acts exclusively within the framework of their cognitive area is supported in the article. Given the results, meaning as a fact of consciousness is closed in it and during the "translation" of meanings they are not transmitted: signs cannot be considered to be carriers of meanings in the sense that meanings making up a part of their material body are contained in them. The material components of signs stimulate the appearance of identical or similar meanings, actuating analogous conceptual spheres in communicating minds.
The results of studies in which the complex of physicochemical methods studied the relationship of self-organization, physicochemical properties and bioeffects in dilute aqueous solutions of various biologically active substances sustained under natural and reduced levels of external physical fields (geomagnetic, low-frequency electromagnetic), as well as when exposed to ionizing radiation solutions. The established patterns can be used to create a scientific base related to the clarification of the mechanisms of the negative influence of hypomagnetic conditions on the functioning of living organisms necessary to ensure the normal operation of the ecosystem of spacecraft during flights.
Current Earth climate changes are caused by the violation of the planet's radiation balance (RB). In this study the changes of the one of RB's components – yearly and monthly averaged global and regional outgoing thermal radiation of Earth or the Earth own radiation (EOR) in a spectral range 660–1300 cm-1 for 2015–2022 by IR Fourier-spectrometer IKFS-2 onboard the "Meteor-M" No2 satellite – is analyzed. It is shown that EOR on a global scale in a range 660–1300 cm-1 on average decreased during the period of 2015–2022. Mean integral radiation in the same wave-lenght range decreased by ~0.5 W m-2 during 2015–2022. The most pronounced decrease of EOR was found in tropics, when the least pronounced – on polar latitudes. Besides, a negative trend of the integral EOR was found in tropics (up to 0.95–1.3 ± 0.1 W m-2 for the 8 years) with relatively high coefficient of determination (0.46–0.57). At the same time, there is no pronounced trend of EOR on the polar and middle latitudes.
We present the results of a multi-disciplinary analysis of a jug and its contents from the elite burial complex of the Sargat culture in Middle Irtysh Basin (burial Isakovka I, mound 3, burial 6). The burial, along with military equipment and various metallic import, contained a ceramic jug, the closest analogies to which are found in the production centers of the settled population of the foothill zone of the central and partially eastern regions of the North Caucasus, as well as the steppe territory (the basin of the Kuma River). The studied piece is distinguished by its massive form and traces of repair of the upper part. The jug was placed in the burial filled with a granular substance with fragments of light and gray-black color. Laboratory analysis found no traces of tartrates, i.e. the jug was not used for cooking or transporting beverages of grape juice. The detected fractions of biogenic apatite could possibly originate from fish bones and scales, used for the production of glue, which was added for clarification of wine, beer and mead. At the same time, the composition of the filling contains organic substances related to the production of a low-alcohol drink based on honey, fermented with the addition of cereal grains (local wild or coming from agricultural centers). There are two versions for defining this drink: either it was beer – one of the oldest ritual drinks, the use of which in pastoral cultures is confirmed by texts of the Nart sagas and is confirmed by similar forms of words of Iranian origin; or an infusion of herbs/cereals based on honey, also common in the ritual practices of ancient and traditional cultures. This find is considered exceptional, since the North Caucasian antiquities of the Early Iron Age have been previously unknown in the forest-steppe monuments of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia. It is possible that the area of the Sargat culture is so far the easternmost territory of distribution of such ceramics.
The article examines the key ontological metaphor within the London supertext of English linguistic culture – the metaphor, according to which the topos of the British capital is represented in the form of semiotic space, or a text open to reading and interpretation. The London supertext is viewed as an invariable semantic construct, the total sum of semes to be found in all the texts about the city, which have already been or will potentially be written. Along with the combinations of semes, static and dynamic, the London supertext incorporates standard algorithms of their deployment into real textual sequences. The article regards metaphor as a basic operation linking the supertextual levels. Metaphor is substantiated semantically, i.e. the article explains the possibility of predicating unobvious semantic components. The article views the metaphoric realizations of the London supertext from the perspective of possible worlds in semantics. Proceeding from an analysis of belles-lettres texts from the English literary canon, the article concludes that reading London as a text implies the scenarios of its intra- and intertextual interpretation (with the involvement of other cultural codes and information from previous eras) of topographical and notional wandering, and of acquiring space as perceiving textual meaning. Such scenario-type groups of semes coupled with the standard strategies of their realization constitute the dynamic component of the London supertext.