Open Access BASE2015

Ban on the Hijab at School: Human Rights Against Migration Background


Russia has only recently faced the problem of wearing hijabs in educational organizations within the last three years, while in Western Europe the debate on this issue has not subsided for several decades. Due to the fact that the common position has not been worked out, it seems important to examine the compliance of the ban on wearing Islamic headscarves in educational institutions with international instruments enshrining the right to education and freedom of conscience and religion, to analyze the position of the Russian Federation through the example of specific legal measures undertaken to solve the situation within the Stavropol region and the latest document published by the Interreligious Council of Russia (issued on March 26, 2015), as well as to analyze the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights stated in the case "Leyla Sahin against Turkey" (2005). A separate issue on the topic concerns the proportionality of the rules on hijabs in their application to and their effect on local and migrant populations of certain states. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s1p509




Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences

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