Bi-annual human rights report: January - June 2006
In: Bi-annual Human Rights Report, 8 (2006) 1
29 Ergebnisse
In: Bi-annual Human Rights Report, 8 (2006) 1
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: A Kenya Human Rights Commission Report
World Affairs Online
In: A Kenya Human Rights Commission Report
World Affairs Online
In: A Kenya Human Rights Commission Report
This report outlines some of the repressive laws and practices that have made Kenya's independence "a caricature of real freedom". The laws under consideration include the following: the Kenyan constitution; the Preservation of Public Security Act; the Public Order Act; the Chief's Authority Act; the Societies Act; sections of the Penal Code dealing with sedition and prohibition of publications. Most of these laws are used simultaneously, and the report attempts to show the systematization of repression as part of the official legal and political policy in Kenya. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
This report examines the legal channels and the extra-judical means utilized by the Kenyan government to suppress and restrict fundamental rights during 1993. The interference with liberty and free speech through the police and the judical system was disturbingly effective. Opposition was met with arbitrary arrest, detention without arraignment or trial, torture, criminal charges, denial of licenses for meetings and their systematic break-up, destruction of property, armed attacks, and murder. The harrassment practiced by the KANU government was both economic and political. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
This report analyses the medical treatment that four of Kenya's political prisioners - Koigi Wamwere, Rumba Kinuthia, Mirugi Kariuki and Geoffrey Kuria Kariuki (the Treason Four) - have received since their arrest in October 1990. It contends that the lack of proper and adequate medical care is a form of punishment that is contrary to the basic tenets of the rule of law, especially since the prisoners have not been convicted in an impartial court of law. The four political prisoners - charged with the capital offence of treason - have been severely incapacitated by poor health since their arrest. This report discusses their medical conditions within the context of the issue of political prisoners in Kenya, and the conditions of the prisons. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
Die Schrift erzählt den Kampf der Farmer im Mwea-Reisanbaugebiet um ihre Rechte. Die Farmer des in Kolonialzeiten angelegten Bewässerungsprojekts wurden von der kenianischen Politik und Verwaltung systematisch unterdrückt. Die Landbesitzverhältnisse widersprechen menschenrechtlichen Bestimmungen; sozioökonomisch wurden die Farmer niedergehalten, politisch und administrativ schikaniert. Armut, so folgert der Bericht, ist nicht das Ergebnis apolitischer wirtschaftlicher Kräfte, sondern häufig das Ergebnis einer zielgerichteten Politik, die den Status quo bewahren soll. (DÜI-Sbd)
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: A Kenya Human Rights Commission Report
Mit der Rückkehr Kenias zum Mehrparteiensystem 1991 brachen in Rift Valley und den Western Provinces gewaltsame ethnische Konflikte aus. Bis 1996 kamen über 1500 Menschen ums Leben und verloren über 300 000 ihr Heim. Die Schrift der Menschenrechtsorganisation untersucht die Hintergründe. Sie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Auseinandersetzungen von der regierenden KANU ausgenutzt und angefacht wurden, um politische Opponenten zu spalten und politisches Kapitel aus den Kämpfen zu schlagen. Ziel sei es gewesen, durch Verunsicherung, Gewalt und Einschüchterung die Wahlen von 1997 im Sinne der Regierung zu beeinflussen. Die Regierung habe die Mittel gehabt, die ethnische Gewalt zu beenden, aber nicht den politischen Willen. (DÜI-Sbd)
World Affairs Online
(1.) July 1997 report. - VII,30 S.; (2.) August 1997 report.; (3.) September 1997 report. - II,26 S.; (4.) October 1997 report. - I,19 S.; (5.) November 1997 report. - I,29 S.; (6.) December 1997 report. - I,21 S
World Affairs Online
On August 13, 1997, the Likoni and Kwale areas of the Coast Province of Kenya erupted in an orgy of violence seemingly targeted at Kenyans of upcountry origin. The violence had left hundreds of people dead or permanently maimed, thousands of Kenyans displaced and homeless, hundreds of kiosks and residential buildings destroyed by fire, and the economy severely undermined. The violence was accompanied by serious human rights violations on the part of both the raiders and the security officers. The motives and causes of the violence are complex and many, and include ethno-regionalism, religious nationalism, personal factors, criminal interests, and local and national political agendas. This report examines the background of the bloody tragedy, its engineers, their motives, aims and objectives. In conclusion, it makes several political recommendations intended to minimise the probability of the Likoni-Kwale kind of eruptions in Kenya. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
Five years after Kenya was forced to abandon the single party rule and re-embrace multipartyism, the media in Kenya remains captive. As this report details, although overt editorial control and proscription of publications have become relatively infrequent, the machinery of censorship and control still grinds on. It is fueled by official inducement of self-censorship, a phalanx of laws inimical to press freedom, spreading ownership of the media by the government, and by age old threats the government has directed to media practitioners. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online