Something about ethnicity -- Diversity in urban history -- Contextualizing ethnicity -- Fashioning spatial concentration -- Measuring spatial concentration -- Ethnic culture regions and placemaking -- Ethnic spaces created from exploitation and conflict -- Positive consequences of concentration -- Negative consequences of concentration -- Multiculturalism and the spatial configuration of ethnic groups in the city -- Distances and diasporas -- Transnationalism and hybridity -- Envisioning the future
"Urban Geography offers a comprehensive treatment of urban geography, fully exploring the origins and development of cities. It focuses on uncovering the excitement and richness found in cities, while tackling a wide variety of urban challenges. The text covers the Urban Geography field, both as it has evolved and as it exists today. Kaplan includes the most current research in urban studies, introducing elements of urban theory and methodology, and addresses the urban experience as a global one. Urban Geography presents key concepts in a straightforward structure, creating a user-friendly experience for all readers"--
Purpose– This paper aims to show the present level of sustainable transportation, mainly walking and bicycling, on a large campus in the US Midwest and then analyzes some of the opportunities and impediments in increasing the modal share.Design/methodology/approach– Three types of analysis are used. First, current level of walking and bicycling around the campus are measured during select mornings and afternoons. Second, a survey questionnaire completed by 668 students is tabulated and reported. Third, the campus and environs are inventoried to note those aspects of infrastructure which either facilitate or block walking or cycling.Findings– This paper records generally low existing levels of sustainable transportation among students around a campus. There is a particularly low level of bicycling activity. Reasons have to do with time and convenience (especially among students who work), but also that many students do not enjoy bicycle access. Finally, student attitudes and an inventory of campus indicate that existing infrastructure discourages sustainable transportation activity around campus.Research limitations/implications– This may be biased towards specific circumstances in the one institution we studied. However, there are several important implications on the factors spurring or impeding walking and bicycling which may be applied to other campus communities.Practical implications– Understanding the campus impediments to walking and bicycling may help universities design more attractive and useful facilities.Social implications– Great attention to bicycling and walking can improve the social environment on campus, as well as spur greater health among students and staff.Originality/value– Several methods of measuring existing transportation patterns are applied, canvassing student attitudes towards sustainable transportation and then inventorying and mapping those campus features which could affect walking and bicycling activity.
Aux États-Unis, la crise actuelle est, au moins en partie, imputable aux problèmes du marché du logement. Ces problèmes, qui comprennent les chutes records des ventes de logements et la dégringolade de la valeur des biens immobiliers, ainsi que l'augmentation des taux de saisies, sont à leur tour liés aux refus de prêts immobiliers. Toute tentative de compréhension de la crise immobilière actuelle des États-Unis doit resituer cette crise dans un contexte de ségrégation et de préjudice raciaux persistants qui caractérisent les villes américaines. Ces aspects de la vie urbaine américaine se sont manifestés à travers des inégalités constantes dans l'attribution de prêts ainsi que dans des taux de saisies disproportion -nés. Cet essai remonte l'histoire moderne des prêts immobiliers aux États-Unis et démontre comment cette histoire a mené au délaissement de nombreux quartiers des centres-villes. Plus récemment, ces mêmes quartiers ont été marqués par l'explosion des crédits à taux variables (subprimes) et des prêts dits «prédateurs». Enfin, de telles disparités spatiales dans l'attribution de prêts sont liées à l'augmentation des saisies qui ont dévasté plusieurs communautés. Les cas de Saint Louis dans le Missouri, de Minneapolis-Saint Paul dans le Minnesota et surtout celui d'Akron dans l'Ohio sont autant d'exemples de preuves locales où des analyses de prêts et de saisies viennent juste d'être achevées.
In: Political geography: an interdisciplinary journal for all students of political studies with an interest in the geographical and spatial aspects, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 259-282
"Nationalism provides a comprehensive exploration of nationalist identity, ideology, and practice which centers the geographic underpinnings of the phenomenon. It unpacks the fundamental principles and the many variations of this global phenomenon, as it examines nationalism through a spatial lens. Nationalism is the dominant political force in the modern world and no other global ideology is so strongly tied to concepts like territory, homeland, frontiers, and boundaries. The authors delve into how nationalism is fundamentally related to territory and place, why mapping is critical to the nationalist endeavors, the role of performance and personification, ethnonationalism, multinationalism, nationalist movements, and how nationalism is evidenced and experienced in cities and towns throughout the world. These provide a solid summary of what makes nationalism so compelling, so uniting, and so dangerous. Nationalism provides a fresh and compelling perspective on a complicated and often controversial subject. Written in an accessible and attractive style, the book will be especially useful for classes in Geography, Global Studies, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, History, and Anthropology. It provides information and conceptual insights to scholars interested in a concise and sophisticated synthesis of contemporary nationalism. For casual readers interested in the phenomenon of nationalism, this book provides clear explanations and compelling examples"--
"Nationalism provides a comprehensive exploration of nationalist identity, ideology, and practice which centers the geographic underpinnings of the phenomenon. It unpacks the fundamental principles and the many variations of this global phenomenon, as it examines nationalism through a spatial lens. Nationalism is the dominant political force in the modern world and no other global ideology is so strongly tied to concepts like territory, homeland, frontiers, and boundaries. The authors delve into how nationalism is fundamentally related to territory and place, why mapping is critical to the nationalist endeavors, the role of performance and personification, ethnonationalism, multinationalism, nationalist movements, and how nationalism is evidenced and experienced in cities and towns throughout the world. These provide a solid summary of what makes nationalism so compelling, so uniting, and so dangerous. Nationalism provides a fresh and compelling perspective on a complicated and often controversial subject. Written in an accessible and attractive style, the book will be especially useful for classes in Geography, Global Studies, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, History, and Anthropology. It provides information and conceptual insights to scholars interested in a concise and sophisticated synthesis of contemporary nationalism. For casual readers interested in the phenomenon of nationalism, this book provides clear explanations and compelling examples"--
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
"Nationalism provides a comprehensive exploration of nationalist identity, ideology, and practice which centers the geographic underpinnings of the phenomenon. It unpacks the fundamental principles and the many variations of this global phenomenon, as it examines nationalism through a spatial lens. Nationalism is the dominant political force in the modern world and no other global ideology is so strongly tied to concepts like territory, homeland, frontiers, and boundaries. The authors delve into how nationalism is fundamentally related to territory and place, why mapping is critical to the nationalist endeavors, the role of performance and personification, ethnonationalism, multinationalism, nationalist movements, and how nationalism is evidenced and experienced in cities and towns throughout the world. These provide a solid summary of what makes nationalism so compelling, so uniting, and so dangerous. Nationalism provides a fresh and compelling perspective on a complicated and often controversial subject. Written in an accessible and attractive style, the book will be especially useful for classes in Geography, Global Studies, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, History, and Anthropology. It provides information and conceptual insights to scholars interested in a concise and sophisticated synthesis of contemporary nationalism. For casual readers interested in the phenomenon of nationalism, this book provides clear explanations and compelling examples"--
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
"Nationalism provides a comprehensive exploration of nationalist identity, ideology, and practice which centers the geographic underpinnings of the phenomenon. It unpacks the fundamental principles and the many variations of this global phenomenon, as it examines nationalism through a spatial lens. Nationalism is the dominant political force in the modern world and no other global ideology is so strongly tied to concepts like territory, homeland, frontiers, and boundaries. The authors delve into how nationalism is fundamentally related to territory and place, why mapping is critical to the nationalist endeavors, the role of performance and personification, ethnonationalism, multinationalism, nationalist movements, and how nationalism is evidenced and experienced in cities and towns throughout the world. These provide a solid summary of what makes nationalism so compelling, so uniting, and so dangerous. Nationalism provides a fresh and compelling perspective on a complicated and often controversial subject. Written in an accessible and attractive style, the book will be especially useful for classes in Geography, Global Studies, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, History, and Anthropology. It provides information and conceptual insights to scholars interested in a concise and sophisticated synthesis of contemporary nationalism. For casual readers interested in the phenomenon of nationalism, this book provides clear explanations and compelling examples"--
La géopolitique dans le monde anglo-américain relève de conceptions différentes de celles de l'école française. Cet article analyse l'évolution de la géopolitique anglo-américaine, des modèles d'Alfred Mahan et Halford Mackinder à la déconsidération de la période nazie puis à sa renaissance aujourd'hui avec de nouvelles formes de raisonnement géopolitique, en particulier dans l'application de la géopolitique critique. Bien que bannies du monde académique pendant l'essentiel de la seconde moitié du XX e siècle, les idées géopolitiques ont eu de l'influence auprès des décideurs politiques au cours de la guerre froide, notamment l'endiguement. Plus récemment, des théories populaires comme celles de Fukuyama, Huntington et Mearsheimer ont gagné en notoriété. La géopolitique anglo-américaine reste très centrée sur les relations entre États-nations mais elle évolue vers une approche à différentes échelles, la prise en compte de l'importance des acteurs, et l'attention au fait que les représentations géopolitiques ne sont pas neutres mais proviennent d'un point de vue qui peut être utilisé pour renforcer ou défier l'ordre établi. De plus, la géopolitique anglo-américaine s'intéresse à de nouveaux sujets comme les diasporas, l'environnement ou le cyberespace. Mais il reste des sujets, notamment dans le domaine des études urbaines, qui ne font toujours pas partie de la démarche géopolitique.
"Urban Geography is an established textbook for undergraduate students with strong sales record. In August 2021 the authors approached us with the idea of updating the title, and a new edition survey was run to explore its potential. All instructors that were contacted endorsed publication, expressing their interest in an updated and expanded version of the textbook"--