

In: Key ideas in geography

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"Nationalism provides a comprehensive exploration of nationalist identity, ideology, and practice which centers the geographic underpinnings of the phenomenon. It unpacks the fundamental principles and the many variations of this global phenomenon, as it examines nationalism through a spatial lens. Nationalism is the dominant political force in the modern world and no other global ideology is so strongly tied to concepts like territory, homeland, frontiers, and boundaries. The authors delve into how nationalism is fundamentally related to territory and place, why mapping is critical to the nationalist endeavors, the role of performance and personification, ethnonationalism, multinationalism, nationalist movements, and how nationalism is evidenced and experienced in cities and towns throughout the world. These provide a solid summary of what makes nationalism so compelling, so uniting, and so dangerous. Nationalism provides a fresh and compelling perspective on a complicated and often controversial subject. Written in an accessible and attractive style, the book will be especially useful for classes in Geography, Global Studies, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, History, and Anthropology. It provides information and conceptual insights to scholars interested in a concise and sophisticated synthesis of contemporary nationalism. For casual readers interested in the phenomenon of nationalism, this book provides clear explanations and compelling examples"--

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