Els esclaus islàmics a Barcelona: blancs, negres, llors i turcs ; de l'esclavitut a la llibertat (s. XIV)
In: Anuario de estudios medievales
In: Anejos 52
1613 Ergebnisse
In: Anuario de estudios medievales
In: Anejos 52
Paz y PIB / Marc Hofstetter -- Conflicto, sectores, regiones y crecimiento / Laura Beatriz Gómez y Hernando Zuleta -- Eficiencia del gasto en defensa y seguridad en Colombia : un análisis de envolvente de datos aplicado al Ejército Nacional / Lucas Ernesto Gutiérrez -- Muros permeables en las escuelas : desempeño educativo y seguridad / Arturo Harker, Andrés Molano, Juan Camilo Cristancho y Santiago Gómez -- La incidencia de las transferencias de Familias en Acción sobre la violencia doméstica en Colombia / Adriana Camacho, Catherine Rodríguez y María Camila Rivera -- Arborización y hurto a peatones en Bogotá / Fernando Carriazo y Jorge Tovar -- Comparación de diferentes modelos para la predicción del crimen en Bogotá / Francisco Barreras, Carlos Díaz, Álvaro J. Riascos y Mónica Ribero -- Entender y combatir el crimen : modelo de comportamiento criminal basado en la provisión de información / Nicolás Rodríguez y Andrés Zambrano -- Inclusión financiera y lavado de activos : evidencia empírica para Colombia / Hernando Bayona-Rodríguez, Catherine Rodríguez y Sebastián Melo -- El sistema antilavado de activos (ALA) y contra la financiación del terrorismo (CFT) en Colombia / Hernando Bayona-Rodríguez y Javier Alberto Gutiérrez
World Affairs Online
Dedication -- Acknowledgments -- Addenda to the English Version -- Contents -- About the Author -- Chapter 1: General Approach -- 1.1 1 -- 1.2 2 -- 1.3 3 -- 1.4 4 -- 1.5 5 -- 1.6 6 -- 1.7 7 -- 1.8 8 -- References -- Chapter 2: Sex and Gender -- References -- Chapter 3: The Origin -- 3.1 The Origin of Humanity and Primate Behavior Patterns -- 3.2 What Do We Humans Have that Bonobos Lack? -- 3.3 Recapitulation and Starting Point -- References -- Chapter 4: Relational Identity (or Identity When One Has No Power over the World) -- 4.1 Relational Identity -- 4.2 Gender in So-Called Egalitarian Societies -- References -- Chapter 5: Individuality (or Identity When One Has Power over the World) -- References -- Chapter 6: Relational Identity/Individuated Identity: The Appearance of Things -- 6.1 The Historical Construction of Identity -- References -- Chapter 7: The Fantasy of Individuality I: Women and Gender Identity -- 7.1 The Repression of Women's Mobility and Writing -- References -- Chapter 8: The Fantasy of Individuality II: Men's (Unconscious) Performance of Relational Identity -- References -- Chapter 9: Dependent Individuality and Independent Individuality -- 9.1 Dependent Individuality -- 9.2 Independent Individuality -- References -- Chapter 10: Sex and Gender All over Again -- 10.1 On Gender -- 10.2 On Sexuality -- References -- Chapter 11: Conclusion -- 11.1 1 -- 11.2 2 -- 11.3 3 -- 11.4 4 -- 11.5 5 -- 11.6 6 -- References -- Index
In: Conocimiento
In: Documentos CEDE 2008,13
In: Documentos CEDE 2008,15
In: Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas 2
In: Journal of international development: the journal of the Development Studies Association, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 1536-1569
ISSN: 1099-1328
AbstractIn this paper, I study the causal relationship between violence and human capital accumulation. Due to a power vacuum left in conflict zones of Colombia after the 2016 peace agreement, large spikes in violence were reported in the municipalities of the country dominated by the rebel group FARC. I compare student test scores in municipalities that experienced the increase in violence to the ones that did not, before and after the national peace agreement. I find that a 10% increase in the homicide rate reduces average high school test scores by approximately 0.03 standard deviations. However, this impact is greater in the case of poor students who suffered a reduction of about 0.1 standard deviations per subject area, equivalent to 3.3 percentage points out of the final score. I also consider heterogeneity by gender finding a slightly larger negative impact on female students. This disparate effect on women and on the poorest students adds new evidence to the literature on the effects of armed conflict on learning outcomes.
In: Cuadernos de economía: publicación del Departamento de Teoría y Política Económica, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Band 42, Heft 88
ISSN: 2248-4337
China and the USA are caught up in an exacting and complex competition for world hegemony. Both countries seek to instrumentalise the world market to their advantage and deploy their global power strategies at monetary, financial and economic levels, the USA as a means to maintain its global hegemony China to challenge this order and establish its own dominance. The current function of the national currency of the largest international net debtor as the dominant world money entails a systemic market-logical contradiction. Rising tensions between the USA and its allies and China will not be reduced by the renminbi becoming a world money.
In: Bulletin du bibliophile, Band 377, Heft 1, S. 153-161
In: Evaluation review: a journal of applied social research, Band 47, Heft 6, S. 1107-1134
ISSN: 1552-3926
Despite improvements in the design of development interventions from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is still a lack of evaluation methods able to estimate the impact of these interventions on multiple and interrelated outcomes. This paper proposes a methodological framework for complex causal inference in international development that combines machine learning and econometric designs for causal inference. As a study case, the relationship between multidimensional poverty and violence in Colombia is evaluated following this framework. First, Bayesian networks (BN) are used to create a directed acyclic graph (DAG) able to predict how multidimensional poverty components are interrelated and affected by a violence indicator. Second, the DAG output is used to identify instrumental variables (IV) in order to test the effect of multidimensional poverty on a household's likelihood to be a victim of violence. Minimum living standards—measured in terms of access to water, connection to the sewage system, and the quality of walls and floors—are strong predictors of the education and health dimensions of poverty. Using 2SLS, the results show that having an illiterate person within a household increases by 0.4% the household's likelihood to be a victim of violence. BNs have the potential to predict complex causal patterns helping to understand the effect of development interventions on multidimensional outcomes such as poverty. Quasi-experimental econometric designs can then be used to test some of these predicted causal connections.
In: Documento CEDE No. 52
Working paper
In: Debates en sociología, Heft 48, S. 9-33
ISSN: 2304-4284
Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre los factores que favorecieron la transición de agricultores en Shambillo desde una economía ilegal sustentada en la hoja de coca a otra basada en el cultivo de palma aceitera en el marco de la intervención del Proyecto de Desarrollo Alternativo (PDA) y que resultó en la formación de la Asociación de Palmicultores de Shambillo (ASPASH). En el Perú, las experiencias exitosas de organizaciones agrarias son contadas. El presente trabajo toma uno de estos casos y analiza los factores que, desde la perspectiva de la población, contribuyeron a su funcionamiento. Esta investigación argumenta que la experiencia de riesgo con el cultivo de coca y el interés de actores locales con prestigio en formar parte del PDA permitieron superar la desconfianza y formar ASPASH. Luego de más de quince años de trayectoria, encontramos una organización agricultora amazónica que ha transformado la vida de sus socios y que a su vez compite con otras organizaciones y empresas en el rubro de agroindustrias en la Amazonia. Este artículo es una primera aproximación para entender el panorama sobre el que se ha dado este tipo de proyectos y los factores que jugaron en su implementación.