International audience ; Natural gas use accounts for ≈38% of the fossil fuel CO 2 emissions in Europe, including the EU27 and UK (Eurostat, 2021). The share of this fossil fuel in the energy mix has been growing since 1990 at the expense of oil and coal, as it is viewed as a cleaner source of energy (IEA, 2021). The main sectors using natural gas are the built environment (residential, public and commercial buildings), the industry, and the electricity production (Eurostat, 2021). In addition to steadily growing natural gas use, the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly disrupted economic activities and the energy demand, beginning in early March of 2020. Specifically, the government policies restricted mobility and confined people at home during "lockdowns", and reduced or closed industrial and non-essential commercial activities, with impacts on gas use and pertaining CO 2 emissions. Although such impacts have been noted by recent reports (IEA, 2020a, 2020b), they have not yet been quantified and analyzed in detail. During the cold season period when the pandemic arrived in Europe, natural gas consumption is typically high due to the heating demand in the built environment, which represents 52% of the total gas consumption from all-sectors averaged over January to June. For both residential and commercial buildings, gas consumption is typically inversely proportional to daily air temperature when temperatures fall below a comfort threshold "critical
International audience ; Natural gas use accounts for ≈38% of the fossil fuel CO 2 emissions in Europe, including the EU27 and UK (Eurostat, 2021). The share of this fossil fuel in the energy mix has been growing since 1990 at the expense of oil and coal, as it is viewed as a cleaner source of energy (IEA, 2021). The main sectors using natural gas are the built environment (residential, public and commercial buildings), the industry, and the electricity production (Eurostat, 2021). In addition to steadily growing natural gas use, the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly disrupted economic activities and the energy demand, beginning in early March of 2020. Specifically, the government policies restricted mobility and confined people at home during "lockdowns", and reduced or closed industrial and non-essential commercial activities, with impacts on gas use and pertaining CO 2 emissions. Although such impacts have been noted by recent reports (IEA, 2020a, 2020b), they have not yet been quantified and analyzed in detail. During the cold season period when the pandemic arrived in Europe, natural gas consumption is typically high due to the heating demand in the built environment, which represents 52% of the total gas consumption from all-sectors averaged over January to June. For both residential and commercial buildings, gas consumption is typically inversely proportional to daily air temperature when temperatures fall below a comfort threshold "critical
International audience ; Natural gas use accounts for ≈38% of the fossil fuel CO 2 emissions in Europe, including the EU27 and UK (Eurostat, 2021). The share of this fossil fuel in the energy mix has been growing since 1990 at the expense of oil and coal, as it is viewed as a cleaner source of energy (IEA, 2021). The main sectors using natural gas are the built environment (residential, public and commercial buildings), the industry, and the electricity production (Eurostat, 2021). In addition to steadily growing natural gas use, the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly disrupted economic activities and the energy demand, beginning in early March of 2020. Specifically, the government policies restricted mobility and confined people at home during "lockdowns", and reduced or closed industrial and non-essential commercial activities, with impacts on gas use and pertaining CO 2 emissions. Although such impacts have been noted by recent reports (IEA, 2020a, 2020b), they have not yet been quantified and analyzed in detail. During the cold season period when the pandemic arrived in Europe, natural gas consumption is typically high due to the heating demand in the built environment, which represents 52% of the total gas consumption from all-sectors averaged over January to June. For both residential and commercial buildings, gas consumption is typically inversely proportional to daily air temperature when temperatures fall below a comfort threshold "critical
International audience ; Natural gas use accounts for ≈38% of the fossil fuel CO 2 emissions in Europe, including the EU27 and UK (Eurostat, 2021). The share of this fossil fuel in the energy mix has been growing since 1990 at the expense of oil and coal, as it is viewed as a cleaner source of energy (IEA, 2021). The main sectors using natural gas are the built environment (residential, public and commercial buildings), the industry, and the electricity production (Eurostat, 2021). In addition to steadily growing natural gas use, the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly disrupted economic activities and the energy demand, beginning in early March of 2020. Specifically, the government policies restricted mobility and confined people at home during "lockdowns", and reduced or closed industrial and non-essential commercial activities, with impacts on gas use and pertaining CO 2 emissions. Although such impacts have been noted by recent reports (IEA, 2020a, 2020b), they have not yet been quantified and analyzed in detail. During the cold season period when the pandemic arrived in Europe, natural gas consumption is typically high due to the heating demand in the built environment, which represents 52% of the total gas consumption from all-sectors averaged over January to June. For both residential and commercial buildings, gas consumption is typically inversely proportional to daily air temperature when temperatures fall below a comfort threshold "critical
International audience ; Natural gas use accounts for ≈38% of the fossil fuel CO 2 emissions in Europe, including the EU27 and UK (Eurostat, 2021). The share of this fossil fuel in the energy mix has been growing since 1990 at the expense of oil and coal, as it is viewed as a cleaner source of energy (IEA, 2021). The main sectors using natural gas are the built environment (residential, public and commercial buildings), the industry, and the electricity production (Eurostat, 2021). In addition to steadily growing natural gas use, the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly disrupted economic activities and the energy demand, beginning in early March of 2020. Specifically, the government policies restricted mobility and confined people at home during "lockdowns", and reduced or closed industrial and non-essential commercial activities, with impacts on gas use and pertaining CO 2 emissions. Although such impacts have been noted by recent reports (IEA, 2020a, 2020b), they have not yet been quantified and analyzed in detail. During the cold season period when the pandemic arrived in Europe, natural gas consumption is typically high due to the heating demand in the built environment, which represents 52% of the total gas consumption from all-sectors averaged over January to June. For both residential and commercial buildings, gas consumption is typically inversely proportional to daily air temperature when temperatures fall below a comfort threshold "critical
International audience ; As the COVID-19 virus spread over the world, governments restricted mobility to slow transmission. Public health measures had different intensities across European countries but all had significant impact on people's daily lives and economic activities, causing a drop of CO2 emissions of about 10% for the whole year 2020. Here, we analyze changes in natural gas use in the industry and gas distribution to the built environment during the first half of year 2020 with daily gas flows data from pipeline and storage facilities in Europe. We find that reductions of industrial gas use reflect decreases in industrial production across most countries. Surprisingly, natural gas use in the built environment also decreased despite most people being confined at home and cold spells in March 2020. Those reductions that we attribute to the impacts of COVID-19 remain of comparable magnitude to previous variations induced by cold or warm climate anomalies in the cold season. We conclude that climate variations played a larger role than COVID-19 induced stay-home orders in natural gas consumption across Europe.
International audience ; As the COVID-19 virus spread over the world, governments restricted mobility to slow transmission. Public health measures had different intensities across European countries but all had significant impact on people's daily lives and economic activities, causing a drop of CO2 emissions of about 10% for the whole year 2020. Here, we analyze changes in natural gas use in the industry and gas distribution to the built environment during the first half of year 2020 with daily gas flows data from pipeline and storage facilities in Europe. We find that reductions of industrial gas use reflect decreases in industrial production across most countries. Surprisingly, natural gas use in the built environment also decreased despite most people being confined at home and cold spells in March 2020. Those reductions that we attribute to the impacts of COVID-19 remain of comparable magnitude to previous variations induced by cold or warm climate anomalies in the cold season. We conclude that climate variations played a larger role than COVID-19 induced stay-home orders in natural gas consumption across Europe.
International audience ; As the COVID-19 virus spread over the world, governments restricted mobility to slow transmission. Public health measures had different intensities across European countries but all had significant impact on people's daily lives and economic activities, causing a drop of CO2 emissions of about 10% for the whole year 2020. Here, we analyze changes in natural gas use in the industry and gas distribution to the built environment during the first half of year 2020 with daily gas flows data from pipeline and storage facilities in Europe. We find that reductions of industrial gas use reflect decreases in industrial production across most countries. Surprisingly, natural gas use in the built environment also decreased despite most people being confined at home and cold spells in March 2020. Those reductions that we attribute to the impacts of COVID-19 remain of comparable magnitude to previous variations induced by cold or warm climate anomalies in the cold season. We conclude that climate variations played a larger role than COVID-19 induced stay-home orders in natural gas consumption across Europe.
International audience ; As the COVID-19 virus spread over the world, governments restricted mobility to slow transmission. Public health measures had different intensities across European countries but all had significant impact on people's daily lives and economic activities, causing a drop of CO2 emissions of about 10% for the whole year 2020. Here, we analyze changes in natural gas use in the industry and gas distribution to the built environment during the first half of year 2020 with daily gas flows data from pipeline and storage facilities in Europe. We find that reductions of industrial gas use reflect decreases in industrial production across most countries. Surprisingly, natural gas use in the built environment also decreased despite most people being confined at home and cold spells in March 2020. Those reductions that we attribute to the impacts of COVID-19 remain of comparable magnitude to previous variations induced by cold or warm climate anomalies in the cold season. We conclude that climate variations played a larger role than COVID-19 induced stay-home orders in natural gas consumption across Europe.
International audience We constructed a near-real-time daily CO 2 emission dataset, the Carbon Monitor, to monitor the variations in CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and cement production since January 1, 2019, at the national level, with near-global coverage on a daily basis and the potential to be frequently updated. Daily CO 2 emissions are estimated from a diverse range of activity data, including the hourly to daily electrical power generation data of 31 countries, monthly production data and production indices of industry processes of 62 countries/regions, and daily mobility data and mobility indices for the ground transportation of 416 cities worldwide. Individual flight location data and monthly data were utilized for aviation and maritime transportation sector estimates. In addition, monthly fuel consumption data corrected for the daily air temperature of 206 countries were used to estimate the emissions from commercial and residential buildings. this Carbon Monitor dataset manifests the dynamic nature of CO 2 emissions through daily, weekly and seasonal variations as influenced by workdays and holidays, as well as by the unfolding impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Carbon Monitor near-real-time CO 2 emission dataset shows a 8.8% decline in CO 2 emissions globally from January 1 st to June 30 th in 2020 when compared with the same period in 2019 and detects a regrowth of CO 2 emissions by late april, which is mainly attributed to the recovery of economic activities in China and a partial easing of lockdowns in other countries. this daily updated CO 2 emission dataset could offer a range of opportunities for related scientific research and policy making.
In support of the Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement on Climate change, this study presents a comprehensive framework to process the results of atmospheric inversions in order to make them suitable for evaluating UNFCCC national inventories of land-use carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions and removals, corresponding to the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry and waste sectors. We also deduced anthropogenic methane (CH 4 ) emissions regrouped into fossil and agriculture and waste emissions, and anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions from inversions. To compare inversions with national reports, we compiled a new global harmonized database of national emissions and removals from periodical UNFCCC inventories by Annex I countries, and from sporadic and less detailed emissions reports by Non-Annex I countries, given by National Communications and Biennial Update Reports. The method to reconcile inversions with inventories is applied to selected large countries covering 78 % of the global land carbon uptake for CO 2 , as well as emissions and removals in the land use, land use change and forestry sector, and top-emitters of CH 4 and N 2 O. Our method uses results from an ensemble of global inversions produced by the Global Carbon Project for the three greenhouse gases, with ancillary data. We examine the role of CO 2 fluxes caused by lateral transfer processes from rivers and from trade in crop and wood products, and the role of carbon uptake in unmanaged lands, both not accounted for by the rules of inventories. Here we show that, despite a large spread across the inversions, the median of available inversion models points to a larger terrestrial carbon sink than inventories over temperate countries or groups of countries of the Northern Hemisphere like Russia, Canada and the European Union. For CH 4 , we find good consistency between the inversions assimilating only data from the global in-situ network and those using satellite CH 4 retrievals, and a tendency for inversions to diagnose higher CH 4 emissions estimates than reported by inventories. In particular, oil and gas extracting countries in Central Asia and the Persian Gulf region tend to systematically report lower emissions compared to those estimated by inversions. For N 2 O, inversions tend to produce higher anthropogenic emissions than inventories for tropical countries, even when attempting to consider only managed land emissions. In the inventories of many non-Annex I countries, this can be tentatively attributed to either a lack of reporting indirect N 2 O emissions from atmospheric deposition and from leaching to rivers, or to the existence of natural sources intertwined with managed lands, or to an under-estimation of N 2 O emission factors for direct agricultural soil emissions. The advantage of inversions is that they provide insights on seasonal and interannual greenhouse gas fluxes anomalies, e.g. during extreme events such as drought or abnormal fire episodes, whereas inventory methods are established to estimate trends and multi-annual changes. As a much denser sampling of atmospheric CO 2 and CH 4 concentrations by different satellites coordinated into a global constellation is expected in the coming years, the methodology proposed here to compare inversion results with inventory reports could be applied regularly for monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation policy and progress by countries to meet the objective of their pledges.
International audience ; In support of the global stocktake of the Paris Agreement on climate change, this study presents a comprehensive framework to process the results of an ensemble of atmospheric inversions in order to make their net ecosystem exchange (NEE) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) flux suitable for evaluating national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) submitted by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). From inversions we also deduced anthropogenic methane (CH 4 ) emissions regrouped into fossil and agriculture and waste emissions, as well as anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions. To compare inversion results with national reports, we compiled a new global harmonized database of emissions and removals from periodical UNFCCC inventories by Annex I countries, and from sporadic and less detailed emissions reports by non-Annex I countries, given by national communications and biennial update reports. No gap filling was applied. The method to reconcile inversions with inventories is applied to selected large countries covering ∼90 % of the global land carbon uptake for CO 2 and top emitters of CH 4 and N 2 O. Our method uses results from an ensemble of global inversions produced by the Global Carbon Project for the three greenhouse gases, with ancillary data. We examine the role of CO 2 fluxes caused by lateral transfer processes from rivers and from trade in crop and wood products and the role of carbon uptake in unmanaged lands, both not accounted for by NGHGIs. Here we show that, despite a large spread across the inversions, the median of available inversion models points to a larger terrestrial carbon sink than inventories over temperate countries or groups of countries of the Northern Hemisphere like Russia, Canada and the European Union. For CH 4 , we find good consistency between the inversions assimilating only data from the global in situ network and those using satellite CH 4 retrievals and a tendency for inversions to diagnose higher CH 4 emission ...
International audience ; In support of the global stocktake of the Paris Agreement on climate change, this study presents a comprehensive framework to process the results of an ensemble of atmospheric inversions in order to make their net ecosystem exchange (NEE) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) flux suitable for evaluating national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) submitted by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). From inversions we also deduced anthropogenic methane (CH 4 ) emissions regrouped into fossil and agriculture and waste emissions, as well as anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions. To compare inversion results with national reports, we compiled a new global harmonized database of emissions and removals from periodical UNFCCC inventories by Annex I countries, and from sporadic and less detailed emissions reports by non-Annex I countries, given by national communications and biennial update reports. No gap filling was applied. The method to reconcile inversions with inventories is applied to selected large countries covering ∼90 % of the global land carbon uptake for CO 2 and top emitters of CH 4 and N 2 O. Our method uses results from an ensemble of global inversions produced by the Global Carbon Project for the three greenhouse gases, with ancillary data. We examine the role of CO 2 fluxes caused by lateral transfer processes from rivers and from trade in crop and wood products and the role of carbon uptake in unmanaged lands, both not accounted for by NGHGIs. Here we show that, despite a large spread across the inversions, the median of available inversion models points to a larger terrestrial carbon sink than inventories over temperate countries or groups of countries of the Northern Hemisphere like Russia, Canada and the European Union. For CH 4 , we find good consistency between the inversions assimilating only data from the global in situ network and those using satellite CH 4 retrievals and a tendency for inversions to diagnose higher CH 4 emission ...
International audience ; In support of the global stocktake of the Paris Agreement on climate change, this study presents a comprehensive framework to process the results of an ensemble of atmospheric inversions in order to make their net ecosystem exchange (NEE) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) flux suitable for evaluating national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) submitted by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). From inversions we also deduced anthropogenic methane (CH 4 ) emissions regrouped into fossil and agriculture and waste emissions, as well as anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions. To compare inversion results with national reports, we compiled a new global harmonized database of emissions and removals from periodical UNFCCC inventories by Annex I countries, and from sporadic and less detailed emissions reports by non-Annex I countries, given by national communications and biennial update reports. No gap filling was applied. The method to reconcile inversions with inventories is applied to selected large countries covering ∼90 % of the global land carbon uptake for CO 2 and top emitters of CH 4 and N 2 O. Our method uses results from an ensemble of global inversions produced by the Global Carbon Project for the three greenhouse gases, with ancillary data. We examine the role of CO 2 fluxes caused by lateral transfer processes from rivers and from trade in crop and wood products and the role of carbon uptake in unmanaged lands, both not accounted for by NGHGIs. Here we show that, despite a large spread across the inversions, the median of available inversion models points to a larger terrestrial carbon sink than inventories over temperate countries or groups of countries of the Northern Hemisphere like Russia, Canada and the European Union. For CH 4 , we find good consistency between the inversions assimilating only data from the global in situ network and those using satellite CH 4 retrievals and a tendency for inversions to diagnose higher CH 4 emission ...
International audience ; In support of the global stocktake of the Paris Agreement on climate change, this study presents a comprehensive framework to process the results of an ensemble of atmospheric inversions in order to make their net ecosystem exchange (NEE) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) flux suitable for evaluating national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGIs) submitted by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). From inversions we also deduced anthropogenic methane (CH 4 ) emissions regrouped into fossil and agriculture and waste emissions, as well as anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions. To compare inversion results with national reports, we compiled a new global harmonized database of emissions and removals from periodical UNFCCC inventories by Annex I countries, and from sporadic and less detailed emissions reports by non-Annex I countries, given by national communications and biennial update reports. No gap filling was applied. The method to reconcile inversions with inventories is applied to selected large countries covering ∼90 % of the global land carbon uptake for CO 2 and top emitters of CH 4 and N 2 O. Our method uses results from an ensemble of global inversions produced by the Global Carbon Project for the three greenhouse gases, with ancillary data. We examine the role of CO 2 fluxes caused by lateral transfer processes from rivers and from trade in crop and wood products and the role of carbon uptake in unmanaged lands, both not accounted for by NGHGIs. Here we show that, despite a large spread across the inversions, the median of available inversion models points to a larger terrestrial carbon sink than inventories over temperate countries or groups of countries of the Northern Hemisphere like Russia, Canada and the European Union. For CH 4 , we find good consistency between the inversions assimilating only data from the global in situ network and those using satellite CH 4 retrievals and a tendency for inversions to diagnose higher CH 4 emission ...