675 Ergebnisse
Social and political challenges of the Digital Single Market and of increasing connectivity: digital literacy and network power ; Desafios sociais e políticos do Mercado Único Digital e da crescente conectividade: literacia digital e poder de rede
Este artigo procura refletir sobre a construção de um Mercado Único Digital e sobre as iniciativas que visam aumentar a conectividade dos cidadãos europeus. A generalização do acesso à Internet apresenta evidentes vantagens e benefícios para cidadãos e empresas, mas também desafia a sociedade. Duas questões principais são problematizadas: a literacia digital e o poder dos atores na rede. Em primeiro lugar, os benefícios da disponibilização de uma determinada tecnologia não resultam apenas da generalização do seu acesso. Resultam, sim, e em grande parte, da capacidade dos indivíduos para tirar partido dessa utilização e do uso que é promovido. Deste modo, as políticas de promoção de tecnologias não podem estar dissociadas de políticas de promoção de literacia mediática e digital. Em segundo lugar, generalizar o acesso à Internet pode potenciar ainda mais o poder dos atores que, neste momento, concentram já grande parte da atividade dos internautas. Esta problemática diz respeito a questões de concorrência económica, mas também de poder social para fornecer quadros simbólicos de leitura do mundo. ; This article seeks to reflect on the construction of a Digital Single Market (DSM) and on initiatives aimed at increasing the connectivity of European citizens. The widespread access to internet has obvious advantages for citizens and businesses, but it also gives rise to challenges for society. There are two principal issues. Firstly, digital literacy and the power of the players. First, the benefits of the availability of a particular technology do not just result from widespread access. They result, to a large extent, from the capacity of people to take advantage of the use and from the practices that are promoted. Thus, policies to promote technology cannot be dissociated from policies to promote media and digital literacy. Secondly, generalizing access to the Internet can further enhance the power of the players who, at this moment, already concentrate a large part of Internet users' activity. This issue concerns matters of economic competition, but also of social power to provide symbolic frameworks to read the world.
Application of vanadium oxide nanoparticles in smart surfaces
Vanadium oxides (VOx) have been extensively investigated due to their many phases and range of properties, such as eletrochromic, thermochromic and electrochemical. Therefore, this promising materials may be implemented as energy efficiency materials in many sectors like military, industrial, domestic and transport. In the present dissertation VOx phases and nanostructures have been synthesized by hydrothermal synthesis using microwave irradiation as heating source. The synthesis parameters, such as reducing agent, dissolution method and the hydrothermal parameters temperature, reducing agent concentration and ratios were vary and studied to observe their impact in morpholy and the resultant VOx phase. Several pure and combination of VOx phases were achieved, such as VO2 (B), V6O13, V3O7, VO2 (M2) and V2O5. The structural composition and morphology of the as-obtained powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Additionally, to observe a possible transition temperature of the samples a thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) analysis were performed. Furthermore, nanosheets were layered in fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) and Indium tin oxide (ITO) and applied as cathode, with a maximum current of 1.75 mA for ITO and 1.46 mA for FTO.
Beyond links: Understanding meaning and control in political blogs
In: New media & society: an international and interdisciplinary forum for the examination of the social dynamics of media and information change, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 82-98
ISSN: 1461-7315
The use of hyperlinks in blogs produces hypertexts, which are characterized by an irregular and not sequential organization. Contrary to the narrative structures in which the author exercises his authority by setting an order of events, hypertexts compromise the integrity of authorship. Blog hyperlinking thus challenges traditional notion of authorship and control exercised over the speech produced. Political contexts, such as those inhabited by politicians and news providers, are quite sensitive to these compromises as control over meanings is seen as problematic. The use of a hyperlink can be seen as willingness to renounce to full control, but acknowledging its presence is insufficient to analyze its effects in the meaning of the posts. This article argues that a qualitative assessment of links is necessary if a full understanding of hyperlinks implications is to be provided. It proposes a model of analysis with three levels of compromising: referential, accessory, and compulsory.
A deliberative public sphere? Picturing Portuguese political blogs
Deliberative democracies are based on the principle of citizens' participation. However, election turnouts and citizens' alienation are signs of a political disengagement that could endanger the foundations of democratic systems. The spaces in which political debate and rational argumentation between equals may take place have diminished, yet new digital technologies have brought up potentialities in the promotion of online, horizontal and deliberative communication. Political blogs have been one of the most studied platforms, as they allow citizens engaged in political discussion and argumentation to establish a public sphere in which matters of public concern are debated. Nonetheless, issues of political polarization, fragmentation and non-rational debate have also been pointed out to limit the most optimistic perspectives over political blogs. By using the social network analysis, this paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of Portuguese political blogs, by assessing its level of deliberation. ; This research was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and co-funded by the European Social Fund in the framework of the Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH) of QREN (SFRH / BD / 45400 / ...
The (non)regulation of the blogosphere: the ethics of online debate
New technologies have enabled innovative possibilities of communication, but have also imposed new upon matters of ethics, particularly in regards to platforms such as blogs. This article builds upon the reflections and experiences on this issue, in an attempt to map and analyse the ethical questions underlying the Portuguese blogosphere. In order to reflect on the possibility and opportunity to create a code of ethics for bloggers, attention is permanently paid to the political ...
The (non)regulation of the blogosphere: the ethics of online debate
New technologies have enabled innovative possibilities of communication, but have alsoimposed new upon matters of ethics, particularly in regards to platforms such as blogs. This articlebuilds upon the reflections and experiences on this issue, in an attempt to map and analysethe ethical questions underlying the Portuguese blogosphere. In order to reflect on the possibilityand opportunity to create a code of ethics for bloggers, attention is permanently paid to thepolitical blogosphere.
A Batalha dos Alcaides 1514: no apogeu da presença portuguesa em Marrocos
In: Batalhas de Portugal 24
In: Revista políticas públicas & cidades, Band 13, Heft 2, S. e804
ISSN: 2359-1552
Este estudo analisou a deterioração físico-conservacionista de uma micro-bacia no semi-árido do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, utilizando a metodologia de Rocha (1997). A micro-bacia, localizada na região do Seridó, foi mapeada para uso atual do solo, capacidade de uso e cálculo do coeficiente de rugosidade. Os resultados mostraram declividades médias e densidades de drenagem que permitiram determinar o coeficiente de rugosidade de cinco compartimentos, variando de 0,24147 a 0,30803. A capacidade de uso da terra foi categorizada como adequada para agricultura, pastagem e florestamento, predominando a categoria de pastagem. Concluiu-se que as práticas de uso do solo devem priorizar a manutenção da vegetação nativa e técnicas sustentáveis de manejo. A metodologia provou ser eficaz na identificação das potencialidades e limitações da micro-bacia, oferecendo uma base para políticas de uso e manejo sustentável no semi-árido potiguar.
In: Revista políticas públicas & cidades, Band 13, Heft 2, S. e794
ISSN: 2359-1552
Recentemente, a discussão sobre a gestão de recursos hídricos em contextos de escassez tem ganhado relevância e impactado diversos setores da sociedade. Dessa forma, a tomada de decisões torna-se cada vez mais delicada, pois envolve pressões frequentemente conflitantes. No Brasil, o estado do Rio Grande do Norte se destaca, entre outros, por ter a maior parte de seu território no semiárido, enfrentando pressões históricas no setor público que demandam medidas rigorosas e coerentes para a gestão de um recurso natural que se torna cada vez mais crucial em períodos de seca severa. Diante dessa realidade, é evidente a necessidade de uma análise que aborde diversos critérios possíveis dentro de um ambiente complexo. Embora existam avanços significativos na utilização de análises multicritério, ainda há uma lacuna na aplicação direcionada para contextos de escassez. Este artigo apresenta a análise e aplicação do método Promethee II como suporte para a gestão de uma sub-bacia em situação de escassez hídrica, com o objetivo de indicar qual cidade deve ser priorizada para intervenções. A metodologia foi aplicada na sub-bacia hidrográfica do Rio Seridó, no Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, onde muitos reservatórios estão em uma situação preocupante de escassez. Como resultado, os municípios foram classificados em ordem de prioridade para intervenção da seguinte maneira: Currais Novos (0,13), Caicó (0,26), Parelhas (0,150), Cruzeta (0,46), Parelhas (0,60), Acari (0,53), São José do Seridó (0,73). Dado que a problemática da escassez hídrica se espalha atualmente em escala nacional e internacional, percebe-se que essa metodologia pode ser uma alternativa viável para ser reaplicada em contextos semelhantes ao redor do mundo.
The Construction of Professional Knowledge: A Comparative Study of Social Assistants and Mediators
In: Journal of Educational and Social Research
ISSN: 2240-0524
Processos de criação da política indigenista no estado da Bahia: Atores e arranjos institucionais; Processes of creation of indigenous policy in the state of Bahia: actors and institutional arrangements
In: Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia: CAA, Heft Vol. 2, No 2, S. 71-85
ISSN: 2238-0361
Education, Citizenship and Mediation
In: Citizenship, social and economics education: an international journal, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 2-10
ISSN: 2047-1734
In Portugal, as in other countries, questions regarding social mediation for promoting personal development and autonomy, citizenship and cohesion and as a methodology of communication, facilitation and interaction between people and groups, have developed in various areas of social organisations. Mediation practices have been strengthening their conceptual and empirical grounding for the following reasons: an increased recognition of their social and educational potential, and as a result of the high level of fragility regarding the stability, convenience, and social cohesion of current society. Mediation, as a qualification and empowerment of individuals, is centred on people, social groups, and communication skills for coping with multiple problems. Mediation is, therefore, recognised as a potential practice that increases the development of a desire in individuals and groups to construct the dynamics of non-violent and participatory interactions. Bearing in mind the relevance of mediation practices and mediator actions in social and educational contexts, Portuguese socio-educational mediators have been studied with the aim of characterising the Portuguese reality concerning elements and figures of socio-educational mediation, focusing on a perceived social and professional identity. This article presents and discusses the importance of mediation in education and the knowledge that mediators recognise as important for their activity.