16 Ergebnisse
Nociones, conceptos y preocupaciones del profesorado bilingüe en Chiapas. Una aproximación desde la perspectiva de género
In: Revista Pueblos y fronteras digital, Band 19, S. 1-31
ISSN: 1870-4115
Este documento muestra los hallazgos de una investigación realizada sobre documentos recepcionales elaborados por docentes para obtener el título en la Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar y Primaria para el Medio Indígena de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. El estudio se situó desde la perspectiva sociocultural, de género y el análisis conceptual del discurso, con el fin de conocer los conceptos y nociones vertidos en el corpus de 708 tesis desde el año 2011 al 2021. Las líneas analíticas contemplan temas curriculares e identitarios, en los que se observan preocupaciones y concepciones culturales sobre identidad, saberes comunitarios y sexualidad-género. Las contribuciones culturales que desde sus concepciones reflejan los y las docentes en sus escritos constituyen valiosas aportaciones para el diseño curricular de planes y programas de formación y profesionalización en el medio indígena.
The Order of Things: Educator Women and Gender Inequality in Higher Education ; El orden de las cosas: mujeres educadoras y desigualdad de género en la educación superior ; A ordem das coisas: mulheres educadoras e desigualdade de gênero no ensino superior
In this article, we retake some principles exposed by international organizations (World Bank, Unesco, among others), that made routes for contemporary public policy in the realm of education with relation to the terms of inclusion and inequality in Latin America. The goal of this article is to review the implications of the liberal and capitalist discourses as guiding principles of education for all and where women are not included but have the same conditions as men. We display the case of two groups of women students from the undergraduate program in pre-school education in the 097 South Unit of Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (National Pedagogic University) in Mexico City. These cases serve as referents for questioning the element involved in the current educational policies and how women have occupied a place of structural inequality since the conformation of the organization of societies, the origin of democracy, and the patriarchal fusions and intricacies between capital and liberal States. By retaking a case study documented through qualitative research from the socialcultural perspective and by having in-depth interviews as the main tool of inquiring, the autobiographical narratives of the female students give an account of the gender conditioning and their social and cultural, family-related, and economic repercussions lived by these women that are teachers and students at the sametime. The empirical data presented here are sieved by theoretical references, the feminist ones among them, for unveiling the structural gender inequality underlying in the promisesof educational inclusion in the current public policy for the educational realm. ; En el presente artículo se retoman algunos principios expuestos por organismos internacionales (Banco Mundial, Unesco, entre otros), que marcan ruta en las actuales políticas públicas en el ámbito educativo con relación a los términos de inclusión y desigualdad en América Latina. La finalidad es revisar las implicaciones del discurso del liberalismo y el capitalismo como principios fundantes de la educación para todos, donde las mujeres son incluidas, pero no tienen las mismas condiciones que los hombres. Se muestra el caso de dos grupos de estudiantes mujeres de la licenciatura en Educación Preescolar en la Unidad 097 Sur de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, en Ciudad de México. Estos casos sirven como referente para cuestionar los elementos imbricados en las políticas educativas actuales y la manera en que las mujeres han ocupado un lugar de desigualdad estructural desde la conformación de la organización de las sociedades, el origen de la democracia y las fusiones patriarcales del capital y los Estados liberales. Al retomar un estudio de caso documentado a través de una investigación cualitativa desde la perspectiva sociocultural y al tener como principal herramienta de indagación las entrevistas a profundidad, las narrativas autobiográficas de las estudiantes dan cuenta de la condición de género y las implicaciones socioculturales, familiares, económicas en las que viven estas mujeres que son a la vez docentes y estudiantes. Los datos empíricos presentados son tamizados por referentes teóricos, entre ellos los feministas, para develar la desigualdad estructural de género vedada bajo las promesas de inclusión educativa en las actuales políticas públicas en el ámbito educativo. ; Neste artigo, são retomados alguns princípios expostos por organismos internacionais (Banco Mundial, Unesco, entre outros) que determinam o caminho das atuais políticas públicas no contexto educativo quanto à inclusão e à desigualdade na América Latina. O objetivo é verificar as implicações do discurso do liberalismo e do capitalismo como princípios fundantes da educação para todos, em que as mulheres são incluídas, mas não têm as mesmas condições do que os homens. Apresenta-se o caso de dois grupos de estudantes mulheres da licenciatura em Educação Pré-escolar na Unidade 097 Sul da Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, na Cidade do México. Esses casos servem como referente para questionar os elementos envolvidos nas políticas educativas atuais e a maneira em que as mulheres ocupam um lugar de desigualdade estrutural a partir da conformação da organização das sociedades, da origem da democracia e das fusões patriarcais do capital e dos Estados liberais. Ao retomar um estudo de caso documentado por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, sob a perspectiva sociocultural, e ao ter como principal ferramenta de questionamento as entrevistas a profundidade, as narrativas autobiográficas das estudantes evidenciam a condição de gênero e as implicações socioculturais, familiares, econômicas nas quais essas mulheres, docentes e estudantes ao mesmo tempo, vivem. Os dados empíricos apresentados são depurados por referentes teóricos, entre eles os feministas, para revelar a desigualdade estrutural de gênero vedada sob as promessas de inclusão educativa nas atuais políticas públicas no âmbito educativo.
Hosting the Crosser: Janette Turner Hospital's Borderline
[ES]The article analyses Turner Hospital's novel from the perspective of border theory. It argues that Canada is gradually taking a central stage in border literature, as the country situates itself at the crossroads of myriads of borders that are by definition mobile, fungible (Brady, "Fungibility"), unpredictable (Braidotti), and divisible (Derrida, Aporias). This repositioning of the border from marginal to central, to go back to Saldívar's words, has contributed to the "worlding" of Canadian literature, and has instilled a new transnational literacy in Canadian criticism. The shift, I argue, is manifest in Hospital's Borderline. ; Research funds for this article were provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the research project "Critical History of Ethnic American Literature: An Intercultural Approach" (ref. FFI 2015-64137P), directed by Prof. Jesús Benito Sánchez, by the Regional Government of Castilla y León through the research Project "The Frontiers of Hospitality in Spanish and American Cultural Studies" (ref. SA342U14), and by the European Project "Hospitality and European Film 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038181.
From Locus Classicus to Locus Lumpen: Junot Díaz's "Aurora"
[EN]In "Aurora," a short story published in his 1996 collection Drown, Junot Díaz transforms the mythical character into a contemporary woman. Aurora abandons the unspecified space of myth and is relocated to the barrio. She becomes a drug addict who, like the goddess who salutes the new day, is homeless. She has no permanent home in the barrio, aside from the apartments she and Lucero, the narrator, break into, the juvie [Juvenile Detention] and the Hacienda. In the midst of these non-places, Aurora can only authorize herself through her art, the small-scale dawns she leaves on the walls of the apartments she occupies, and the violent lines she scratches on Lucero. In downgrading and relocating the goddess, Díaz barrioizes high literature and carves this violent clash of cultures and languages on the parchment of American literature. ; Research funds for this article were provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the research project "Critical History of Ethnic American Literature: An Intercultural Approach" (ref. FFI 2012–31250), directed by Prof. Jesús Benito Sánchez, and by the Regional Government of Castilla y León through the research Project "The Frontiers of Hospitality in Spanish and American Cultural Studies," ref. SA342U14.
Junot Díaz's "Otravida, Otravez" and Hospitalia: The Workings of Hostile Hospitality
[EN]The language of hospitality and its intimate opposite, hostility, reverberates insistently in the current political climate, as countries worry about fortifying their borders against waves of migration. This framework has paved the way for the language of hospitality to return as an apt lens for anatomizing current encounters with the Other. This article argues that the hospitality at the heart of Junot Díaz's story "Otravida, Otravez" (2012) is one that has turned against itself in a manner reminiscent of Derrida's concept of "hostipitality." I analyze the two locations of this hostile hospitality in the story, the hospital and the house, arguing that the hospital is its true locus and represents the guarded health of the American Dream. ; Research funds for this article were provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through the research project "Critical History of Ethnic American Literature: An Intercultural Approach" (ref. FFI 2012–31250), directed by Prof. Jesús Benito Sánchez.
Process and environmental simulation in the validation of the biotechnological production of nisin from waste
Chemical and heat treatments are traditionally used to preserve the quality of food products. An alternative is based on the use of antimicrobials such as nisin to ensure food safety. Traditionally, nisin is produced by microbial fermentation in the exponential growth phase of Lactococcus lactis, which is a recognized starter culture in dairy products. However, its production process entails a high cost compared to its chemical-based counterparts, which reduces its competitiveness in the market. This study addresses the economic feasibility and environmental impacts of biotechnological co-production of nisin and lactic acid from three food-associated industrial waste streams: cheese whey (CW), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and corn stover (CS). To carry out the conceptual design of a process at an early stage of development, SuperPro Designer® is used as simulation tool for developing the process alternatives within an industrial approach. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology will be applied to identify the main environmental impacts associated with the production process. Based on the economic and environmental evaluation, SBP proved to be the best carbon source for the nisin production process, followed by CW. Regarding CS, this alternative should overcome the drawbacks associated with enzyme consumption and limited nisin production yield ; This research has been financially supported by the European project iFermenter (Grant Agreement 79057. Ifermenter is a project funded under the "Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme". The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC ED431C 2017/29) and to the Cross-disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS Research Center, ED431E 2018/01) ; SI
Interacción y uso de Tecnologias en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje
The new scenario of the knowledge society and the learning challenges that the education is facing nowadays have been determined by the transformation of the world in the economic, politic and cultural areas. In this article we analyze the processes of interaction and socialization that are taking place in learning environments when technologies are an opportunity to achieve deep changes that contribute to improve teaching-learning processes from a new pedagogical and curricular approach. All this involves a reorganization of the education centers, the training and updating of the teachers and the collaboration of the families. Teachers have the challenge of taking care about the relationships and the contexts that make them possible. This work is linked to the Project Escuel@ Digit@l which is being developed in the field of Educational Technology and specifically is working on the policies and practices about the Information and communication Technology innovation and integration in the education system. The observation and the interviews that have been done as a part of the project show that the replacement of one type of technology for another one does not transform neither the form to teach, nor the processes to learn in the society of the XXI century. The development and transfer of abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes is carried out from the dialogue in interactions between teachers and students which means a universe of full meanings. El nuevo escenario de la sociedad del co-nocimiento y los desafíos de aprendizaje que debe enfrentar la educación en este milenio han sido determinados por la transformación del mundo en las esferas económicas, políticas y culturales.En este artículo analizamos los procesos de interacción que se producen en los contextos educativos cuando las tecnolo-gías son una oportunidad para lograr cam-bios profundos que contribuyan a mejorar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje desde nuevos planteamientos pedagógi-cos y curriculares. Todo ello conlleva una reorganización de los centros educativos, la formación y actualización del profeso-rado y la colaboración de las familias. Los docentes tienen ante sí el reto de cuidar las relaciones y los ambientes que lo ha-cen posible. Este trabajo se vincula con el Proyecto Es-cuel@ Digit@l que se inscribe en el campo de la Tecnología Educativa y específicamente en la línea que tiene por objeto de estudio las políticas y las prácticas para la innovación e integración pedagógica de las TIC en el sistema educativo. Basándo-nos en los análisis y entrevistas realizadas como parte del desarrollo del Proyecto, presentamos algunas evidencias de la in-vestigación acometida que muestran que únicamente la sustitución de un tipo de tecnología por otra no transforma la forma de enseñar ni los procesos para aprender en la sociedad del siglo XXI. El desarrollo y transferencia de habilidades, destrezas, conocimientos y actitudes se da desde el diálogo que se produce en la interacción entre docentes y alumnado lo que conlle-va un universo de significados.
Interaction and use of technologies in teaching and learning processes ; Interacción y uso de Tecnologias en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje
The new scenario of the knowledge society and the learning challenges that the education is facing nowadays have been determined by the transformation of the world in the economic, politic and cultural areas. In this article we analyze the processes of interaction and socialization that are taking place in learning environments when technologies are an opportunity to achieve deep changes that contribute to improve teaching-learning processes from a new pedagogical and curricular approach. All this involves a reorganization of the education centers, the training and updating of the teachers and the collaboration of the families. Teachers have the challenge of taking care about the relationships and the contexts that make them possible. This work is linked to the Project Escuel@ Digit@l which is being developed in the field of Educational Technology and specifically is working on the policies and practices about the Information and communication Technology innovation and integration in the education system. The observation and the interviews that have been done as a part of the project show that the replacement of one type of technology for another one does not transform neither the form to teach, nor the processes to learn in the society of the XXI century. The development and transfer of abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes is carried out from the dialogue in interactions between teachers and students which means a universe of full meanings. El nuevo escenario de la sociedad del co-nocimiento y los desafíos de aprendizaje que debe enfrentar la educación en este milenio han sido determinados por la transformación del mundo en las esferas económicas, políticas y culturales.En este artículo analizamos los procesos de interacción que se producen en los contextos educativos cuando las tecnolo-gías son una oportunidad para lograr cam-bios profundos que contribuyan a mejorar los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje desde nuevos planteamientos pedagógi-cos y curriculares. Todo ello conlleva una reorganización de los ...
Waste biorefinery towards a sustainable biotechnological production of pediocin: Synergy between process simulation and environmental assessment
The development of biotechnological processes through which high added value products can be obtained, using non-valuable industrial streams, has become a primary objective in the scope of sustainability and circular economy strategies. It is in this context where this research report is framed, in which a biorefinery approach has been developed using mussel processing wastes (MPW) as a resource, thus avoiding the environmental impacts involved in their management. Through an enzymatic pre-treatment and a batch fermentation process, this waste stream is valorized, and three high added value products are obtained: pediocin, lactic acid and crude protein. To develop comparative scenarios, a detailed analysis of the environmental impacts associated with the production of pediocin at two purity levels (2.5 % and 95% w/w), using the MPW and a commercial fermentation medium (MRS) has been performed by applying the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The results obtained show the great potentiality of MPW as C-source, both from an environmental, economic and technological point of view since, when compared with MRS, the carbon footprint is reduced from 24.02 to 15.87 and from 23.85 to 15.66 kg CO2 eq/kg of products for a purity of 2.5% and 95% w/w of pediocin, respectively. Besides, analogous impact reduction values are observed for the rest of the impact categories evaluated. However, certain hot spots have been identified, which future improvement studies should focus: energy and calorific requirements, mainly, as a contribution higher than 50% is observed for most of the impact categories ; This research has been financially supported by the European project iFermenter, Spain (Grant Agreement 79057). IFermenter is a project funded under the "Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme". The authors belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC ED431C 2017/29) and to the Cross-disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS ...
Particulate matter in the indoor and outdoor air of a gymnasium and a fronton
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 21, Heft 21, S. 12390-12402
ISSN: 1614-7499
Elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in exhaust particles emitted by light-duty vehicles
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 22, Heft 15, S. 11526-11542
ISSN: 1614-7499
Nitrogen oxides and ozone in Portugal: trends and ozone estimation in an urban and a rural site
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 23, Heft 17, S. 17171-17182
ISSN: 1614-7499
Connection between NAO, weather types and precipitation in Leon, Spain (1948–2008)
The variability of winter precipitation in the west of the Iberian Peninsula is strongly affected by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). This study focuses on identifying the relationship that exists between precipitation registered in the city of León (in northwestern Spain), the NAO index and the associated weather type during the same period. In order to achieve this objective, the prevailing weather type has been calculated for each day in León from January 1948 to March 2009, using the objective Lamb Weather Types classification method. The most significant results appear in winter (from December to March). During these months an increase has been observed in the frequency of 'anticyclonic' weather type (A) (very dry), and a decrease in the 'cyclonic' (C), 'south‐westerly' (SW) and 'westerly' (W) types (the three rainiest weather types). The positive trend in the NAO index could be the main cause of the decrease in the frequency of the three rainiest weather types (C, SW and W) and therefore, responsible for the relevant decline in winter precipitation observed in the city of León. The high correlation coefficients between the NAO index, the frequency of the three rainiest weather types and winter precipitation suggests an interesting method to forecast rainfall. Using a binary logistic regression model, a downscaling model for daily precipitation has been obtained based on the weather types and the NAO index. The daily results obtained for the winter months are good (TSS = 0.64) bearing in mind that only sea level pressure data were used in the logistic model). ; This study was partially supported by the Regional Government of Castile and León (Grants LE014A07 and LE039A10‐2), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education (Grants TEC2007‐63216 and TEC2010‐19241‐C02‐01).