"The extent to which the Great War impacted upon English landed society is most vividly recalled in the loss of young heirs to ancient estates. English Landed Society in the Great War considers the impact of the war on these estates. Using the archives of Country Life, Edward Bujak examines the landed estate that flourished in England. In doing so, he explores the extent to which the wartime state penetrated into the heartlands of the landed aristocracy and gentry, and the corrosive effects that the progressive and systematic militarization of the countryside had on the authority of the squire. The book demonstrates how the commitment of landowners to the defence of an England of home and beauty - an image also adopted in wartime propaganda - ironically led to its transformation. By using the landed estate to examine the transition from Edwardian England to modern Britain, English Landed Society in the Great War provides a unique lens through which to consider the First World War and its impact on English society."--Bloomsbury Publishing
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
Intro -- Dedication -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Chapter 1 The Imperial Adventure, 1830-1902 Part 1: Nature or Nurture? -- Chapter 2 The Imperial Adventure, 1902-13 Part 2: Finding his Way -- Chapter 3 Ireland, 1912-14 The Ulster Crisis and the Road to War -- Chapter 4 Gallipoli and the Odyssey Begins, 1914-16 -- Chapter 5 The Somme, 1916 and Marriage -- Chapter 6 Cambrai and the Victoria Cross, 1916-17 -- Chapter 7 The Russian Revolution, 1917-19 -- Chapter 8 Intervention and Court Martial, 1919 -- Chapter 9 At War with Peace, 1919-26 -- Chapter 10 The End of His Journey, 1924-31 -- Notes -- Biographical Chronology -- Plate Section
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad wpływem cyberprzestępczości na poczucie bezpieczeństwa użytkowników Internetu. W badaniach wykorzystano metodologię wywiadu ankietowego, który przeprowadzono z dwiema grupami respondentów – studentami Akademii Sztuki Wojennej w Warszawie kierunku bezpieczeństwo informacyjne i cyberbezpieczeństwo oraz z żołnierzami Oddziału Specjalnego Żandarmerii Wojskowej niezwiązanymi z obszarem IT. W badaniach dążono do poznania, czy ankietowane grupy społeczne, całkowicie odrębne pod względem kwalifikacji w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego, mają świadomość zagrożeń cybernetycznych oraz wiedzę o narzędziach i praktykach stosowanych w celu zapobiegania przestępczości w przestrzeni cybernetycznej. Starano się również zweryfikować poczucie bezpieczeństwa badanych w związku z rozwojem cyberprzestępczości. Wykazano, że rozwój cyberprzestępczości istotnie wpływa na zmniejszenie poczucia bezpieczeństwa użytkowników Internetu.
25 Jahre nach den erfolgreichen Gesprächen am Runden Tisch und den halbfreien Wahlen am 4. Juni 1989 in Polen reflektiert Zbigniew Bujak, eine der führenden Persönlichkeiten der polnischen Demokratiebewegung unter dem Banner der Solidarność in den 1980er Jahren, in seinem Essay die Ausgangsvoraussetzungen, den Handlungsrahmen und die Zielsetzungen der Gespräche zwischen den wichtigsten Vertretern der Systemopposition, insbesondere aus der Solidarność, und Repräsentanten des Staates und der führenden Partei der Volksrepublik. Seinerzeit brachte ein alle Beteiligten über die politischen Abgründe hinweg einigender Grundkonsens an den Runden Tisch. Als Beobachter der aktuellen Krise in der Ukraine spricht sich der Autor eindringlich dafür aus, die polnischen Erfahrungen des Runden Tisches zu nutzen und den »Maidan« als Gesprächsteilnehmer und Akteur des Reformprozesses in der Ukraine einzubinden. Ohne seine Integration in den Kampf gegen das bisherige System der Herrschaftsausübung und zugunsten der Demokratie und des Ausgleich zwischen den Regionen sei die Erneuerung der Ukraine zum Scheitern verurteilt, so der Autor des Beitrags.
Conditionals proved to be a very interesting topic for various researches throughout history. They were the cause of many discussions in a number of scientific areas and have not been completely demystified yet. Conditionals are studied by linguists, philosophers, logicians, information technology (IT) scientists, and many others. The present dissertation presents another effort to present the background information about conditionals from linguistic but also from the viewpoint of logic and philosophy, because these disciplines very frequently overlap. The aim is also to present a different division of conditional construction from the various aspects as well as provide basic details about conditionals. Due to the very nature of this dissertation, political discourse was the base for research work and thus some attention, though not in detail, is paid to the political discourse. The research involved political press releases and public announcements from two different sources: the European Parliament and the White House. The reason for this was the desire to achieve diversity in sources and to notice any potential difference with respect to the use of conditionals across the two major regional varieties of English as far as political discourse is concerned. Furthermore, most attention was focused on the pragmatic conditional, and its subclass of discourse conditionals was the focus of the research due to its connections with the political discourse.Finally, this dissertation is an attempt to connect grammatical, philosophical, logical and political viewpoints of conditional constructions in the English language. ; Kondicionali su se pokazali kao veoma interesantna tema za različita istraživanja u prošlosti. Bili su uzrokom mnogih diskusija u mnogobrojnim naučnim oblastima ali još uvijek nisu u potpunosti demistificirani. Kondicionale proučavaju lingvisti, filozofi, logičari, IT stručnjaci i mnogi drugi. Ova disertacija predstavlja još jedan pokušaj da se prikaže teoretska pozadina kondicionala sa lingvističkog ali i logičkog te filozofskog stajališta jer se ove discipline veoma često prožimaju. Cilj je da se prikaže nešto drugačija podjela kondicionalnih konstrukcija sa različitih stajališta ali i da se ponude osnovni podaci o kondicionalima. Uslijed same prirode disertacije politički diskurs je bio osnova za istraživanje, a samim time je određeni stupanj pažnje posvećen, iako ne preveliki, i samom političkom diskursu. U toku istraživanja obrađena su politička medijska saopćenja i javna obavještenja iz dva odvojena izvora: Europskog parlamenta i Bijele Kuće. Razlog za ovo je želja da se postigne diverzitet u izvorima i da se uoče bilo kakve potencijalne razlike u smislu korištenja kondicionala između dvije glavne regionalne varijante engleskog jezika u pogledu političkog diskursa. Pored navedenog, većina pažnje je usmjerena ka pragmatskim kondicionalima odnosno njihovoj podvrsti diskursnim kondicionalima koji su i fokus istraživanja zbog njihove veze sa političkim diskursom. Na kraju, ova disertacija je pokušaj da se povežu gramatičko, logičko i političko stajalište o kondicionalnim konstrukcijama u engleskom jeziku.
Conditionals proved to be a very interesting topic for various researches throughout history. They were the cause of many discussions in a number of scientific areas and have not been completely demystified yet. Conditionals are studied by linguists, philosophers, logicians, information technology (IT) scientists, and many others. The present dissertation presents another effort to present the background information about conditionals from linguistic but also from the viewpoint of logic and philosophy, because these disciplines very frequently overlap. The aim is also to present a different division of conditional construction from the various aspects as well as provide basic details about conditionals. Due to the very nature of this dissertation, political discourse was the base for research work and thus some attention, though not in detail, is paid to the political discourse. The research involved political press releases and public announcements from two different sources: the European Parliament and the White House. The reason for this was the desire to achieve diversity in sources and to notice any potential difference with respect to the use of conditionals across the two major regional varieties of English as far as political discourse is concerned. Furthermore, most attention was focused on the pragmatic conditional, and its subclass of discourse conditionals was the focus of the research due to its connections with the political discourse.Finally, this dissertation is an attempt to connect grammatical, philosophical, logical and political viewpoints of conditional constructions in the English language. ; Kondicionali su se pokazali kao veoma interesantna tema za različita istraživanja u prošlosti. Bili su uzrokom mnogih diskusija u mnogobrojnim naučnim oblastima ali još uvijek nisu u potpunosti demistificirani. Kondicionale proučavaju lingvisti, filozofi, logičari, IT stručnjaci i mnogi drugi. Ova disertacija predstavlja još jedan pokušaj da se prikaže teoretska pozadina kondicionala sa lingvističkog ...