Conditionals in political texts : A corpus-based study ; Kondicionali u političkim tekstovima
Conditionals proved to be a very interesting topic for various researches throughout history. They were the cause of many discussions in a number of scientific areas and have not been completely demystified yet. Conditionals are studied by linguists, philosophers, logicians, information technology (IT) scientists, and many others. The present dissertation presents another effort to present the background information about conditionals from linguistic but also from the viewpoint of logic and philosophy, because these disciplines very frequently overlap. The aim is also to present a different division of conditional construction from the various aspects as well as provide basic details about conditionals. Due to the very nature of this dissertation, political discourse was the base for research work and thus some attention, though not in detail, is paid to the political discourse. The research involved political press releases and public announcements from two different sources: the European Parliament and the White House. The reason for this was the desire to achieve diversity in sources and to notice any potential difference with respect to the use of conditionals across the two major regional varieties of English as far as political discourse is concerned. Furthermore, most attention was focused on the pragmatic conditional, and its subclass of discourse conditionals was the focus of the research due to its connections with the political discourse.Finally, this dissertation is an attempt to connect grammatical, philosophical, logical and political viewpoints of conditional constructions in the English language. ; Kondicionali su se pokazali kao veoma interesantna tema za različita istraživanja u prošlosti. Bili su uzrokom mnogih diskusija u mnogobrojnim naučnim oblastima ali još uvijek nisu u potpunosti demistificirani. Kondicionale proučavaju lingvisti, filozofi, logičari, IT stručnjaci i mnogi drugi. Ova disertacija predstavlja još jedan pokušaj da se prikaže teoretska pozadina kondicionala sa lingvističkog ...
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Filozofski fakultet.; Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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