38 Ergebnisse
Communists in Parliament
In: World Marxist review: problems of peace and socialism, Band 22, S. 46-51
ISSN: 0043-8642
Towards an institutional theory of the dynamics of industrial networks
In: The journal of business & industrial marketing, Band 16, Heft 3, S. 150-166
ISSN: 2052-1189
The study of interorganisational cooperation has gained increased currency. An important empirical and conceptual contribution in this field owes much to the network approach. The picture provided by the network approach contrasts with other models that regard cooperation as a mere contractual and legal inter‐corporate connection. Whilst accepting the existence of formal types of collaborative arrangements, the network approach emphasises the importance of informal and emergent cooperation. This paper is an attempt to extend the current perspective by focusing on interorganisational cooperation in the context of collective action phenomena. These usually involve a large number of actors concerned with the formulation of market rules, the prevention of instability and disorder and, in general, the promotion or defence of their mutual interests. The paper offers an institutional explanation of why and how collective actions emerge and influence the shape and evolution of industrial networks.
A relação entre revolução e estado: crítica de Hannah Arendt ao modelo atual
In: Griot: Revista de Filosofia, Band 21, Heft 3, S. 121-133
In this text, we intend to develop the elements that make up the criticism that Hannah Arendt presents at the end of the interview granted to the German writer Adelbert Reif in the summer of 1970 to the concept of state and modern government, and that are not developed by Arendt at that moment. To this end, we will initially expose Arendt's criticism of the emptying of public space and the attempt to reduce political participation to the electoral process. To counteract these problems inherent to the modern concept of state and government, Hannah Arendt mentions, even slightly, the possibility of a council-state. However, in this text Arendt does not explore these concepts and experiences, but only relates them to the need for transformation of the modern concept of state and government, i.e., it allows the perception of the actuality of her previous reflection. In view of this, the hypothesis explored in this text is that this 1970 interview serves as a reading key to understand the relevance and actuality of the parallel between parties x council developed by the author in On Revolution in 1963 and adds a new element, namely, the theme of the need to institutionalize a forgotten experience: the councils.
DESNUDAMENTO DO TOTALITARISMO NUMA VISÃO ARENDTIANA: estruturas do ontem, do hoje para um não-amanhã
In: Revista Alamedas: revista eletrônica do NDP, Band 6, Heft 1
ISSN: 1981-0253
A sociedade hodierna fora marcada exclusivamente pelos eventos ocorridos no século XX, de modo especial pelos horrores das duas Guerras Mundiais. Tais acontecimentos deixaram legados para a sociedade hodierna, e estes legados só podem ser enxergados a partir da tomada de conhecimento daquilo que foi a estrutura do totalitarismo. Visando esclarecer a cerca de tais estruturas o presente artigo baseado na obra de Hannah Arendt, e nos comentários de Cristina Ribas e Celso Lafer desenvolverá um leve esboço de estruturas básicas do referido regime. Numa posição propositiva ter-se-á que ao fim do artigo questionamentos serão deixados como pistas para a reflexão sobre a sociedade brasileira aos futuros leitores da obra de Arendt.Palavras-chave: Arendt; Totalitarismo; Estruturas totalitárias.
Science mapping in industrial marketing
In: The journal of business & industrial marketing, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 105-115
ISSN: 2052-1189
Purpose– This study aims to map scientific knowledge in industrial marketing.Design/methodology/approach– The research was conducted on the basis of a quantitative and descriptive research using scientometric analysis based on scientific records. It analyzes more than 14,000 scientific records on theScopusdatabase from 1956 to 2009. The sample fits Bradford's and Lotka's power laws of distribution of science in use.Findings– The study reveals the existence of four stages: the genesis of this stream of research (1956-1984), the early development (1985-1995), the consolidation of production (1996-2003) and the phase of scientific maturity (from 2004) with an increasing number of records in recent years. Regarding authorship, there is a clear predominance of single authorship and an average increase in the number of authors per record from one to two authors for recent years. The main sources of knowledge are theJournal of Business & Industrial Marketingand theIndustrial Marketing Managementjournal. A statistical significance is shown between the number of records and the number of papers per journal, highlighting that Management Science and Industrial Marketing Management journals are the most cited sources.Practical implications– Practitioners find in this paper a sound basis for a wide perspective of the key issues addressed by researchers on industrial marketing over the past decades, as well as good insights in terms of the main challenges faced by companies in this field.Originality/value– Evidence was found of the existence of a long tail behavior in scientific literature of industrial marketing regarding chronology, sources, number of records with a single author and number of records cited.
Interação entre Infraestruturas e Regiões: O Caso do Porto de Aveiro
In: Revista portuguesa de estudos regionais: RPER = Portuguese review of regional studies, Heft 30, S. 77-88
ISSN: 2184-9269
Através do recurso a um caso de estudo analisa-se neste artigo a atuação da Administração do Porto de Aveiro (APA) com o objetivo de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da articulação das infraestruturas públicas com a comunidade envolvente. Numa perspetiva relacional, a APA tem vindo a conferir uma importância crescente ao marketing e à integração da estrutura por si gerida em diversas redes organizacionais. Este diálogo e esta interação com o meio envolvente têm permitido ultrapassar uma gestão circunscrita a uma infraestrutura portuária, conferindo a este recurso uma dimensão mais alargada de onde resultam benefícios quer para a competitividade do porto de Aveiro quer para a região e comunidade envolvente.
Assessing Users' Perceptions on how to Improve Public Services Quality
In: Public management review, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 451-472
ISSN: 1471-9045
Regions as networks: towards a conceptual framework of territorial dynamics
Regions are frequently indentified as mere containers of activity that are confined to static territorial borders. Such an approach does not provide an accurate image of the specificities of territorial dynamics and gives rise to political management options which are exceedingly focused within territorial limits. The cluster concept defined by Porter [1, 2] is a clear example of such regional characterisation. According to this author, clusters are groups that are geographically near associated companies and institutions linked by similarities and complementarities in a certain domain [2]. The cluster is a strong organisational model, according to Porter, which provides efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility [1]. Along this line of thought, the regional or cluster development depends upon the co-localisation of competing and complementary enterprises supported by a good infrastructure network and support services [3]. Such a concept focuses inside the territory and is based upon a list of material resources that should be made available to the region and the companies located therein.
Assessing Users' Perceptions on how to Improve Public Services Quality
In: Public management review, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 451-472
ISSN: 1471-9045
Assessing Users' Perceptions on how to Improve Public Services Quality
In: Public management review, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 451-473
ISSN: 1471-9037
Towards a multi‐dimensional approach to supply management: a comparative case study
In: The journal of business & industrial marketing, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 72-79
ISSN: 2052-1189
A New Identification Condition for Recursive Models With Correlated Errors
In: Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 459-474
ISSN: 1532-8007
Mutual influence between firms and tourist destination: a case in the Douro Valley
In: International review on public and non-profit marketing, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 209-228
ISSN: 1865-1992
Toward a model of inter-organisational cooperation
The technological development along with the fall of most political barriers has made the world a smaller place. Firms, even those that focus their operations in the domestic market, face an increasing competition. These phenomena have introduced an important shift in the way the competitiveness issue must be regarded. In fact, in a growing number of cases it is a matter of being competitive in webs of relationships where the particular position assumed by one firm is likely to affect not only its own performance but also the evolution of other players. The objective of this paper is to shed a new light on competitiveness supported by collaborative arrangements. The authors develop a model of inter-organizational cooperation based on four attributes: interests, resources, activities and trust.