A Literature Review of E-government Services with Gamification Elements
In: International journal of public administration, Band 45, Heft 13, S. 964-980
ISSN: 1532-4265
25 Ergebnisse
In: International journal of public administration, Band 45, Heft 13, S. 964-980
ISSN: 1532-4265
The European Union (EU) has launched two regional investment programs of European Funds (FE) in the last decade. One covers the period of 2007 to 2013, and the second from 2014 to 2020. Among the goals contained in FE regulations is that of achieving sustainable growth through the conversion of fossil energy production systems to renewable energy. This research has had a goal to determine whether the countries of the Eurozone maintain homogeneous levels of efficiency in the use of these resources to improve the levels of environmental quality related to the use of this type of energy. The adopted research method for efficiency analyses was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Findings revealed that the efficiency in the use of renewable energies is very uneven among the analyzed countries and that these differences are maintained throughout the analyzed period. These results suggest that the criteria for the distribution of the funds should be modified. The current distribution is mainly based on the per capita income of the countries and/or regions. In this way, compliance with the European Green Pact approved in September 2020 would be guaranteed.
During the 2010–2020 period, the European Union (EU) launched a growth strategy based on three fundamental pillars: Smart growth, sustainable growth, and inclusive growth. Aiming to finance the projects related to these growth pillars, the EU used mainly the Rural Development Funds, the Structural Funds, those derived from the R&D Framework Program, the Trans-European Networks, and the European Investment Bank. This research aimed to determine whether the Spanish regions maintain homogeneous efficiency levels by using these resources to improve the levels of environmental quality related to renewable energies. A methodology that is frequently used by researchers in efficiency analyses was chosen, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The main findings revealed that the efficiency in the use of renewable energies is very uneven among the Spanish regions and these differences are maintained throughout the period analyzed. These results highlighted the need of changes regarding the proposed criteria for allocating European resources to finance the projects presented by each Spanish region
After World War II, the European Union launched the Common Agricultural Policy. Since then, this programme has been adapting to the new economic and social realities that the European agricultural sector has been going through. Currently, a large part of this programme has been financed with the European Agricultural Guarantee Funds and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. Two packages of funds have been approved in recent decades: one for the 2007–2013 and another for the 2014–2020 periods. This research has had as its main objective to determine whether the Spanish regions maintain homogeneous levels of efficiency in the use of these resources in the management of agricultural programmes from a growth and employment perspective. A methodology that is frequently used by researchers in the efficiency analyses has been chosen: data envelopment analysis. Among the main conclusions obtained are that the efficiency in the management of agricultural funds is very uneven among the studied Spanish regions. Furthermore, these differences are maintained throughout the analysed periods. This study suggests changes and proposes criteria for the allocation of European resources to finance the projects presented by the Spanish regions.
Information about health disparities among minority elders is growing. Policymakers and practitioners may find it difficult to translate this body of literature into effective and efficient healthcare delivery for minority elders. Easier access to information and programs on various health disparities and social health determinants will enable healthcare professionals, minority advocates, policymakers and practitioners to make better decisions on key issues that minority elders will face in the near future. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health launched a Youth Health Equity Model of Practice (YHEMOP) Internship Placement Program in Summer 2016 to support research in health disparities. The YHEMOP program gathers a team of experts across various disciplines and institutions including the Regional Health Equity Council in Region IX (RHEC IX) and San Francisco State University's Gerontology Program, to conduct a comprehensive literature analysis on elderly health disparities and to produce an annotated bibliography of key peer-reviewed articles, audiovisual resources and data websites. An executive summary (factsheet) will be drawn from this annotated bibliography and directed to relevant funding agencies and legislators with recommendations for their consideration and implementation in Region IX (Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Islands: American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau). The results of this research will be discussed with IAGG 2017 participants.
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Band 86, S. 100-110
The majority of tobacco advertisement in Spain is directed at youth. This advertisement, carried out on several fronts, is particularly effective with young people. In the present work we analyze different advertising efforts involved in the ad campaign carried out by Fortuna-brand (a product of the company Tabacalera S.A., and sector leader of sales in Spain) in 1999 and 2000. In terms of their marketing strategy, we can conclude that Fortuna's principal commercial objective is presenting tobacco as intrinsically associated with being young. Both the indirect promotion of its products through activities and its commercials, are aimed towards developing the image that tobacco symbolizes the series of core values more appreciated by youth. Relevant legislation will have to be adapted to this reality in order to control specifically the manner in which publicity such as that promoted by Fortuna is directed to the population. La mayor parte de la publicidad que sobre tabaco se emiteactualmente en España va dirigida a la población joven. Estapublicidad resulta particularmente atractiva para este colectivo,al que se trata de llegar desde frentes muy diversos. En el pre-sente trabajo se analizan las distintas actividades incluidas en lacampaña publicitaria realizada porFortuna(perteneciente aTabacalera, SAy líder de ventas del sector en España) durantelos años 1999 y 2000. El análisis de dicha publicidad permiteconcluir que la estrategia deFortunaes presentar el tabacocomo intrínsecamente unido con una serie de valores positivosatractivos a la juventud. Tanto la promoción indirecta de losproductos deFortunacomo los anuncios de la marca intentancrear la imagen de que el tabaco simboliza los valores másapreciados por los jóvenes. La legislación al respecto deberíaadaptarse a esta realidad, a fin de controlar de manera más pre-cisa los mensajes publicitarios que, como los deFortuna,se di-rigen a la población.
Publicity is legally regulated in Spain, in order to avoid its misuse. Tobacco publicity is also under those regulation, having had the companies operating in this sector to adapt themselves through new strategies. In this work, the legal restrictions existing in Spain regarding publicity are analyzed, together with some of the strategies developed by tobacco companies in order to elude them. In this sense, and despite of the existing legal framework, it should be noticed that tobacco companies are cleverly taking advantage of the existence of legal loopholes in tobacco publicity to promote their products. nto de vista legislativo, a fin de evitar posibles malos usos de la misma. Aquella referida al tabaco está también sometida a esta regulación, habiéndose adaptado a ella las empresas del sector a través de nuevas estrategias. En el presente tmbajo se analizan las restricciones legales vigen- tes en España respecto a esta publicidad, junto a algunas de esas estrategias desarrolladas por las compañías tabaqueras para tratar de eludir las mismas. En este sentido, a pesar del marco legislativo vigente, se constata que en el terreno de la publicidad del tabaco sigue habiendo determinados varíos legules que son hábilmente aprovechados por la industria tabaquerA para promocionar sus productos.
In: Materials and design, Band 246, S. 113329
ISSN: 1873-4197
In: Journal of the International AIDS Society, Band 16, Heft Suppl 1
ISSN: 1758-2652
Trabajo presentado al 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology celebrado en Cork (Irlanda) del 14 al 18 de agosto de 2017. ; Polyphenols are increasingly used in animal feeding in order to delay the lipid oxidation of meat and, eventually, increase the deposition of beneficial compounds for the consumer. Interestingly, the biological activities of polyphenols go beyond their widely known antioxidant capacity, being able to modify several physiological pathways. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of grazing on sainfoin or alfalfa – legumes rich in polyphenols but with different amount of proanthocyanidins – during lactation in the metabolite profile of lambs' muscle, by using HPLC-ESI-QTOF MS analysis. Thirteen metabolites were modified in the polar fraction of muscle in Sainfoin lambs, as compared with Alfalfa lambs (P<0.05). Among them, 6 were related to fat metabolic fate (biliary acids, fatty acids, etc.), showing the wide variety of processed affected by polyphenols. Further studies should evaluate the effect of these strategies on the whole metabolome of lamb muscle, in particular considering their health implications. ; This study was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Union Regional Development Funds (INIA RTA2012-080-00 and INIA RZP2013-00001-00) and the Research Group Funds of the Aragon Government (A49). J.P-J. thanks funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2014-55102-JIN). The contracts of P.J.R and M.B. are supported by INIA and INIA-ESF, respectively. ; Peer Reviewed
In: Ansiedad y Estrés: una revista multidisciplinar de psicología, medicina, neurociencias y ciencias sociales = Anxiety & stress : a multidisciplinary journal of psychology, medicine, neurosciences and social sciences, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 19-25
ISSN: 2174-0437
In: Journal of the International AIDS Society, Band 16, Heft Suppl 1
ISSN: 1758-2652