
151 Ergebnisse


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Open Access#22021

Service animals and emotional support animals: a distinction that privileges physical disabilities over mental and emotional disabilities



Open Access#32021

Institutional Quality, Bilateral Trade and Global Value Chains in Africa


Open Access#42020

Surnames; their Acquisition and Reasons of Modification: A Historical Study


Open Access#52016

The influence of religion on the constitutional systems of the arab countries through the examples of Egypt and Kuwait ; L'influence de la religion sur les systèmes constitutionnels des pays arabes à travers les exemples de l'Egypte et du Koweït


Open Access#62016

The influence of religion on the constitutional systems of the arab countries through the examples of Egypt and Kuwait ; L'influence de la religion sur les systèmes constitutionnels des pays arabes à travers les exemples de l'Egypte et du Koweït


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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1327. Februar 2022

Adaptive Learning System of Ontology using Semantic Web to Mining Data from Distributed Heterogeneous Environment

In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 740-758

ISSN: 0067-2904

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#141. Juli 2021

Splitting of PG(1,27) by Sets, Orbits, and Arcs on the Conic

In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 1979-1985

ISSN: 0067-2904

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Open Access#152021

Sukuk, Infrastructural Development and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Lens for Abandoned Projects in Nigeria