151 Ergebnisse
Service animals and emotional support animals: a distinction that privileges physical disabilities over mental and emotional disabilities
The use of animals for physical and emotional support has become commonplace over the past few years. Animals are now regularly admitted into spaces that were exclusively reserved for humans. In response, many countries have passed laws to regulate the presence of animals in public spaces: these laws regulate issues such as what species of animals are allowed, what purpose they serve, and in what areas of public life the animals are granted access to. However, these laws have resulted in discrimination against people who use animals for mental and emotional support, rather than for physical assistance. Using available research, media coverage, and legislation in the United States and Canada, this paper argues that handlers of emotional support animals (ESAs) are discriminated against because they are not afforded the same levels of protection as handlers of service animals. The current laws and attitudes towards ESAs indicate a privileging of physical disabilities over emotional and mental disabilities. ; May 2021
Institutional Quality, Bilateral Trade and Global Value Chains in Africa
The importance of trade and institutions as drivers of economic growth and development has been established in both theoretical and empirical literature. Moreover, global value chains (GVC) propels substantial expansion in international trade across the globe over the last two decades. However, the institutions-GVC link and institutions-bilateral trade nexus in Africa suffers complete neglect in international trade research. This is despite the dismal performance of the continent in institutional quality, bilateral trade and GVC participation. Therefore, this thesis evaluates the effect of institutional quality on bilateral trade and GVC participation in Africa. In the first part, Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects estimator (PPMLHDFE) is applied to estimate Structural Gravity Model for the evaluation of the impact of both political and economic institutions on bilateral exports, imports and aggregate trade. A sample of 37 Sub-Sahara African countries with 124 of their trading partners for the period 2000-2018 was used for the analysis. The second part investigates the impact of institutions on backward, forward and total GVC participation as well as GVC position (upstreamness) in Africa using system-GMM estimator for a sample of 47 African countries over the period 2000-2018. The findings reveal that both political and economic institutions are significant determinants of bilateral trade and GVC participation in Africa. However, the popular submission of previous studies that institutions generally have positive impact on international trade does not apply in this case. The effects of the institutional factors are heterogeneous depending on the components of institutional quality, bilateral trade, GVC participation and income groups of the countries. Thus, this thesis offers appropriate policy recommendations on the appropriate institutional framework to adopt for the improvement of bilateral trade and GVC participation in the continent. Keywords: Institutional quality, bilateral trade, global value chains, Africa. ; ÖZ: Dış ticaretin ve kurumların ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınma üzerindeki etkisi hem teorik hem uygulamalı çalışmalarda geçerliliği kanıtlanmış bir olgudur. Öte yandan, son yirmi yılda küresel değer zincirleride (KDZ) küresel dış ticaret hacminin genişlemesinde önemli katkıda bulunmuştur. Bununla beraber, kurumsal yapıların KDZ ile olan etkileşimi ve ikili ticaretle olan bağlantıları konusunda özellikle Afrika ülkelerini kapsayan çalışmalar uluslararası dış ticaret araştırmalarında yer almamıştır. Bölge ülkelerinin kurumsal kalitelerinin tatminkar olmaktan uzak olmaları, ikili ticaret ilişkilerinin ve KDZ katılım oranlarının düşük seviyede seyretmesi bile kıtayla ilgili çalışmaları motive etmekte çok yetersiz kalmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasının ana amacı Afrika ülkelerinin kurumsal kalite faktörlerinin ikili ticaret ve KDZ katılımına olan etkilerini inceleyerek bu alandaki boşluğu doldurmaktır. Mevcut tez çalışmasının ilk bölümünde Afrika ülkelerinin siyasi ve ekonomik kurumlarının ikili dış ticaret ilişkileri, ihracat , ithalat ve KDZ katılımı üzerindeki etkileri, çok-boyutlu sabit etkileri de içeren yeni PPMLHDFE tahmin metoduyla Yapısal Çekim Modeli çerçevesinde tahmin edilmektedir. Çalışmada 37 Sahra-Altı Afrika ülkesinin 2000-2018 döneminde ticaret yaptığı 124 ülkeyle olan ticaret verileri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde 47 Afrika ülkesinin 2000-2018 dönemine ait verileri kullanılarak, kurumların ileri ve geriye dönük ve toplam katma değer katılımları ve KDZ pozisyonları (üst zincir) üzerindeki etkileri Genelleştirilmiş Momentler Yöntemi (GMM) tahmin yöntemiyle incelenmektedir. Bulgular siyasi ve ekonomik kurumların karşılıklı ticaret ve KDZ katılımı üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Öte yandan genel olarak kurumların dış ticarete olan etkilerinin daima olumlu yönde olduğu görüşü doğrulanmamıştır. Kullanılan kurumsal kalite faktörünün özelliğine, KDZ katılım oranına ve ülkelerin gelir düzeyine göre kurumsal faktörlerin etkileri değişkenlik arzetmektedir. Çalışmada bu durum gözönüne alınarak ikili dış ticaret ilişkilerinin gelişmesi ve KDZ katılım oranlarının artırılması için uygun kurumsal çerçevenin oluşturulmasına yönelik politika önerileri yeralmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kurumsal kalite, ikili ticaret, küresel değer zincirleri, Afrika. ; Doctor of Philosophy in Economics. Institute of Graduate Studies and Research. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Dept. of Economics, 2021. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cem Eşref Payaslıoğlu
Surnames; their Acquisition and Reasons of Modification: A Historical Study
Surnames are considered an essential feature for people, acquired on the course of time in every society, including our Islamic society. A surname comes after the proper name for definition and indication whether for defining or loftiness, praise or dispraise . Surnames were known even before Islam but they were cultivated and some were being forbidden as being hateful and contradict with its noble principles. People's surnames didn't stay fixed with the course of time, perhaps they changed for political, social or economical conditions. Hence, a person will acquire another surname which is different from the familiar. This notion is what this study focuses on to give a clear picture about surnames and the way they were being acquired as well as the reasons they were being transformed.
The influence of religion on the constitutional systems of the arab countries through the examples of Egypt and Kuwait ; L'influence de la religion sur les systèmes constitutionnels des pays arabes à travers les exemples de l'Egypte et du Koweït
The place of religion in the Egyptian and Kuwaiti constitutional order has been changing a lot within times. It had little presence in the Egyptian constitution at the beginning but soon, it earned its place, especially with the appearance of extremisms in power, before loosing power. In Kuwait, the religion always has had a major place in the constitutional system and in the political life. This predominant place has left few space for a modern view of legislation. Both Egyptian and Kuwaiti jurisdictions have an important role in the interpretation of laws giving reference to religion. In Egypt, grassroots movements rised against the leadership of religious extremisms in the constitutional order and against their influence on the regulation system. In Kuwait, these grassroots rised against the dictatorship and for democracy. In both states, Islam appears like a standard face to the rights and freedoms included in the constitutions. Islam is a source of law that has been interpreted by the state jurisdictions. The purpose of this thesis is to show that the place of religion takes from the constitutional and legal order of these two states a number of freedoms and establishes a religious vision. ; La place de la religion dans les systèmes constitutionnels égyptien et koweïtien a connu des bouleversements au fil du temps. D'abord peu présente en Égypte dans la Constitution, elle a progressivement gagné sa place, notamment avec la montée des extrémismes religieux au pouvoir, avant de perdre de sa force. Au Koweït, la religion a toujours eu une place prédominante dans le système constitutionnel et la vie politique et civile s'en ressent. Cette place prédominante de la religion dans le système constitutionnel laisse peu de place à une vision moderniste de la législation. Les juridictions des deux États en question ont un rôle important dans l'interprétation des lois faisant référence à la religion. En Égypte, des mouvements populaires sont apparus pour contester la place imposante des extrémismes religieux dans le ...
The influence of religion on the constitutional systems of the arab countries through the examples of Egypt and Kuwait ; L'influence de la religion sur les systèmes constitutionnels des pays arabes à travers les exemples de l'Egypte et du Koweït
The place of religion in the Egyptian and Kuwaiti constitutional order has been changing a lot within times. It had little presence in the Egyptian constitution at the beginning but soon, it earned its place, especially with the appearance of extremisms in power, before loosing power. In Kuwait, the religion always has had a major place in the constitutional system and in the political life. This predominant place has left few space for a modern view of legislation. Both Egyptian and Kuwaiti jurisdictions have an important role in the interpretation of laws giving reference to religion. In Egypt, grassroots movements rised against the leadership of religious extremisms in the constitutional order and against their influence on the regulation system. In Kuwait, these grassroots rised against the dictatorship and for democracy. In both states, Islam appears like a standard face to the rights and freedoms included in the constitutions. Islam is a source of law that has been interpreted by the state jurisdictions. The purpose of this thesis is to show that the place of religion takes from the constitutional and legal order of these two states a number of freedoms and establishes a religious vision. ; La place de la religion dans les systèmes constitutionnels égyptien et koweïtien a connu des bouleversements au fil du temps. D'abord peu présente en Égypte dans la Constitution, elle a progressivement gagné sa place, notamment avec la montée des extrémismes religieux au pouvoir, avant de perdre de sa force. Au Koweït, la religion a toujours eu une place prédominante dans le système constitutionnel et la vie politique et civile s'en ressent. Cette place prédominante de la religion dans le système constitutionnel laisse peu de place à une vision moderniste de la législation. Les juridictions des deux États en question ont un rôle important dans l'interprétation des lois faisant référence à la religion. En Égypte, des mouvements populaires sont apparus pour contester la place imposante des extrémismes religieux dans le ...
Focus On Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom: The Arab Reaction: The war against Iraq has greatly exacerbated an already widespread mistrust of the U.S. in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Here is the view from Egypt
In: Foreign service journal, Band 81, Heft 3, S. 50-53
ISSN: 0146-3543
Focus: Secretary Powell: POWELL AND THE MIDDLE EAST: A VOICE OF MODERATION?: The Arab world views Powell, as a dove among the many hawks in the Bush administration, but a weak figure
In: Foreign service journal, Band 80, Heft 3, S. 33-36
ISSN: 0146-3543
Focus on Public Diplomacy: War On Terror - A Middle Eastern Perspective
In: Foreign service journal, Band 79, Heft 4, S. 17-18
ISSN: 0146-3543
World Affairs Online
Examining the Influence of Task-Technology Fit in the Interplay of Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector
In: Public organization review: a global journal
ISSN: 1573-7098
Translator–Author Encounters: Two Cases of Translating from Arabic
In: AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies, Band 8
Adaptive Learning System of Ontology using Semantic Web to Mining Data from Distributed Heterogeneous Environment
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 740-758
ISSN: 0067-2904
Nowadays, the process of ontology learning for describing heterogeneous systems is an influential phenomenon to enhance the effectiveness of such systems using Social Network representation and Analysis (SNA). This paper presents a novel scenario for constructing adaptive architecture to develop community performance for heterogeneous communities as a case study. The crawling of the semantic webs is a new approach to create a huge data repository for classifying these communities. The architecture of the proposed system involves two cascading modules in achieving the ontology data, which is represented in Resource Description Framework (RDF) format. The proposed system improves the enhancement of these environments achieving both semantic web and SNA tools. Its contribution clearly appears on the community productions and skills developments. Python 3.9.0 platform was used for data pre-processing, feature extraction and clustering via Naïve Bayesian and support vector machine. Two case studies were conducted to test the accuracy rate of the proposed system. The accuracy rate for the case studies was (90.771%) and (90.1149 %) respectively, which is considered an affective precision when it is compared with the related scenario with the same data set.
Splitting of PG(1,27) by Sets, Orbits, and Arcs on the Conic
In: Iraqi journal of science, S. 1979-1985
ISSN: 0067-2904
This research aims to give a splitting structure of the projective line over the finite field of order twenty-seven that can be found depending on the factors of the line order. Also, the line was partitioned by orbits using the companion matrix. Finally, we showed the number of projectively inequivalent -arcs on the conic through the standard frame of the plane PG(1,27)
Sukuk, Infrastructural Development and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Lens for Abandoned Projects in Nigeria
The purpose of this paper is to provide an alternative way for abandoned projects in Nigeria through Sukuk. Sukuk have been attracting the attention of investors and become most popular in many global markets. Further, Sukuk have been used for funding many infrastructure developments as an alternative for conventional bonds. The study adopts a descriptive approach to highlight the significance of Sukuk as an investment tool to improve the infrastructural development and economic growth via abandoned projects in Nigeria because this experience is still at the infancy stage in the country. This study attempts to give the financial solution by depending on internal foreign loans which comprise the interest rate. The outcome indicates that Sukuk is the better alternative and reliable in financing abandoned projects and the new one for the development of the country. Also, study shows that Sukuk is the most significant financial instrument in the market because it has no interest rate. Many Muslim countries and non-Muslim countries have applied Sukuk for their infrastructure development and economic growth. The study will be a primary reference for different governments at the state and federal level who intend to adopt similar instruments for abandoned projects in their respective nations. As an individual is qualified to purchase Sukuk, this might lead to a better wealth distribution amongst people. The study has implication for the policymaker and government in terms of fully adopting Sukuk to address the issues of abandoned projects, thereby enhancing the social wellbeing of the people and the development of the economy. The study is among the studies that thoroughly and critically appraise Sukuk as an alternative for the government to tackle issues of abandoned projects in the country. It contributes to the literature in the field of Islamic finance according to the philosophy of profit and loss sharing among investors to solve different challenges in society.