Open Access BASE2016

The influence of religion on the constitutional systems of the arab countries through the examples of Egypt and Kuwait ; L'influence de la religion sur les systèmes constitutionnels des pays arabes à travers les exemples de l'Egypte et du Koweït


The place of religion in the Egyptian and Kuwaiti constitutional order has been changing a lot within times. It had little presence in the Egyptian constitution at the beginning but soon, it earned its place, especially with the appearance of extremisms in power, before loosing power. In Kuwait, the religion always has had a major place in the constitutional system and in the political life. This predominant place has left few space for a modern view of legislation. Both Egyptian and Kuwaiti jurisdictions have an important role in the interpretation of laws giving reference to religion. In Egypt, grassroots movements rised against the leadership of religious extremisms in the constitutional order and against their influence on the regulation system. In Kuwait, these grassroots rised against the dictatorship and for democracy. In both states, Islam appears like a standard face to the rights and freedoms included in the constitutions. Islam is a source of law that has been interpreted by the state jurisdictions. The purpose of this thesis is to show that the place of religion takes from the constitutional and legal order of these two states a number of freedoms and establishes a religious vision. ; La place de la religion dans les systèmes constitutionnels égyptien et koweïtien a connu des bouleversements au fil du temps. D'abord peu présente en Égypte dans la Constitution, elle a progressivement gagné sa place, notamment avec la montée des extrémismes religieux au pouvoir, avant de perdre de sa force. Au Koweït, la religion a toujours eu une place prédominante dans le système constitutionnel et la vie politique et civile s'en ressent. Cette place prédominante de la religion dans le système constitutionnel laisse peu de place à une vision moderniste de la législation. Les juridictions des deux États en question ont un rôle important dans l'interprétation des lois faisant référence à la religion. En Égypte, des mouvements populaires sont apparus pour contester la place imposante des extrémismes religieux dans le ...

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