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Гендерний розрив при формуванні Верховної Ради України ; Gender gap in forming the verkhovna rada of Ukraine
У статті акцентовано увагу на тому, що процес демократизації в сучасній Україні актуалізує проблему забезпечення гендерної гармонії в суспільстві, рівних прав і можливостей кожної людини незалежно від статі. Зазначено, що збільшення представництва жінок у владних структурах є запорукою соціально-політичного розвитку країни, дає змогу покращити процеси прийняття й ухвалення рішень на всіх рівнях влади. Здійснено гендерний аналіз механізмів формування та структури вищого законодавчого органу України – Верховної Ради. Особливу увагу зосереджено на механізмі гендерного квотування при формуванні виборчих списків. Докладно розглянуто, як дотримувалися законодавчих норм відносно гендерних квот партії, що пройшли до парламенту. Досліджено представництво жінок у складі депутатських фракцій Верховної Ради України восьмого скликання. Визначено перспективні напрями активізації участі жінок у політиці: вдосконалення механізму гендерного квотування, посилення громадського та міжпартійного діалогу, "покращання" гендерної статистики. ; The process of democratization, which is intensively proceeding in modern Ukraine, makes actual the issue of achieving gender harmony in the society, providing equal rights and possibilities to every human regardless of their gender. The increase of the representation of women in the government bodies is the pledge of social and political development of the country, as it facilitates the processes of decision making and approving at all levels of the government. The article carries out the gender analysis of the formation mechanisms and structure of the highest legislative body of Ukraine – the Verkhovna Rada. The special focus is on the mechanism of gender quotas establishment when forming electoral lists. The compliance to the legislative provisions concerning gender quotas by the parties, elected to the parliament, was scrutinized. The representation of women in the deputy fractions of the eighth convocation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was analyzed. The following prospective lines for the increase of women participation in politics were defined: the enhancement of the mechanism of gender quotas establishment, social and party-to-party relations strengthening and gender statistics improvement.
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a subject of combating organized crime in Ukraine ; ВЕРХОВНА РАДА УКРАЇНИ ЯК СУБ'ЄКТ ПРОТИДІЇ ОРГАНІЗОВАНІЙ ЗЛОЧИННОСТІ В УКРАЇНІ
The article presents an analysis of the administrative-legal status of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a subject of combating organized crime in Ukraine. It was determined that, with the participation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, law enforcement system reform is ongoing, but there are certain problems of a political, managerial, legal and other nature on this path. The main ones of these problems are: the lack of political will, strategy, an effective legal framework and the definition of an administrativelegal mechanism to ensure combating organized crime.The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is justifiably defined as one of the subjects of combating organized crime based on the fact that it: is the legislative body of general competence, produces and ensures the implementation of the policy of combating organized crime, regulates public relations in this direction, makes personnel decisions, determines the order of financial and logistical support for combating organized crime, the order of interaction between the subjects of such counteraction, monitors the implementation of decisions made, etc.It is noted that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine exercises its authority to combat organized crime mainly with the participation of the relevant Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Its competence and authority are analyzed.Outdated and inactive provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On the organizational and legal framework to combat organized crime" are determined.It is concluded that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has fairly extensive authority to determine the policy, strategy, administrative and legal mechanism of counteraction to organized crime in Ukraine. At the same time, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine does not fully take measures to counter this, as a result of which legislative acts contain contradictory, outdated and ineffective norms. ; У статті подано аналіз адміністративно-правового статусу Верховної Ради України як суб'єкта протидії організованій злочинності в Україні. Визначено, що за участі Верховної Ради України продовжується реформування правоохоронної системи, але на цьому шляху є певні проблеми політичного, управлінського, правового й іншого характеру. Основними з таких проблем указується відсутність політичної волі, стратегії, ефективної правової бази та визначення адміністративно-правового механізму забезпечення протидії організованій злочинності.Верховну Раду України обґрунтовано визначено як одного із суб'єктів протидії організованій злочинності, з огляду на те що вона є органом законодавчої влади загальної компетенції, виробляє й забезпечує реалізацію політики протидії організованій злочинності, регулює суспільні відносини в цьому напрямі, приймає кадрові рішення, визначає порядок фінансового та матеріально-технічного забезпечення протидії організованій злочинності, порядок взаємодії між суб'єктами такої протидії, здійснює контроль за виконанням прийнятих рішень тощо.Зазначено, що Верховна Рада України здійснює свої повноваження щодо протидії організованій злочинності переважно за участі профільного Комітету Верховної Ради України. Проаналізовано його компетенцію й повноваження.Визначено застарілі та нечинні положення Закону України «Про організаційно-правові основи боротьби з організованою злочинністю».Зроблено висновок, що у Верховної Ради України досить розгалужені повноваження щодо визначення політики, стратегії й адміністративно-правового механізму забезпечення протидії організованій злочинності в Україні. Водночас Верховною Радою України неповною мірою вживаються заходи щодо такої протидії, в результаті чого законодавчі акти містять суперечливі, застарілі й недієві норми.
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a subject of combating organized crime in Ukraine ; ВЕРХОВНА РАДА УКРАЇНИ ЯК СУБ'ЄКТ ПРОТИДІЇ ОРГАНІЗОВАНІЙ ЗЛОЧИННОСТІ В УКРАЇНІ
The article presents an analysis of the administrative-legal status of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a subject of combating organized crime in Ukraine. It was determined that, with the participation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, law enforcement system reform is ongoing, but there are certain problems of a political, managerial, legal and other nature on this path. The main ones of these problems are: the lack of political will, strategy, an effective legal framework and the definition of an administrativelegal mechanism to ensure combating organized crime.The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is justifiably defined as one of the subjects of combating organized crime based on the fact that it: is the legislative body of general competence, produces and ensures the implementation of the policy of combating organized crime, regulates public relations in this direction, makes personnel decisions, determines the order of financial and logistical support for combating organized crime, the order of interaction between the subjects of such counteraction, monitors the implementation of decisions made, etc.It is noted that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine exercises its authority to combat organized crime mainly with the participation of the relevant Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Its competence and authority are analyzed.Outdated and inactive provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On the organizational and legal framework to combat organized crime" are determined.It is concluded that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has fairly extensive authority to determine the policy, strategy, administrative and legal mechanism of counteraction to organized crime in Ukraine. At the same time, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine does not fully take measures to counter this, as a result of which legislative acts contain contradictory, outdated and ineffective norms. ; У статті подано аналіз адміністративно-правового статусу Верховної Ради України як суб'єкта протидії організованій злочинності в Україні. Визначено, що за участі Верховної Ради України продовжується реформування правоохоронної системи, але на цьому шляху є певні проблеми політичного, управлінського, правового й іншого характеру. Основними з таких проблем указується відсутність політичної волі, стратегії, ефективної правової бази та визначення адміністративно-правового механізму забезпечення протидії організованій злочинності.Верховну Раду України обґрунтовано визначено як одного із суб'єктів протидії організованій злочинності, з огляду на те що вона є органом законодавчої влади загальної компетенції, виробляє й забезпечує реалізацію політики протидії організованій злочинності, регулює суспільні відносини в цьому напрямі, приймає кадрові рішення, визначає порядок фінансового та матеріально-технічного забезпечення протидії організованій злочинності, порядок взаємодії між суб'єктами такої протидії, здійснює контроль за виконанням прийнятих рішень тощо.Зазначено, що Верховна Рада України здійснює свої повноваження щодо протидії організованій злочинності переважно за участі профільного Комітету Верховної Ради України. Проаналізовано його компетенцію й повноваження.Визначено застарілі та нечинні положення Закону України «Про організаційно-правові основи боротьби з організованою злочинністю».Зроблено висновок, що у Верховної Ради України досить розгалужені повноваження щодо визначення політики, стратегії й адміністративно-правового механізму забезпечення протидії організованій злочинності в Україні. Водночас Верховною Радою України неповною мірою вживаються заходи щодо такої протидії, в результаті чого законодавчі акти містять суперечливі, застарілі й недієві норми.
Women in "big politics": Gender analysis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ; Жінки у «великій політиці»: гендерний аналіз Верховної Ради України
First of all, the article analyzes the representation of women in the Ukrainian parliament in the international perspective. International databases and reports are used to demonstrate the low level of women's involvement into the "big politics". Ukraine has failed to fulfil international obligations of UN Millennium Development Goals on achieving gender equality in the country by 2015.In addition, the author has reviewed the Ukrainian legislation on gender equality in general and in political sphere in particular. Formally, Ukraine has introduced a policy of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in society, which meets international standards. However, according to the results of the gender analysis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), the situation with women in the Parliament continues to remain unsatisfactory and far behind the ideas of gender equality.The author discusses the involvement of women in the VRU at the level of party lists, committees, the Apparatus, and permanent delegations. In particular, such problems have been identified: the low level of representation of women in the Verkhovna Rada (12 %), the gender imbalance in the composition of the main political parties of Ukraine, vertical and horizontal gender segregation at the level of the VRU, the under-representation of women among the leadership of permanent delegations, sexist comments among the deputies of the VRU, etc.Finally, the international experience of introducing a gender-sensitive parliament and its application in Ukraine has been studied. It includes such components as the gender legal expertise of legislation, the introduction of a Code of Ethics for deputies for the purposes of countering sexism, the introduction of a gender indicator of the activities of the VRU, etc.After conclusions, three major recommendations have been proposed. First, according to international and national experience, in order to achieve gender balance in the composition of the VRU, including its leadership positions, temporary (supporting) actions for women (for example, gender quotas) should be applied. Secondly, gender equality and non-discrimination, counteraction to sexist statements should be among the fundamental principles of the Code Ethics for deputies of the VRU. Thirdly, it is appropriate to introduce a mandatory and regular gender legal and anti-discrimination review of draft laws in the VRU. ; У статті проаналізовано представництво жінок у парламенті України в міжнародній перспективі. Окрім того, здійснено огляд українського законодавства щодо забезпечення гендерної рівності загалом і у сфері політики зокрема. З'ясовано залученість жінок до складу Верховної Ради України (ВРУ) на рівні партійних списків, комітетів, Апарату та постійних делегацій. Зауважено про проблему сексизму у середовищі депутатів ВРУ. Наостанок вивчено міжнародний досвід запровадження гендерно-сенситивного парламенту і його застосування в Україні.
Women in "big politics": Gender analysis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ; Жінки у «великій політиці»: гендерний аналіз Верховної Ради України
First of all, the article analyzes the representation of women in the Ukrainian parliament in the international perspective. International databases and reports are used to demonstrate the low level of women's involvement into the "big politics". Ukraine has failed to fulfil international obligations of UN Millennium Development Goals on achieving gender equality in the country by 2015.In addition, the author has reviewed the Ukrainian legislation on gender equality in general and in political sphere in particular. Formally, Ukraine has introduced a policy of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in society, which meets international standards. However, according to the results of the gender analysis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), the situation with women in the Parliament continues to remain unsatisfactory and far behind the ideas of gender equality.The author discusses the involvement of women in the VRU at the level of party lists, committees, the Apparatus, and permanent delegations. In particular, such problems have been identified: the low level of representation of women in the Verkhovna Rada (12 %), the gender imbalance in the composition of the main political parties of Ukraine, vertical and horizontal gender segregation at the level of the VRU, the under-representation of women among the leadership of permanent delegations, sexist comments among the deputies of the VRU, etc.Finally, the international experience of introducing a gender-sensitive parliament and its application in Ukraine has been studied. It includes such components as the gender legal expertise of legislation, the introduction of a Code of Ethics for deputies for the purposes of countering sexism, the introduction of a gender indicator of the activities of the VRU, etc.After conclusions, three major recommendations have been proposed. First, according to international and national experience, in order to achieve gender balance in the composition of the VRU, including its leadership positions, temporary (supporting) actions for women (for example, gender quotas) should be applied. Secondly, gender equality and non-discrimination, counteraction to sexist statements should be among the fundamental principles of the Code Ethics for deputies of the VRU. Thirdly, it is appropriate to introduce a mandatory and regular gender legal and anti-discrimination review of draft laws in the VRU. ; У статті проаналізовано представництво жінок у парламенті України в міжнародній перспективі. Окрім того, здійснено огляд українського законодавства щодо забезпечення гендерної рівності загалом і у сфері політики зокрема. З'ясовано залученість жінок до складу Верховної Ради України (ВРУ) на рівні партійних списків, комітетів, Апарату та постійних делегацій. Зауважено про проблему сексизму у середовищі депутатів ВРУ. Наостанок вивчено міжнародний досвід запровадження гендерно-сенситивного парламенту і його застосування в Україні.
Women in "big politics": Gender analysis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ; Жінки у «великій політиці»: гендерний аналіз Верховної Ради України
First of all, the article analyzes the representation of women in the Ukrainian parliament in the international perspective. International databases and reports are used to demonstrate the low level of women's involvement into the "big politics". Ukraine has failed to fulfil international obligations of UN Millennium Development Goals on achieving gender equality in the country by 2015.In addition, the author has reviewed the Ukrainian legislation on gender equality in general and in political sphere in particular. Formally, Ukraine has introduced a policy of equal rights and opportunities for women and men in society, which meets international standards. However, according to the results of the gender analysis of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU), the situation with women in the Parliament continues to remain unsatisfactory and far behind the ideas of gender equality.The author discusses the involvement of women in the VRU at the level of party lists, committees, the Apparatus, and permanent delegations. In particular, such problems have been identified: the low level of representation of women in the Verkhovna Rada (12 %), the gender imbalance in the composition of the main political parties of Ukraine, vertical and horizontal gender segregation at the level of the VRU, the under-representation of women among the leadership of permanent delegations, sexist comments among the deputies of the VRU, etc.Finally, the international experience of introducing a gender-sensitive parliament and its application in Ukraine has been studied. It includes such components as the gender legal expertise of legislation, the introduction of a Code of Ethics for deputies for the purposes of countering sexism, the introduction of a gender indicator of the activities of the VRU, etc.After conclusions, three major recommendations have been proposed. First, according to international and national experience, in order to achieve gender balance in the composition of the VRU, including its leadership positions, temporary (supporting) actions for women (for example, gender quotas) should be applied. Secondly, gender equality and non-discrimination, counteraction to sexist statements should be among the fundamental principles of the Code Ethics for deputies of the VRU. Thirdly, it is appropriate to introduce a mandatory and regular gender legal and anti-discrimination review of draft laws in the VRU. ; У статті проаналізовано представництво жінок у парламенті України в міжнародній перспективі. Окрім того, здійснено огляд українського законодавства щодо забезпечення гендерної рівності загалом і у сфері політики зокрема. З'ясовано залученість жінок до складу Верховної Ради України (ВРУ) на рівні партійних списків, комітетів, Апарату та постійних делегацій. Зауважено про проблему сексизму у середовищі депутатів ВРУ. Наостанок вивчено міжнародний досвід запровадження гендерно-сенситивного парламенту і його застосування в Україні.
New human resources management strategy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine secretariat as an important tool for parliamentary reform implementation
In: Publične upravlinnja ta rehionalʹnyj rozvytok: Public administration and regional development, Heft 9, S. 837-856
ISSN: 2707-9597
The article provides a deep analysis of the issues related to the modernization of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU) Secretariat and improvement of the human resources management (HRM) system.
The particular attention is paid to the issue of the elaboration of the new HRM Strategy of the VRU Secretariat, taking into consideration the recommendations of the European and other international organizations. In this regard, it is presented its main objectives, possible actions and key stages for the mentioned Strategy implementation.
It is justified the necessity to study the new innovative HRM tools in order to prepare their implementation in the VRU Secretariat.
At the same time, it is highlighted the necessity to develop the strategic planning in VRU Secretariat. Taking into account the above-mentioned, it is defined the key principles and four strategic goals for further modernization of the VRU Secretariat.
On the basis of the conducted research and the analysis of the international experiences and best practices, it is presented the complex proposals and recommendations regarding increasing the VRU Secretariat institutional capacity (taking into account the recommendations of the European Parliament and other international organizations as well as the main goals of the parliamentary reform to be implemented in Ukraine).
The functioning of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1996–2011). Selected aspects ; Funkcjonowanie Rady Najwyższej Ukrainy (1996–2011). Wybrane aspekty
In the first part of the article, the author deals with the question of the functions of the Ukrainian Parliament, which include constitutional, legislative, budgetary and financial, controlling and creative functions. Then, there are attempts to clarify the meaning of these functions. The author pays particular attention to the importance of the legislative functions of the Verkhovna Rada [Supreme Council]. The next part deals with the issues concerning the structure of the Parliament, including specific responsibilities of various bodies and their functioning. Next, the author refers to the mode of Parliament's operating, sessions, as well as meetings of committees and commissions. He pays special attention to the fact that the competences of the standing committees of the Ukrainian Parliament cover the entirety of public life in this country. The parliamentary factions are also important for the functioning of the Verkhovna Rada. Further, the author examines the status of Members of Parliament, including the issues of formal and substantive immunity. Next, the subject of the consideration includes the duties and powers arising under the mandate of a people's deputy. Another topic touches upon the incompatibility of a deputy's mandate with execution of other public functions. The article is concluded with general remarks which imply that the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada relies on the parliamentary rules used elsewhere. However, what distinguishes the Verkhovna Rada is its unicameralism and corruption problems connected with the functioning of a young democracy. ; In the first part of the article, the author deals with the question of the functions of the Ukrainian Parliament, which include constitutional, legislative, budgetary and financial, controlling and creative functions. Then, there are attempts to clarify the meaning of these functions. The author pays particular attention to the importance of the legislative functions of the Verkhovna Rada [Supreme Council]. The next part deals with the issues concerning the structure of the Parliament, including specific responsibilities of various bodies and their functioning. Next, the author refers to the mode of Parliament's operating, sessions, as well as meetings of committees and commissions. He pays special attention to the fact that the competences of the standing committees of the Ukrainian Parliament cover the entirety of public life in this country. The parliamentary factions are also important for the functioning of the Verkhovna Rada. Further, the author examines the status of Members of Parliament, including the issues of formal and substantive immunity. Next, the subject of the consideration includes the duties and powers arising under the mandate of a people's deputy. Another topic touches upon the incompatibility of a deputy's mandate with execution of other public functions. The article is concluded with general remarks which imply that the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada relies on the parliamentary rules used elsewhere. However, what distinguishes the Verkhovna Rada is its unicameralism and corruption problems connected with the functioning of a young democracy.
Political Dialogue between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Institutional Capacity, Inter-Parliamentary Communication, New Format of Intercommunication)
The article deals with the research of cooperation and political dialogue between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Parliamentary dialogue holds one of the key places in the system of foreign policy. The paper determines that cooperation with the European Parliament will contribute to enhancement of the institutional capacity of the Verkhovna Rada, quality of the legislative process and legislation, of Ukrainian parliamentarism, extension of communication, and facilitate interaction with the public. Regarding the latest news, it appears that cooperation with the legislative body of the European Union has strengthened and moved to a new format of intercommunication.
Political Dialogue between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Institutional Capacity, Inter-Parliamentary Communication, New Format of Intercommunication)
The article deals with the research of cooperation and political dialogue between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Parliamentary dialogue holds one of the key places in the system of foreign policy. The paper determines that cooperation with the European Parliament will contribute to enhancement of the institutional capacity of the Verkhovna Rada, quality of the legislative process and legislation, of Ukrainian parliamentarism, extension of communication, and facilitate interaction with the public. Regarding the latest news, it appears that cooperation with the legislative body of the European Union has strengthened and moved to a new format of intercommunication.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 due to the signing of December 8, 1991 the "Agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States" 15 independent states were formed. New realities pushed Ukraine to the need to develop a fundamentally new legislative framework. The main state body entrusted with that function was the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in whose activities there was no institutional restrictions necessary to regulate political actions, as well as to solve state problems. The Verkhovnaya Rada faced with a problem of building a viable state. It was granted with authority to make law and determine principles of foreign and domestic policy. Legislation of Ukraine defined the foundations for the creation and activities of political parties, the organization and activities of executive bodies and much more. ; После распада Советского Союза в 1991 году, связанного с подписанием 8 декабря 1991 года «Соглашения о создании Содружества Независимых Государств», было образовано 15 независимых государств. Новые реалии столкнули Украину с необходимостью разработки принципиально новой законодательной базы. Основным государственным органом, на который возложена была данная функция, стала Верховная Рада Украины, в деятельности которой не было институциональных ограничений, необходимых для регулирования политических действий, а также для решения проблем, стоящих перед новым государством. Верховная Рада Украины столкнулась с проблемой строительства способного к функционированию государства. У Верховной Рады были такие основные полномочия, как принятие законов, определение принципов внутренней и внешней политики. Законодательство Украины определило основы создания и деятельности политических партий, организацию и деятельность органов исполнительной власти и многое другое.
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the system of subjects of providing the defense of the state ; ВЕРХОВНА РАДА УКРАЇНИ В СИСТЕМІ СУБ'ЄКТІВ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ОБОРОНИ ДЕРЖАВИ
The article investigates modern theoretical approaches and the legislative definition of the place of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine among the subjects of administrative and legal support of the state defense. The functions and powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the system of defense of the state and the question of their classification are considered.The level of ensuring the national security and defense of Ukraine depends primarily on the effectiveness of the functioning of state authorities as actors of defense, a clear division of powers, responsibility and a coherent interaction between them. Among the actors of defense, the key role is played by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which at the legislative level defines the functions and tasks of the subjects of state defense.The administrative and legal status of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a subject of defense should be considered through the availability of respective functions, powers and competencies in the field of defense. In our opinion, the powers of the bodies of public administration as subjects of the defense of Ukraine are a set of rights and obligations established by regulatory and legal acts aimed at the implementation of state policy in the field of defense related to the preparation for armed protection and defense state in case of armed aggression or armed conflict.At the same time, within our competence, we understand the legal definition of the place and role of the state authority in the system of subjects of defense of Ukraine by means of normative consolidation of goals and tasks directed at the implementation of state policy in the field of defense. Legislative function is a priority of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, including as a subject of defense of Ukraine. The Constitution of Ukraine defines the main authority for the implementation by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of this function: the adoption of laws. According to Art. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Defense of Ukraine", the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, within the limits of the powers determined by the Constitution of Ukraine, carries out legislative regulation of the issues of the sphere of defense. Thus, the fundamentals of national security, the organization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the legal regime of martial law and state of emergency are determined exclusively by the laws of Ukraine; the procedure for sending units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to other states, the admission and conditions of stay of armed forces of other countries on the territory of Ukraine are established.On the basis of the analysis, one can propose the following classification of the functions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the system of subjects of defense of the state: 1) general functions: a) legislative (norm-setting); b) constituent (organizational); c) parliamentary control (control); d) planning; 2) special functions: a) representative; b) budgetary and financial; c) foreign policy.Among the functions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the field of defense of the state, the legislative function with the help of which defines the system of defense of the state, the powers of all actors of defense. The effective implementation of the legislative function by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the timely implementation of public relations in the field of defense, in the current conditions of Russian military aggression, is one of the main factors for ensuring the defense of the state and conducting defense reform. ; У статті досліджуються сучасні теоретичні підходи та законодавче визначення місця Верховної Ради України серед суб'єктів адміністративноправового забезпечення оборони держави. Розглядаються функції і повноваження Верховної Ради України у системі забезпечення оборони держави та питання їх класифікації.
Institute of the President under martial law
In: Political Studies, Heft 5, S. 108-122
ISSN: 2786-4782
Traditionally, authorities are formed to ensure the needs of society, guarantees of security and economic opportunities. However as history has proven, as long as there are political ambitions, imperial narratives, and a growing military-industrial complex, there will always be a risk of war or interstate conflicts. That is why basic things are included in the content of the state administration system, which can be used in the conditions of military operations, the emergence of various kinds of conflicts, and at the same time ensure the vital activities of the country. How correct the approaches to the formation of institutions in Ukraine and the mechanisms of their interaction are in this matter, let's try to understand on the example of one of the key institutions of power – the President. The uniqueness and at the same time the complexity of today's situation is that the events are analyzed in the process of their reproduction, there is no ready-made template, and the model of the near future, which should be formed in the post-war period, is not clearly formed and not presented to society. It was necessary to react to the events here and now, when there was no time for discussions, long talking. Martial law is not a period that creates a comfort zone in the political environment. Therefore, at some point, especially in the early days of a full-scale invasion, the President became the figure on whose actions and decisions society awaited. Hence, during the last year, in the conditions of martial law, the president assumed responsibility for the situation in the country. However, the presence of one person in the public sphere does not mean that all the powers and work processes are behind him and take place exactly as the President needs. More and more often we hear about the role of the President's Office in political matters. However, is the power can be monolithic at least within one institution, or do they have enough powers and mechanisms to influence current processes? In the end, what attempts are being made to strengthen the influence on the president and why – we will try to outline in this material.